The Pastime of Pleasure: Of dysposycyon the II. parte of rethoryke - (til line 4920)

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The copy of the letter. Ca. xxxi.

3951 Right gentyll herte of grene flourynge age
3952 The sterre of beaute and of famous porte
3953 Consyder well that your lusty courage
3954 Age of his cours must at the last transporte
3955 Now trouth of ryght dooth our selfe exorte
3956 That you your youth in ydlenes wyll spende
3957 Withouten pleasure to brynge it to an ende
3958 What was the cause of your creacyon
3959 But man to loue the worlde to multeply
3960 As to sowe the sede of generacyon
3961 With feruent loue so well conuenyently
3962 The cause of loue engendreth perfytely
3963 Vpon an entente of dame Nature
3964 Whiche you haue made so fayre a creature
3965 Than of dame nature what is the entent
3966 But to accomplysshe her fayre sede to sowe
3967 In suche a place as is conuenyent
3968 To goddes pleasure for to encrease and growe
3969 The kynde of her ye may not ouerthrowe
3970 Say what ye lyst ye can nothynge deny
3971 But otherwyle ye thynke full pryuely
3972 What the man is and what he can do
3973 Of chambre werke as nature wyll agre
3974 Though by experyence ye knowe nothynge therto
3975 Yet ofte ye muse and thynke what it may be
3976 Nature prouoketh of her stronge degre
3977 You so to as hath ben her olde guyse
3978 Why well you than the true loue dyspyse
3979 In your courte there is a byll presented
3980 By graunde amoure whose herte in dures
3981 You fast haue fettred not to be absented
3982 Frome your persone with mortall heuynes
3983 His herte and seruyce with all gentylnes
3984 He to you oweth as to be obedyent
3985 For to fulfyll your swete commaundement
3986 What you auayleth your beaute so fayre
3987 Your lusty youthe and gentyll countenaunce
3988 Without that you in your mynde wyll repayre
3989 It for to spende in Ioye and pleasaunce
3990 To folowe the trace of dame natures daunce
3991 And thus in doynge you shall your seruaunt hele
3992 Of his dysease / and hurte you neuer adele
3993 One must you loue it can not be denyed
3994 For harde it is to voyde you of the chaunce
3995 Than loue hym best that you haue so arayed
3996 With fyry chaynes fettred in penaunce
3997 For he is redy without doubtaunce
3998 In euery thynge sor to fulfyll your wyll
3999 And as ye lyst ye may hym saue or spyll
4000 Alas what payne and mortall wo
4001 Were it to you / and ye were in lyke cace
4002 With hym dysmayde whiche you haue rayed so
4003 Wolde you not than thynke it a longe space
4004 In his swete herte to haue a dwellynge place
4005 Than in your mynde ye may reuolue that he
4006 Moost longe do thynke that Ioyfull day to se
4007 Is not he yonge bothe wyse and lusty
4008 And eke descended of the gentyll lyne
4009 What wyll you more haue of hym truly
4010 Than you to serue as true loue wyll enclyne
4011 But as I thynke you do now determyne
4012 To fyxe your mynde for worldly treasure
4013 Though in your youth ye lese your pleasure
4014 Alas remembre fyrst your beaute
4015 Your youthe / your courage / and your tender herte
4016 What payne here after it may to you be
4017 Whan you lacke that whiche is true louers deserte
4018 I tell you this your selfe to conuerte
4019 For lytell knowe ye of this payne ywys
4020 To lyue with hym in whome no pleasure is
4021 Where that is loue there can be no lacke
4022 Fye on that loue for the lande or substaunce
4023 For it must nedes ryght soone abacke
4024 Whan that youth hath no Ioy nor pleasaunce
4025 In the party with natures suffycysaunce
4026 Than wyll you for the synne of aueryche
4027 Vnto your youth do suche a preiudyce
4028 Thus sythen nature hath you well endued
4029 With so moche beaute / and dame grace also
4030 Your vertuous maners hath so moche renued
4031 Exyle dysdayne and let her frome you go
4032 And also straungenes vnto loue the fo
4033 And let no couetyse your true herte subdue
4034 But that in Ioye ye may your youthe ensue
4035 For of I loue the goddes dame Venus
4036 Ryght well to knowe that in the worlde is none
4037 That vnto you shall be more Ioyous
4038 Than graunde amoure that loueth you alone
4039 Syth he so dyde it is many dayes agone
4040 Who euer sawe a fayre yonge herte so harde
4041 Whiche for her sake wolde se her true loue marde
4042 And so shall he without ye take good hede
4043 Yf he so be / ye be cause of the same
4044 For loue with dethe wyll ye rewarde his mede
4045 And yf ye do ye be to moche to blame
4046 To loue vnloued ye knowe it is no game
4047 Wherfore me thynke ye can do no lesse
4048 But with your loue his paynes to redresse
4049 Yf ye do not this may be his songe
4050 Wo worthe the tyme that euer he you met
4051 Wo worthe your herte so doynge hym wronge
4052 Wo worthe the houre that his true herte was set
4053 Wo worthe dysdayne that wolde his purpose let
4054 Wo worthe the floure that can do no bote
4055 Wo worthe you that perst hym at the rote
4056 Wo worthe my loue the cause of my sorowe
4057 Wo worthe my lady that wyll not it releace
4058 Wo worthe fortune bothe euen and morowe
4059 Wo worthe trouble that shall haue no peace
4060 Wo worthe cruelte that may neuer sease
4061 Wo worthe youthe that wyll no pyte haue
4062 Wo worthe her that wyll not her loue saue
4063 Wo worthe the truste without assuraunce
4064 Wo worthe loue rewarded with hate
4065 Wo worthe loue replete with varyaunce
4066 Wo worthe loue without a frendely mate
4067 Wo worthe the herte with loue at debate
4068 Wo worthe the beaute whiche toke me in snare
4069 Wo worthe her that wyll not cease my care
4070 Wo worthe her maners and her goodlynes
4071 Wo worthe her eyes so clere and amyable
4072 Wo worthe suche cause of my grete sekenes
4073 Wo worthe pyte on her not tendable
4074 Wo worthe her mynde in dysdayne so stable
4075 Wo worthe her that hath me fettred faste
4076 And wo worthe loue that I do spende in waste
4077 Wherfore of ryght I pray you to remembre
4078 All that I wryte vnto you ryght nowe
4079 How your true loue is of aege but tendre
4080 His humble seruyce we pray you alowe
4081 And he hym selfe shall euermore enprowe
4082 You for to please and gyue the foueraynte
4083 How can you haue a more true loue than he
4084 And fare ye well there is no more to say
4085 Vnder our sygnet in our courte ryall
4086 Of Septembre the two and twenty day
4087 She closed the letter and to her dyde call
4088 Cupyde her sone so dere and specyall
4089 Commaundynge hym as fast as he myght
4090 To labell pucell for to take his flyght
4091 So dyde Cupyde with the letter flye
4092 Vnto labell pucelles domynacyon
4093 There that he spedde full well and wonderlye
4094 As I shall after make relacyon
4095 But to my mater with breuyacyon
4096 A turtle I offred for to magnefye
4097 Dame Venus hye estate to gloryfye
4098 She me exorted for to be ryght hardy
4099 Forthe on to trauayle and to drede nothynge
4100 I toke my leue of her full humbly
4101 And on my way as I was rydynge
4102 This Godfrey gobylyue came rennynge
4103 With his lytell nagge and cryed tary tary
4104 For I wyll come and bere you company

How Godfraye gobylyue was taken of correccyon & punysshed. Ca. xxxii.

