Children poems

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The Joys Of Home

© Edgar Albert Guest

Curling smoke from a chimney low,
And only a few more steps to go,
Faces pressed at a window pane
Watching for someone to come again,
And I am the someone they wait to see--
These are the joys life gives to me.

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The Dinkey Bird

© Eugene Field

In an ocean, 'way out yonder,
(As all sapient people know)
Is the land of Wonder-Wander,
Whither children love to go;

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The delectable ballad of the waller lot

© Eugene Field

Up yonder in Buena Park
There is a famous spot,
In legend and in history
Yclept the Waller Lot.

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© Katharine Tynan

If Thou, Lord God, willest to judge
  This, Thy very piteous clay
Which to save Christ did not grudge
  His last dying, I shall say:
Lord, I interpose Christ's death
'Twixt these children and Thy wrath.

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Hafbur And Signy

© William Morris

It was the King’s son Hafbur
Woke up amid the night,
And ’gan to tell of a wondrous dream
In swift words nowise light.

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Ode to Melancholy

© Mary Darby Robinson

SORC'RESS of the Cave profound!
 Hence, with thy pale, and meagre train,
 Nor dare my roseate bow'r profane,
 Where light-heel'd mirth despotic reigns,
 Slightly bound in feath'ry chains,
 And scatt'ring blisses round.

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Veni, Vidi, Vixi (French & English)

© Victor Marie Hugo

J'ai bien assez vécu, puisque dans mes douleurs
Je marche, sans trouver de bras qui me secourent,
Puisque je ris à peine aux enfants qui m'entourent,
Puisque je ne suis plus réjoui par les fleurs ;

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Abraham Lincoln

© James Russell Lowell

Such was he, our Martyr-Chief,

Whom late the Nation he had led,

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Christmas, 1880

© George MacDonald

Great-hearted child, thy very being The Son,

Who know'st the hearts of all us prodigals;-

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Little Mack

© Eugene Field

This talk about the journalists that run the East is bosh,
We've got a Western editor that's little, but, O gosh!
He lives here in Mizzoora where the people are so set
In ante-bellum notions that they vote for Jackson yet;

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Kangaroo Power

© Henry Lawson

NOW, Yankee inventors can beat a retreat,

And German professors may take a back seat,

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© Eugene Field

Strange that the city thoroughfare,
Noisy and bustling all the day,
Should with the night renounce its care,
And lend itself to children's play!

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Sunday Poetry: Ballade of Lost Objects

© Phyllis McGinley

Prince, I warn you, under the rose,
Time is the thief you cannot banish.
These are my daughters, I suppose.
But where in the world did the children vanish?

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Good-Children Street

© Eugene Field

There's a dear little home in Good-Children street -
My heart turneth fondly to-day
Where tinkle of tongues and patter of feet
Make sweetest of music at play;
Where the sunshine of love illumines each face
And warms every heart in that old-fashioned place.

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Paradise Lost : Book XI.

© John Milton

Thus they, in lowliest plight, repentant stood

Praying; for from the mercy-seat above

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To The Small Celandine

© William Wordsworth

PANSIES, lilies, kingcups, daisies,
Let them live upon their praises;
Long as there's a sun that sets,
Primroses will have their glory;

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The Lion and Albert

© Marriott Edgar

There's a famous seaside place called Blackpool,
That's noted for fresh air and fun,
And Mr and Mrs Ramsbottom
Went there with young Albert, their son.

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Rip Van Winkle. Canto II.

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

So Rip began to look at people’s tongues
And thump their briskets (called it “sound their lungs"),
Brushed up his knowledge smartly as he could,
Read in old Cullen and in Doctor Good.
The town was healthy; for a month or two
He gave the sexton little work to do.

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The Miller Of Dee

© Charles Mackay

There dwelt a miller, hale and bold,

Beside the river Dee;

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The Coming Of Arthur

© Alfred Tennyson

Leodogran, the King of Cameliard,
Had one fair daughter, and none other child;
And she was the fairest of all flesh on earth,
Guinevere, and in her his one delight.