Children poems

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The Dream

© Caroline Norton

Ah! bless'd are they for whom 'mid all their pains
That faithful and unalter'd love remains;
Who, Life wreck'd round them,--hunted from their rest,--
And, by all else forsaken or distress'd,--
Claim, in one heart, their sanctuary and shrine--
As I, my Mother, claim'd my place in thine!

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© Daisy Fried

“I fucked up bad”: Justin cracks his neck,

talking to nobody. Fifteen responsible children,

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Elegy X

© Rainer Maria Rilke

Yet the dead  youth must go on alone.
In silence the elder Lament brings him
as far as the gorge where it shimmers in the moonlight:
The Foutainhead of Joy. With reverance she names it,
saying: "In the world of mankind it is a life-bearing stream."

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Tristram And Iseult

© Matthew Arnold

 Tristram. Is she not come? The messenger was sure—
Prop me upon the pillows once again—
Raise me, my page! this cannot long endure.
—Christ, what a night! how the sleet whips the pane!
 What lights will those out to the northward be?

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Lines From A Letter To A Young Clerical Friend

© John Greenleaf Whittier

A STRENGTH Thy service cannot tire,
A faith which doubt can never dim,
A heart of love, a lip of fire,
O Freedom's God! be Thou to him!

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The Idols

© Robert Laurence Binyon

The Forests of the Night awaken blind in heat
Of black stupor; and stirring in its deep retreat,
I hear the heart of Darkness slowly beat and beat.

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Eden, Then and Now

© Ruth Stone

In ’29 before the dust storms

sandblasted Indianapolis,

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On Summer

© George Moses Horton

Esteville begins to burn;
 The auburn fields of harvest rise;
The torrid flames again return,
 And thunders roll along the skies.

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© Emma Lazarus

THE holy bell, untouched by human hands,
Clanged suddenly, and tolled with solemn knell.
Between the massive, blazoned temple-doors,
Thrown wide, to let the summer morning in,

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The Cloth of the Tempest

© Kenneth Patchen

These of living emanate a formidable light, 

Which is equal to death, and when used 

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Amusing Our Daughters

© John Betjeman

after Po Chü-i,
for Robert Creeley
We don’t lack people here on the Northern coast,
But they are people one meets, not people one cares for. 
So I bundle my daughters into the car
And with my brother poets, go to visit you, brother.

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Eden bower

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

It was Lilith the wife of Adam:

(Sing Eden Bower!)

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The Troubadour. Canto 1

© Letitia Elizabeth Landon

There is a light step passing by
Like the distant sound of music's sigh;
It is that fair and gentle child,
Whose sweetness has so oft beguiled,
Like sunlight on a stormy day,
His almost sullenness away.

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The King Of Candyland

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Have you heard of the king of Candy land?
Well, listen while I sing,
He has pages on every hand,
For he is a mighty king,
And thousands of children bend the knee,
And bow to this ruler of high degree.

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© Sir Henry Parkes

Up go the beautiful and world-watch'd stars,

Lifting the glory of America,

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Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight

© Roald Dahl

(In Springfield, Illinois)
It is portentous, and a thing of state
That here at midnight, in our little town
A mourning figure walks, and will not rest,
Near the old court-house pacing up and down.

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© Joy Harjo

Like Coyote, like Rabbit, we could not contain our terror and clowned our way through a season of false midnights. We had to swallow that town with laughter, so it would go down easy as honey. And one morning as the sun struggled to break ice, and our dreams had found us with coffee and pancakes in a truck stop along Highway 80, we found grace.
I could say grace was a woman with time on her hands, or a white buffalo escaped from memory. But in that dingy light it was a promise of balance. We once again understood the talk of animals, and spring was lean and hungry with the hope of children and corn.
I would like to say, with grace, we picked ourselves up and walked into the spring thaw. We didn’t; the next season was worse. You went home to Leech Lake to work with the tribe and I went south. And, Wind, I am still crazy. I know there is something larger than the memory of a dispossessed people. We have seen it.

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Better or Worse

© Heather McHugh

Daily, the kindergarteners 
passed my porch. I loved 
their likeness and variety, 
their selves in line like little 
monosyllables, but huggable—
I wasn't meant

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Washing Day

© Bliss William Carman

The Muses are turned gossips; they have lost

The buskined step, and clear high-sounding phrase,

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Kneeling With Herrick

© James Whitcomb Riley

Dear Lord, to Thee my knee is bent.--

  Give me content--