4105 And for bycause that I was than full sadde
4106 And by the waye he made me good game
4107 To haue his company I was somwhat gladde
4108 I was not proude I toke of hym no shame
4109 He came to me and sayd ye are to blame
4110 So to ryde lourynge for a womans sake
4111 Vnto the deuyll I do them all betake
4112 They be not stedfast but chaunge as the mone
4113 Whan one is gone they loue an other sone
4114 Who that is syngle and wyll haue a wyfe
4115 Ryght out of Ioye he shall be brought in stryfe.
4116 Thus whan Godfrey dyde so mery make
4117 There dyde a lady vs sone ouer take
4118 And in her hande she had a knotted whyppe
4119 At euery yerte she made Godfrey to skyppe
4120 Alas he sayd that euer I was borne
4121 Now am I take for all my mocke and scorne
4122 I loked about whan that I herde hym crye
4123 Seynge this lady on her palfray ryde hye
4124 Madame I sayd I pray you me tell
4125 Your propre name and where that ye dwell
4126 My name quod she is called correccyon
4127 And the toure of chastyse is my mancyon
4128 This stronge these called false reporte
4129 With vylayne courage and an other sorte
4130 And vyle perlers false coniecture
4131 All these I had in pryson full sure
4132 But this false reporte hath broken pryson
4133 With his subtyll crafte and euyll treason
4134 And this Iourney pryuyly to spede
4135 He hath cladde hym in this foles wede
4136 Now haue I answered you your questyon
4137 And I pray you of a lyke solucyon
4138 You seme me thynke for to be a knyght
4139 I pray you tell me fyrst your name a ryght
4140 My name quod I is la graunde amoure
4141 A well quod she you are the perfyte floure
4142 Of all true louers as I do well knowe
4143 You shall atteyne la belle pucell I trowe
4144 I knowe ryght well ye are aduenturous
4145 Onwarde your way to the toure peryllous
4146 And for asmoche as the nyght is nere
4147 I humbly pray you for to take the chere
4148 That I may make you in my toure this nyght
4149 It is here by you shall of it haue syght
4150 And I pray you to helpe me to bynde
4151 This false reporte as you sholde do by kynde
4152 What Godfrey quod I wyll ye chaunge your name
4153 Nay nay quod he it was for no shame
4154 But alas for wo that she hath me taken
4155 I must obey it can not be forsaken
4156 His fete were fettred vnder nethe his nagge
4157 And bounde his handes behynde to his bagge
4158 Thus correccyon with her whyp dyde dryue
4159 The lytell nagge with Godfrey gobylyue
4160 Tyll at the last we gan to approche
4161 Her ryall toure vpon a craggy roche
4162 The nyght was come for it was ryght late
4163 Yet ryght anone we came vnto the gate
4164 Where we were lete in by dame mesure
4165 That was a fayre and a goodly creature
4166 And so correccyon brought me to the hall
4167 Of gete well wrought glased with crystall
4168 The rofe was golde and a myddes was sette
4169 A carbuncle that was large and grette
4170 Whose vertue clere in the hall so bryght
4171 About dyde cast a grete meruaylous lyght
4172 So forthe we wente in to a chambre fayre
4173 Where many ladyes dyde them selfe repayre
4174 And at our comynge than incontynent
4175 They welcomed vs as was conuenyent
4176 But of correccyon they were very gladde
4177 Whiche false reporte agayne taken hadde
4178 There was quene Panthasyle with penalape
4179 Quene Helayne / and quene menalape
4180 Quene Ithesyle and quene procerpyne
4181 The lady Meduse and yonge Polyxyne
4182 With many mo that I do not reherce
4183 My tyme is shorte I must fro them reuerce
4184 And dame correccyon into a chambre ledde
4185 Me ryght anone for to go to my bedde
4186 What nede I shewe of my grete chere and rest
4187 I wanted nought but had all of the best
4188 And so I slepte tyll that aurora clere
4189 Began to shyne a myddes her golden spere
4190 Than vp I rose and my verlet also
4191 Whiche made me redy and to my stede dyde go
4192 And dame correccyon at this morowe tyde
4193 Dyde me entrete a whyle to abyde
4194 And ryght anone my brekefast was brought
4195 To make me chere there wanted ryght nought
4196 And after this dame correccyon
4197 Dyde lede me to a meruaylous dongeon
4198 And fyrst she ledde me to the vpper warde
4199 Where shamefastenes dyde vs well regarde
4200 For he was Iayler and had at his charge
4201 Euery rebell not for to go at large
4202 In the fyrst warde there wente to and fro
4203 Bothe men and women that myght no ferther go
4204 But yet they hoped for to haue releue
4205 Of theyr impryson whiche dyde them so greue
4206 These prysoners whan true loue was meued
4207 They wolde dryue of and not release the greued
4208 And for this cause by egall Iugement
4209 Lyke as they dyde here hath they punysshement
4210 And shamefastnes lower dyde vs brynge
4211 Where we sawe men that were in tormentynge
4212 With many ladyes that theyr mouthes gagged
4213 And fals reporte on me his heed wagged
4214 Than ryght anone a lady gan to scrape
4215 His furde tonge that he cryed lyke an ape
4216 And vyle peller in lyke wyse also
4217 His tonge was scraped that he suffred wo
4218 And yet we wente in to a deper vale
4219 Where I sawe men that were in grete bale
4220 In holly busshes they dyde hange a lofte
4221 Theyr hedes downewarde for to fall vnsofte
4222 And two ladyes dyde theyr bodyes bete
4223 With knotted whyppes in the flesshe to frete
4224 That the desyre it sholde sone a swage
4225 And specyally of the vylayne courage
4226 These men with sugred mouthes so eloquente
4227 A maydens herte coude ryght soone relēte
4228 And these yonge maydens for to take in snare
4229 They fayne grete wo and for to suffre care
4230 The folysshe maydens dyde byleue they smarted
4231 That to theyr wyll the men them conuerted
4232 Thus whan that they had them so begyled
4233 And with theyr fraude these maydens defyled
4234 They cast them of they toke no lenger kepe
4235 Go where ye lyst though they crye and wepe
4236 Therfore these ladyes with theyr whyppes harde
4237 Theyr bodyes bete that theyr bodyes hath marde
4238 And euery man as he hath deserued
4239 A payne there is whiche is for hym obserued
4240 Thus whan I had all the pryson sene
4241 With the tourmente of many a one I wene
4242 And forthe we wente agayne to the hall
4243 My stede was redy and brought to the wall
4244 And of the ladyes clere in excellence
4245 I toke my leue with all due reuerence
4246 And thanked correccyon with my herte entere
4247 Of my repose and of her louynge chere
4248 To me she sayd remembre you well
4249 Of the swete beaute of Labelle pucell
4250 Whan you her herte in fettres haue chayned
4251 Lete her haue yours in lyke wyse retayned
4252 Loke that your herte / your worde / and countenaunce
4253 Agre all in one withouten varyaunce
4254 Yf she for pyte do release your payne
4255 Consyder it and loue her best agayne
4256 Be true and secrete and make none aduaunte
4257 Whan you of loue haue a perfyte graunte
4258 And yf ye wyll come vnto your wyll
4259 Bothe here and se and than holde you styll
4260 Drede you nothynge but take a good herte
4261 For ryght soone after you frome hens departe
4262 Ryght hygh aduentures vnto you shall fall
4263 In tyme of fyght vnto your mynde than call
4264 Yf you preuayle you shall attayne the fame
4265 Of hye honoure to certefye the same
4266 And therwith I lyght vpon my stede
4267 Madame I sayd I pray god do you mede
4268 Fare well she sayd for you must now hens
4269 Adue quod I with all my dylygens.

How graunde amoure dyscomfyted the gyaunt with thre hedes & was receyued of thre fayre ladyes. Ca. xxxiij.

