Poems begining by L
/ page 21 of 128 /Letter From Under The Sea
© Nizar Qabbani
I desire you...so teach me not to desire
teach me...
how to cut the roots of your love from the depths
teach me...
how tears may die in the eyes
and love may commit suicide
Les Phares (The Beacons)
© Charles Baudelaire
Rubens, fleuve d'oubli, jardin de la paresse,
Oreiller de chair fraîche où l'on ne peut aimer,
Mais où la vie afflue et s'agite sans cesse,
Comme l'air dans le ciel et la mer dans la mer;
Lovers And A Reflection
© Charles Stuart Calverley
In moss-prankt dells which the sunbeams flatter
(And heaven it knoweth what that may mean;
Meaning, however, is no great matter)
Where woods are a-tremble with words a-tween.
Last Things
© Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
THERE is no one to do it for me,
But I know what I shall do
When the last dawn breaks o'er me
And the last night is through.
Limerick: There was an old Lady of Winchelsea
© Edward Lear
There was an old Lady of Winchelsea,
Who said, 'If you needle or pin shall see
On the floor of my room,
Sweep it up with the broom!'
- That exhaustive old Lady of Winchelsea!
© Jones Very
IT is not life upon Thy gifts to live,
But, to grow fixed with deeper roots in Thee;
© James Weldon Johnson
Out of the infinite sea of eternity
To climb, and for an instant stand
Upon an island speck of time.
From the impassible peace of the darkness
To wake, and blink at the garish light
Through one short hour of fretfulness.
Lines On Mr. Hodgson Written On Board The Lisbon Packet
© George Gordon Byron
Huzza! Hodgson, we are going,
Our embargo's off at last;
© André Marie de Chénier
_Il faut mettre ceci dans la bouche du poète (qui n'est pas moi)_:
LA CREAZZIONE DER MONNO (The Creation of The World)
© Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli
L'anno che Gesucristo impastò er monno,
Ché pe impastallo già c'era la pasta,
Verde lo vorze fà, grosso e ritonno,
All'uso d'un cocommero de tasta.
Lines On The Death Of Bismarck
© John Jay Chapman
Thought cannot grasp the Cause: 'tis in the abyss
With Nature's secrets. But, gigantic wreck,
Thou wast the Instrument! And thy huge limbs
Cover nine kingdoms as thou lie'st asleep.
Leggetts Monument
© John Greenleaf Whittier
Yes, pile the marble o'er him! It is well
That ye who mocked him in his long stern strife,
Lines On The Anio At Tivoli
© Frances Anne Kemble
One river from the mountain springs was born,
Into three several streams its course was torn.
© John Newton
Hear what the Lord, the great Amen,
The true and faithful Witness says!
He formed the vast creation's plan,
And searches all our hearts and ways.
© Arthur Henry Adams
PEACE, your little child is dead:
Peace, I cannot weep with you;
I have no more tears to shed;
I have mourned my baby too
La Jeune Captive
© André Marie de Chénier
'L'épi naissant mûrit de la faux respecté;
Sans crainte du pressoir, le pampre tout l'été
Boit les doux présents de l'aurore;
Et moi, comme lui belle, et jeune comme lui,
Quoi que l'heure présente ait de trouble et d'ennui,
Je ne veux point mourir encore.
Love and Honor
© William Shenstone
Sed neque Medorum silvae, ditissima terra
Nec pulcher Ganges, atque auro turbidus Haemus,
© Paul Laurence Dunbar
Oh, awful Power whose works repel
The marvel of the earth's designs,--
I 'll hie me otherwhere to dwell,
Arcadia has trolley lines.
© Paul Hamilton Hayne
A GNARLED and massive oak log, shapeless, old,
Hewed down of late from yonder hillside gray,
Grotesquely curved, across our hearthstone lay;
About it, serpent-wise, the red flames rolled