4270 Whan golden Phebus in the Caprycorne
4271 Gan to ascende fast vnto aquary
4272 And Ianus byfrus y&supere; crowne had worne
4273 With his frosty berde in Ianuary
4274 Whan clere Dyana Ioyned with mercury
4275 The crystyall ayre and asured fyrmamente
4276 Were all depured without encumbremente
4277 Forthe than I rode at myne owne aduenture
4278 Ouer the mountaynes and the craggy rockes
4279 To beholde the countrees I had grete pleasure
4280 Where corall growed by ryght hye stockes
4281 And the popyngayes in the tre toppes
4282 Than as I rode I sawe me beforne
4283 Besyde a welle hange bothe a shelde and a horne
4284 Whan I came there / adowne my stede I lyght
4285 And the fayre bugle I ryght well behelde
4286 Blasynge the armes as well as I myghte
4287 That was so grauen vpon the goodly shelde
4288 Fyrst all of syluer dyde appere the felde
4289 With a rampynge lyon of fyne golde so pure
4290 And vnder the shelde there was this scrypture
4291 Yf ony knyght that is aduenturous
4292 Of his grete pryde dare the bugle blowe
4293 There is a gyaunte bothe fyerce and rygoryous
4294 That with his myght shall hym soone ouerthrowe
4295 This is the waye as ye shall now knowe
4296 To la belle pucell but withouten fayle
4297 The sturdy gyaunte wyll gyue you batayle
4298 Whan I the scrypture ones or twyes hadde redde
4299 And knewe therof all the hole effecte
4300 I blewe the horne without ony drede
4301 And toke good herte all fere to abiecte
4302 Makynge me redy for I dyde suspecte
4303 That the grete gyaunte vnto me wolde hast
4304 Whan he had herde me blowe so loude a blast
4305 I alyght anone vpon my gentyll stede
4306 Aboute the well then I rode to and fro
4307 And thought ryght well vpon the Ioyfull mede
4308 That I sholde haue after my payne and wo
4309 And of my lady I dyde thynke also
4310 Tyll at the last my varlet dyde me tell
4311 Take hede quod he here is a fende of hell
4312 My greyhoundes leped and my stede dyde sterte
4313 My spere I toke and dyde loke aboute
4314 With hardy courage I dyde arme my herte
4315 At last I fawe a sturdy gyaunte stoute
4316 Twelue fote of length to fere a grete route
4317 Thre hedes he had and he armed was
4318 Bothe hedes and boody all aboute with bras
4319 Vpon his fyrst hede in his helmet creest
4320 There stode a fane of the sylke so fyne
4321 Where was wryten with letters of the best
4322 My name is falshed I shall cause enclyne
4323 Myn neyghboures goodes for to make them myne
4324 Alwaye I gete theyr lande or substaunce
4325 With subtyll fraude deceyte or varyaunce
4326 And whan a knyght with noble chyualry
4327 Of la belle pucell sholde attayne the grace
4328 With my grete falshed I werke so subtylly
4329 That in her herte she hath no dwellynge place
4330 Thus of his purpose I do lete the cace
4331 This is my power and my condycyon
4332 Loue to remoue by a grete yllusyon
4333 And of the seconde hede in a sylken tassell
4334 There I sawe wryten ymagynacyon
4335 My crafty wytte is withouten fayle
4336 Loue for to brynge in perturbacyon
4337 Where la belle pucell wolde haue affeccyon
4338 To graunde amoure I shall a tale deuyse
4339 To make her hate hym and hym to despyse
4340 By my fals wytte so moche ymagynatyfe
4341 The trouthe full ofte I brynge in dysease
4342 Where as was peas I cause to be stryfe
4343 I wyll suffre no man for to lyue in ease
4344 For yf by fortune he wyll be dysplease
4345 I shall of hym ymagyn suche a tale
4346 That out of Ioy it shall torne in to bale
4347 And on the thyrde hede in a stremer grene
4348 There was wryten my name is pariury
4349 In many a towne I am knowen as I wene
4350 Where as I lyst I do grete Iniury
4351 And do forswere my selfe full wrongfully
4352 Of all thynges I do hate conscyence
4353 But I loue lucre with all dylygence
4354 Betwene two louers I do make debate
4355 I wyll so swere that they thynke I am true
4356 For euer falshed with his owne estate
4357 To a lady cometh and sayth to eschewe
4358 An inconuenyence that ye do not rue
4359 Your loue is nought ymagynacyon knoweth
4360 I swere in lykewyse and anone she troweth
4361 That we haue sayd is of veray trouthe
4362 Her loue she casteth ryght clene out of mynde
4363 That with her loue she is wonderly wrothe
4364 With fayned kyndnes we do her so blynde
4365 Than to her louer she is full vnkynde
4366 Thus our thre powers were Ioyned in one
4367 In this myghty gyaunt many dayes a gone
4368 And whan that I had seen euery thynge
4369 My spere I charged that was veray grette
4370 And to this gyaunt so fyersly comynge
4371 I toke my course that I with hym mette
4372 Brekynge my spere vpon his fyrst helmet
4373 And ryght anone adowne my stede I lyght
4374 Draw&ybar;ge my swerde that was fayre and bryght
4375 Yclypped Claraprudence that was fayre and sure
4376 At the gyaunte I stroke with all my valyaunce
4377 But he my strokes myght ryght well endure
4378 He was so grete and huge of puysaunce
4379 His glayue he dyde agaynst me aduaunce
4380 Whiche was .iiij. fote and more of cuttynge
4381 And as he was his stroke dyschargynge
4382 Bycause his stroke was heuy to bere
4383 I lepte a syde frome hym full quyckely
4384 And to hym I ranne without ony fere
4385 Whan he had dyscharged agayne full lyghtly
4386 He rored loude and sware I sholde abye
4387 But what for that I stroke at hym fast
4388 And he at me but I was not agast
4389 But as he faught he had a vauntage
4390 He was ryght hye and I vnder hym lowe
4391 Tyll at the last with lusty courage
4392 Vpon the syde I gaue hym suche a blowe
4393 That I ryght nere dyde hym ouerthrowe
4394 But ryght anone he dyde his myght enlarge
4395 That vpon me he dyde suche strokes dyscharge
4396 That I vnneth myght make resystence
4397 Agaynst his power for he was so stronge
4398 I dyde defende me agaynst his vyolence
4399 And thus the batayle dured full ryght longe
4400 Yet euermore I dyde thynke amonge
4401 Of la belle pucell whome I sholde attayne
4402 After my batayles to release my payne
4403 And as I loked I sawe than auale
4404 Fayre golden Phebus with his beames rede
4405 Than vp my courage I began to hale
4406 Whiche nyghe before was agone and dede
4407 My swerde so entred that the gyaunt blede
4408 And with my strokes I cut of anone
4409 One of his legges amyddes the thye bone
4410 Than to the grounde he adowne dyde fall
4411 And vpon me he gan to loure and glum
4412 Enforcynge hym so for to ryse with all
4413 But that I shortely vnto hym dyde cum
4414 With his thre hedes he spytte all his venum
4415 And I with my swerde as fast as coude be
4416 With all my force cut of his hedes thre
4417 Whan I had so obtayned the vyctory
4418 Vnto me than my varlet well sayd
4419 You haue demeaned you well and worthely
4420 My greyhoundes lepte and my stede than brayde
4421 And than frome ferre I sawe well arayde
4422 To me come rydynge thre ladyes ryght swete
4423 Forthe than I rode and dyde with them mete
4424 The fyrst of them was called veryte
4425 And the seconde good operacyon
4426 The thyrde also clypped fydelyte
4427 All they at ones with good opynyon
4428 Dyde gyue to me grete laudacyon
4429 And me beseched with theyr herte entere
4430 With them to rest and to make good chere
4431 I graunted them and than backewarde we rode
4432 The myghty gyaunte to se and beholde
4433 Whose huge body was more than fyue carte lode
4434 Whiche lay there bledynge that was almoost colde
4435 They for his dethe dyde thanke me many a folde
4436 For he to them was enmy mortall
4437 Wherfore his thre hedes they toke in specyall
4438 And than veryte on the fyrst fane
4439 Dyde sette a lofte of falshode the hede
4440 And good operacyon in lykewyse had tane
4441 Of ymagynacyon that full sore than bledde
4442 Vpon his hede alofte vpon his baner rede
4443 And in lyke wyse fydelyte had serued
4444 Periuryes hede as he had well deserued
4445 And with swete songes and swete armony
4446 Before me they rode to theyr fayre castel!
4447 So forthe I rode with grete Ioy and glory
4448 Vnto the place where these ladyes dyde dwell
4449 Sette on rocke besyde a sprynge or a well
4450 And fayre obseruaunce the goodly portres
4451 Dyde vs receyue with solempne gladnes
4452 Than to a chambre that was very bryght
4453 They dyde me lede for to take myn ease
4454 After my trouble and my grete sturdy fyght
4455 But thre woundes I had causynge my dysease
4456 My payne and wo they dyde soone appease
4457 And heled my woundes with salue aromatyke
4458 Tellynge me of a grete gyaunt lunatyke
4459 Whose name truely was called varyaunce
4460 Whome I sholde mete after my departynge
4461 These ladyes vnto me dyde grete pleasaunce
4462 And in meane whyle as we were talkynge
4463 For me my souper was in ordenynge
4464 Thus whan by temperunce it was prepared
4465 And than to it we wente and ryght well fared
4466 Tell me quod veryte yf you be content
4467 What is your name so hye aduenturous
4468 And who that you in to this coste hath sent
4469 Madame I sayd I was so amorous
4470 Of la belle pucell so fayre and beauteuous
4471 La graunde amoure truely is my name
4472 Whiche seke aduentures to attayne the fame
4473 Aha quod she I thought asmoche before
4474 That you were he for your grete hardynes
4475 La belle pucell must loue you euermore
4476 Whiche for her sake in your hye nobles
4477 Dooth suche actes by chyualrous exces
4478 Her gentyll herte may nothynge deny
4479 To rewarde your mede with loue full feruently
4480 Thus dyde we passe tyme in all maner of Ioye
4481 I lacketh nothynge that myght make me solace
4482 But euermore as noble Troylus of Troye
4483 Full ofte I thought on my fayre ladyes face
4484 And her to se / a moche lenger space
4485 Whan tyme was come to rest I was brought
4486 All to me longynge there lacked ryght nought
4487 What sholde I wade by perambulucyon
4488 My tyme is shorte and I haue ferre to sayle
4489 Vnto the lande of my conclusyon
4490 The wynde is eest ryght slowe without fayle
4491 To blowe my shyppe of dylygent trauayle
4492 To the laste ende of my mater troublous
4493 With wawes enclosed so tempestyous
4494 Ryght in the morowe whan Aurora clere
4495 Her radyaunt beames began for to sprede
4496 And splendent Phebus in his golden spere
4497 The crystall ayre dyde make fayre and rede
4498 Derke Dyane declynynge pale as ony lede
4499 Whan the lytell byrdes swetely dyde synge
4500 Laudes to theyr maker erly in the mornynge

How he mette with Perceyueraunce / & reposed hyz in the manoyr place of dame comforte. Ca. xxxiij.

4501 Vp I arose and dyde make me redy
4502 For I thought longe vnto my iourneys ende
4503 My greyhoundes lepte on me ryght meryly
4504 To chere me forwarde they dyde condyscende
4505 And the thre ladyes my chere to amende
4506 A good brekefast dyde for me ordayne
4507 They were ryght gladde the gyaunt was slayne
4508 I toke my leue and on my way I rode
4509 Thorrugh the wodes and on rokkes hye
4510 I loked about and on the hyll abode
4511 Tyll in the vale I sawe full hastely
4512 To me come rydynge a lady sykerly
4513 I well behelde the hye way so vsed
4514 But of this lady ryght often I mused
4515 Tyll at the last we dyde mete to gyder
4516 Madame I sayd the hye god you saue
4517 She thanked me and dyde axe me wheder
4518 That I so rode and what I wolde haue
4519 Truly quod I nothynge ellys I craue
4520 Of the hye god but to be so fortunate
4521 La belle pucelle to haue to my mate
4522 What is your name than sayd she
4523 La grounde amoure forsothe madame quod I
4524 Than was she glad as ony one myghte be
4525 And sayd she was sente fro myn owne lady
4526 Tydynges I sayd I pray you hertely
4527 Your lady quod she is in perfyte helthe
4528 And wolde be gladde to here of your welthe
4529 She promysed you in a gardyn grene
4530 To loue you best of ony creature
4531 So dooth she yet as I thynke and wene
4532 Though that dysdayne brought her to her lure
4533 But of her herte nowe you shall be sure
4534 Be of good chere and for nothynge dysmaye
4535 I spake with her but now this other daye
4536 And she my selfe vnto you hath sente
4537 My name is called dame Perceueraunce
4538 A lytell before that I frome her wente
4539 To her came Cupyde with grete cyrcumstaunce
4540 And brought a letter of Venus ordenaunce
4541 Whiche vnto her he dyde anone presente
4542 Whan she it redde and knewe the entente
4543 All inwardly full wonderly dysmayed
4544 Withouten worde she dyde stonde ryght styll
4545 Her harded herte was full well declayed
4546 What for to do she knewe not good or yll
4547 You for to helpe or lete you so spyll
4548 Dysdayne and straungenes dyde stonde then therby
4549 Seynge her countenaunce they gan to drawe ny
4550 Madame quod they why are you so sadde
4551 Alas quod she it is no meruayle why
4552 Ryght nowe of Cupyde a letter I hadde
4553 Sent fro Venus full ryght merueylously
4554 By whiche I haue perceyued vtterly
4555 That a yonge knyght called graunde amoure
4556 Dooth for my sake suffre suche doloure
4557 That of constraynte of wofull heuynes
4558 He is nere deed all only for my sake
4559 Shall he now dye or shall I hym reles
4560 Of his grete wo and to my mercy take
4561 Abyde quod straungenes and your sorowe slake
4562 Haue you hym sene in ony tyme before
4563 Yes yes quod she that doth my wo restore
4564 At pentycost nowe many dayes agone
4565 Musyke to here at grete solempnyte
4566 To and fro he walked hym selfe all alone
4567 In a grete temple of olde antyquyte
4568 Tyll that by fortune he had aspyed me
4569 And ryghte anone or that I was ware
4570 To me he came I knewe nought of his care
4571 He semyd gentyll his maners ryght good
4572 I behelde ryght well all his condycyon
4573 Humble of chere and of goodly mode
4574 But I thought nothynge of his afflyccyon
4575 But his hauoyr shewed the occasyon
4576 Of seruente loue as than in myn entente
4577 I ofte dyde deme and gyue a Iugemente
4578 So after this I dyde than sone departe
4579 Home to my countree where I dyde abyde
4580 Whan I was gone full heuy was his herte
4581 As Cupyde sayth I must for hym prouyde
4582 A gentyll remedy at this sodayne tyde
4583 And for my sake he is aduenturous
4584 To subdue myn enmyes contraryous
4585 A quod dysdayne knowe ye his substaunce
4586 Why wyll you loue suche a one as he
4587 Though he seme gentyll and of good gouernaunce
4588 You shall haue one of ferre hyer degre
4589 He is nothynge mete as it semeth me
4590 To be your fere your fauoure to attayne
4591 What is it to you though he suffre payne
4592 Coude your selfe lete his eyen to haue a syght
4593 Of your beaute or his herte to be sette
4594 What skylleth you though that he dye this nyght
4595 You called hym not whan he with you mette
4596 And he wyll loue you / ye can not hym lette
4597 Be as be may ye shall haue myn assente
4598 Hym for to forsake as is moost expedyente
4599 Alas madame than sayd dame straungenes
4600 Whan he cometh hyder your courage abate
4601 Loke hye vpon hym be ware of mekenes
4602 And thynke that you shall haue an hye astate
4603 Lete not graunde amoure say to you chekmate
4604 Be straunge vnto hym as ye knowe nothynge
4605 The perfyte cause of his true comynge
4606 And in meane whyle came to her presence
4607 Dame peas and mercy and to her they sayde
4608 Alas madame consyder your excellence
4609 And how your beaute hath hym so arayed
4610 Yf thou haue hym ye may be well apayed
4611 And doubte thou not yf that ye loue for loue
4612 God wyll sende ryches to come to your aboue
4613 Wyll you for loue lete hym dye or perysshe
4614 Whiche loueth you so with seruente desyre
4615 And you your selfe may his sorow mynysshe
4616 That with your beaute set his herte a fyre
4617 Your swete lokes dyde his herte enspyre
4618 That of fyne force he must to you obey
4619 To lyue or dye there is no more to say
4620 Alas quod pease wyll ye lete hym endure
4621 In mortall payne withouten remedy
4622 Sythen his herte you haue so tane in cure
4623 Your hasty dome loke that ye modefy
4624 Exyle dysdayne and straungenes shortely
4625 And sende perceueraunce as fast as ye may
4626 To comforte hym in his troublous Iourney
4627 Than in her mynde she gan to reuolue
4628 The louynge wordes of mercy and peace
4629 Her hardy herte she gan for to dyssolue
4630 And inwardly she dyde to me releace
4631 Her perfyte loue my grete payne to ceace
4632 And dyde exyle than frome her to wyldernes
4633 Bothe dame dysdayne and eke dame straungenes
4634 And dyde me sende to you incontynent
4635 With this goodly shelde that ye sholde it were
4636 For her swete sake as is conuenyent
4637 It is sure ye shall not nede to fere
4638 The stroke of swerde or yet the grate of spere
4639 She prayeth you for to be of good chere
4640 Aboue all men ye are to her moost dere
4641 Now sayd perceueraunce I pray you repose
4642 This longe nyght with my cosyn comforte
4643 A gentyll lady as ony may suppose
4644 She can you tell and also well exorte
4645 Of la belle pucell with a true reporte
4646 I thanked her of her grete goodnes
4647 And so we rode with Ioye and gladnes
4648 Tyll that we came vnto a manoyr place
4649 Moted aboute vnder a wood syde
4650 Alyght she sayd for by ryght longe space
4651 In payne and wo you dyde euer abyde
4652 After an ebbe there cometh a flowynge tyde
4653 So downe I lyght frome my goodly stede
4654 After my payne to haue rest for my mede
4655 Than dame perceueraunce on the way me ledde
4656 In to the place where dyde vs gentylly mete
4657 The lady comforte without ony dredde
4658 With countenaunce that was demure and swete
4659 In goodly maner she dyde vs than grete
4660 Ledynge vs to a chambre precyous
4661 Dulcet of odoure and moost solacyous
4662 And preuely she axed a questyon
4663 Of perceueraunce what I called was
4664 La graunde amoure without abusyon
4665 Cosyn quod she he dooth all louers pas
4666 Lyke as dooth Phebus in the pured glas
4667 So dooth his dedes extoll the soueraynte
4668 Of the derke gyauntes by hye auctoryte
4669 Whan she it knewe she was of me ryght fayne
4670 Nothynge I lacked that was to my pleasaunce
4671 After my trauayle and my wofull payne
4672 Good meet and drynke I had to sustenaunce
4673 We sate togyder by longe contynuaunce
4674 But euermore comforte gaue exortacyon
4675 To me of pacyence in trybulacyon
4676 Thynke well quod she that in the worlde is none
4677 Whiche can haue pleasure without wo and care
4678 Ioye cometh after whan the payne is gone
4679 Was neuer man that was deuoyde or bare
4680 Alway of Ioye after his wofull snare
4681 Who knoweth payne and hath ben in trouble
4682 After his wo his Ioye is to hym double
4683 It may so fortune that la belle pucell
4684 Hath dyuers frendes that be not contente
4685 That her fauour ye sholde attayne so well
4686 For you of them she may often be shente
4687 But what for that she shall not her repente
4688 And yf her frendes be with you angry
4689 Suffre theyr wordes and take it pacyently
4690 Agaynst theyr yll do vnto theym good
4691 Theym for to please be alwaye dylygente
4692 So shall you swage the tempestyous flood
4693 Of theyr stormy myndes so impacyente
4694 And inwardly they shall theym selfe repente
4695 That they to you haue contraryous
4696 In suche fyry angry hote and furyous
4697 Thus by your wysdome ye shall them so wynne
4698 Vnto your frendes that dyde you so hate
4699 For it is reason you sholde obey youre kynne
4700 As by obedyence bothe erly and late
4701 Make theym your frendes withoute the debate
4702 For euermore the spyryte of pacyence
4703 Doth ouercome the angry vyolence
4704 Be hardy bolde and also couragyous
4705 For after that ye be gone frome hence
4706 You shall mete with a gyaunte rygoryous
4707 Hauynge seuen hedes of yll experyence
4708 You shall subdue hym with your prudence
4709 And other aduētures shall vnto you fall
4710 Whiche fame shall cause to be memoryall
4711 Whan it was tyme I was brought to bedde
4712 So all the longe nyght I endured in rest
4713 With suche a slouthe I taken was my hedde
4714 That my softe pylowe I founde a good gest
4715 For longe before I was so opprest
4716 With inwarde trouble that I myght not slepe
4717 But ofte wake and fygh with teres depe.

How he vaynquysshed a gyaunt / with seuen heedes and was receyued of .vii. ladyes. ca. xxxv.

4720 Whan mornynge cam vp anone I rose
4719 And armed me as fast as I myght
4720 Forthe for to trauayle vnto my purpose
4721 I toke my leue and on my stede I lyght
4722 Thankyng dame cōforte of her y&supert; nyght
4723 Se with perseueraunce in my company
4724 Forthe on the waye we rode full merely
4725 Ouer the hethe tyll we sawe frome ferre
4726 A ryall castell ryhgt strongly fortefyed
4727 Bulwerke aboute accustomed for warre
4728 On a craggy roche it was so edyfyed
4729 Walled with gete so clerely puryfyed
4730 To whiche we rode and drewe nere and nere
4731 Tyll in our syght dyde openly apere
4732 A myghty gyaunt .xv. fote of length
4733 With hedes seuen and armed full sure
4734 He semed well to be a man of strength
4735 Than quod perceraunce ye must put in vre
4736 This daye your power in honoure to endure
4737 Agaynst this gyaunt your mortall enemy
4738 Be of good chere you shall haue vyctory
4739 Besyde this gyaunt vpon euery tre
4740 I dyde se hange many a goodly shelde
4741 Of noble knyghtes that were of hye degre
4742 Whiche he had slayne and murdred in the felde
4743 Frome ferre this gyaunt I ryght well behelde
4744 And towarde hym as I rode my way
4745 On his fyrst hede I sawe a baner gay
4746 Wherin was wryten dyssymulacyon
4747 Whose nature false is full of flatery
4748 That vnder a fayned commendacyon
4749 Can cloke a mocke and fraude full subtylly
4750 So dooth he loue deceyue ofte pryuely
4751 For the blynde loue dooth perceyue ryght nought
4752 That vnder hony the poyson is wrought
4753 And the seconde hede was a baner blewe
4754 In whiche was wryten in letters ryght whyte
4755 Delay my name is that can longe eschewe
4756 A true louer with my fatall respyte
4757 That loue for loue shall not hym acquyte
4758 For euermore I lye ofte in awayte
4759 Loue to delay and caste hym frome consayte
4760 On the thyrde heed in a baner square
4761 All of reed was wryten dyscomforte
4762 Causynge a louer for to drowne in care
4763 That he of loue shall haue no reporte
4764 But lokes hye his herte to transporte
4765 And I my selfe shall hym so assayle
4766 That he in loue shall nothynge preuayle
4767 On the fourthe heed on the helmet creste
4768 There was a stremer ryght whyte large and longe
4769 Where on was wryten with byse of the beste
4770 My name is varyaunce that euer amonge
4771 The mynde of loue dooth chaunge with grete wronge
4772 That a true louer can not be certayne
4773 Loue for his mede ryght stedfast to retayne
4774 And yet a lofte on the fyfte helmet
4775 In a blacke baner was wryten enuy
4776 Whose herte euer inwardly is fret
4777 Whan graunde amoure sholde attayne his lady
4778 He museth ofte in hym selfe inwardly
4779 To let the lady for to sette her herte
4780 On graund amoure for to release his smerte
4781 In a russet baner on the .vj. hede
4782 There was wryten this worde detraccyon
4783 That can open in a couerte stede
4784 His subtyll male replete with treason
4785 To cause a lady to haue suspeccyon
4786 Vnto her true louer with his bytter tale
4787 That she her loue frome hym than dyde hale
4788 On the .vij. hede in a baner of ryches
4789 Was wryten with letters all of grewe
4790 My name truely is called doublenes
4791 Whiche I do owe vnto all ladyes trewe
4792 At a tyme vnware my dette shall be dewe
4793 To graunde amoure for to make hym repente
4794 That he his loue on la belle pucell spente
4795 Whan in my mynde I had well agregate
4796 Euery thynge that I in hym had sene
4797 Bothe of his heed and of his hye estate
4798 I called for helpe vnto the heuen quene
4799 The day was fayre the sonne was bryghte and shene
4800 Besyde a ryuer and a craggy roche
4801 This gyaunt was whiche spyed me approche
4802 He hurtled aboute and kest his shelde afore
4803 And toke his axe of myghty fortytude
4804 That was of length .xx. fote and more
4805 Whiche he had vsed by longe consuetude
4806 To daunce true louers and theyr power exclude
4807 I toke my spere and dyde it well charge
4808 And with hardynes I made my force enlarge
4809 I toke my course and to the gyaunte ranne
4810 On his seconde hede brekynge than a sonder
4811 My myghty spere that he to rore beganne
4812 With so bace a crye that I had grete wonder
4813 His seuen hedes so rored lyke the thonder
4814 Ryght frome my stede I lyght to the grounde
4815 And drewe clara prudence that was hole and founde
4816 The myghty gyaunte his axe dyde vplyfte
4817 Vpon my hede that the stroke sholde fall
4818 But I of hym was full ware and swyfte
4819 I lepte a syde so that the stroke withall
4820 In the grounde lyghted besyde a stone wall
4821 Thre fote and more / and anone than I
4822 Dyde lepe vnto hym strykynge full quyckly
4823 But aboue me he had suche altytude
4824 That I at hym coude haue no full stroke
4825 He stroke at me with many strokes rude
4826 And called me boye and gaue me many a mocke
4827 At the last he sayd I shall gyue the a knocke
4828 That with thy braynes I shall the trees depaynte
4829 Abyde quod I thou shalte be fyrst full faynte
4830 And ryght anone I by me espyed
4831 On the rockes syde .xij. steppes full sure
4832 And than ryght fast I vpon theym hyed
4833 That we were bothe aboute one stature
4834 My strength I doubled and put so in vre
4835 The grete strokes that I cut of anone
4836 Syxe of his hedes leuynge hym but one
4837 Whan he felte hymselfe hurte so greuously
4838 He stretched hym vp and lyfte his axe a lofte
4839 Strykynge at me with strokes wonderly
4840 But I full swyftely dyde gyue backe full ofte
4841 For to deuoyde his grete strokes vnsofte
4842 Whan he sawe this he thought hym forlore
4843 With a hydeous voyce he began to tore
4844 The batayle dured bytwene vs ryght longe
4845 Tyll I sawe Phebus declynynge full lowe
4846 I auaunced my swerde that was sure and stronge
4847 And with my myghte I gaue hym suche a blowe
4848 On his seuen hedes that he dyde ouerthrowe
4849 Whan he was downe he gan to crye and yell
4850 Full lyke a serpente or a fende of hell
4851 Whan I sawe this as fast as myghte be
4852 Adowne I came and dyde then vnlace
4853 His seuenth helmet ryght ryche for to se
4854 And hym beheded in a ryght shorte space
4855 And than full soone there came to the place
4856 Perseueraunce and my varlet also
4857 Alas they sayde we were for you ryght wo
4858 But we were glad whan ye had forsaken
4859 The lowe vale and vp the craggy fayre
4860 For your aduauntage the hye waye had taken
4861 Thus as we talked we dyde se ladyes fayre
4862 Seuen in nombre that were debonaryre
4863 Vpon whyte palfreys eche of them dyde ryde
4864 To vs ryght gentylly frome the castell syde
4865 The fyrst of them was named Stedfastnes
4866 And the seconde amerous purueyaunce
4867 The thyrde was Ioye after grete heuynes
4868 The .iiij. of them was dame contynuaunce
4869 And the .v. of them called dame pleasaunce
4870 The .vj. was called reporte famous
4871 The seuenthe amyte to louers dolourous
4872 And ryght anone with all humylyte
4873 They lyghte adowne and than incontynente
4874 Eche after other they came vnto me
4875 I kyssed them with all my hole entente
4876 Hayle knyght they sayde so clere and excellente
4877 Whiche of this gyaunte our hydeous enemy
4878 So worthely hath wonne the vyctory
4879 Ladyes he sayd I am moche vnworthy
4880 So to accepte your grete prayse and fame
4881 They prayed me to kepe them company
4882 I wyll quod I or elles I were to blame
4883 They prayed me to shewe them my name
4884 La graunde amoure it is I sayde in dede
4885 And than sayde they no wonder though ye spede
4886 No doubte it is but ye shall obtayne
4887 La belle pucell so ryght fayre and clere
4888 We were with her exyled by dysdayne
4889 And thenne besyeged in this castell here
4890 With this grete gyaunte more than a hole yere
4891 And you this nyght and it do you please
4892 In this poore castell shall take your ease
4893 I thanked them and so I rode anone
4894 In to the castell of olde foundacyon
4895 Walled aboute with the blacke touche stone
4896 I toke there than my recreacyon
4897 Amonge these ladyes with commendacyon
4898 And whan tyme came that they thought best
4899 To a ryall bedde I was broughte to rest
4900 After my wery and troublous trauayle
4901 I toke myn ease tyll that it was day
4902 Than vp I rose withoute ony fayle
4903 And made me redy for to ryde my waye
4904 But than anone into the chaumbre gaye
4905 The seuen ladyes came with perseueraunce
4906 Sayenge they wolde gyue me attendaunce
4907 And brynge me to la belle pucell
4908 Where that she is in her courte ryall
4909 And lykewyse as Phebus doth hye excell
4910 In bryghtnes truely the fayre sterres all
4911 So in beaute and vertue specyall
4912 She dothe excede ony erthely creature
4913 That is nowe made by fayre dame Nature
4914 We brake our fast and we made vs redy
4915 To la belle pucelle on our waye to ryde
4916 My stede was brought I lepte vp shorthly
4917 So dyde the ladyes they wolde nothynge abyde
4918 Thus forthe we rode at the morowe tyde
4919 Oute of the castell with all Ioye and pleasure
4920 Forthe on our way at all aduenture.

© Stephen Hawes