The Pastime of Pleasure: Of dysposycyon the II. parte of rethoryke - (til line 2240)

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Of musyke mundayne / humayne / & instrumētall. Ca. xvi.

Whan splendēt Phebus / in his myddaye spere
1458 Was hyght in gemyne / in the fresshe season
1459 Of lusty maye / with golden beames clere
1460 And derke Dyane / made declynacyon
1461 Whan Flora florysshed in this nacyon
1462 I called vnto mynde / ryght inwardly
1463 The reporte of fame / somoche ententyfly
1464 Of la bell pucell / in the toure musycall
1465 And ryght anone / vnto the toure I went
1466 Where I sawe a temple / made of crystall
1467 In whiche musyke / the lady excellent
1468 Played on base organs expedyent
1469 Accordynge well / vnto dyopason
1470 Dyapenthe / and eke dyetesseron
1471 In this temple was / grete solempnyte
1472 And of moche people / there was grete prease
1473 I loked about / whether I coude se
1474 La bell pucell / my langour to cease
1475 I coude not se her / my payne dyde encrease
1476 Tyll that I spyed her / aboue / in a vaut
1477 Whiche to my hert / dyde make so sore assaut
1478 With her beaute clere / and swete countenaunce
1479 The stroke of loue / I coude nothynge resyst
1480 And anone / without lenger cyrcumstaunce
1481 To her I went / or that her persone wyste
1482 Her thought I knewe not / she thought as she lyste
1483 By her I stode / with hert sore and faynt
1484 And dyde myselfe / with her soone acquaynt
1485 The comyn wyt / dyde full lytell regarde
1486 Of dame musyke / the dulcet armony
1487 The eres herde not / for the mynde inwarde
1488 Venns had rapte / and taken feruently
1489 Ymagynacyon / wrought full pryuely
1490 The fantasy gaue / perfyte Iugement
1491 Alway to to her / for to be obedyent
1492 By estymacyon / moche doubtfully I cast
1493 Wheder I shoulde / by longe tyme and space
1494 Atteyne her loue / or elles to loue in wast
1495 My hert sobbed / and quaked in this cace
1496 I stode by her / ryght nere in the place
1497 With many other / fayre ladyes also
1498 But so fayre as she / I neuer sawe no mo
1499 The feest done / dame musyke dyde go
1500 She folowed after / and she wolde not tary
1501 Farewell she sayde / for I must parte you fro
1502 Alas thought I / that fortune doth so vary
1503 My sadde body / my heuy hert dyde cary
1504 I coude not speke / my hert was nere broken
1505 But with my heed / I made her a token
1506 Whan she was gone / inwardly than wrought
1507 Vpon her beaute / my mynde retentyfe
1508 Her goodly fygure / I graued in my thought
1509 Excepte her selfe / all were expulcyfe
1510 My mynde to her / was so ententyfe
1511 That I folowed her / into a temple ferre
1512 Replete with Ioye / as bryght as ony sterre
1513 Where dulcet Flora / her aromatyke dewe
1514 In the fayre temple / adowne dyde dystyll
1515 All abrode / the fayre dropes dyde shewe
1516 Encensynge out / all the vapours yll
1517 With suche a swetenes / Flora dyde fulfyll
1518 All the temple / that my gowne well shewed
1519 The lycoure swete / of the droppes endewed
1520 And so to a chambre / full solacyous
1521 Dame musyke wente / with la bell pucell
1522 All of Iasper / with stones precyous
1523 The rose was wrought / curyously and well
1524 The wyndowes glased / meruaylously to tell
1525 With clothe of tyssue / in the rychest maner
1526 The walles were hanged / hye and cyrculer
1527 There sate dame musyke / with all her mynstralsy
1528 As taboures / trumpettes / with pypes melodyous
1529 Sakbuttes / organs / and the recorder swetely
1530 Harpes / lutes / and crouddes ryght delycyous
1531 C&Ytilde;phans / doussemers / w&supert; clarycymbales gloryous
1532 Rebeckes / clarycordes / eche in theyr degre
1533 Dyde sytte aboute / theyr ladyes mageste
1534 Before dame musyke / I dyde knele adowne
1535 Sayenge to her / o fayre lady pleasaunt
1536 Your prudence reyneth / most hye in renowne
1537 For you be euer / ryght concordant
1538 With perfyte reason / whiche is not varyaunt
1539 I beseche your grace / with all my dylygence
1540 To instructe me / in your noble scyence
1541 It is she sayde / ryght gretely prouffytable
1542 For musyke doth sette / in all vnyte
1543 The dyscorde thynges / whiche are varyable
1544 And deuoydeth myschefe / and grete inyquyte
1545 Where lacketh musyke / there is no pleynte
1546 For musyke is concorde / and also peace
1547 Nothynge without musyke / maye well encreace
1548 The .vii. scyences / in one monacorde
1549 Eche vp on other / do full well depende
1550 Musyke hath them / so set in concorde
1551 That all in one / maye ryght well extende
1552 All perfyte reason / they do so comprehende
1553 That they are waye / and perfyte doctryne
1554 To the Ioye aboue / whiche is celestyne
1555 And yet also / the perfyte physyke
1556 Whiche appertayneth well to the body
1557 Doth well resemble / vnto the musyke
1558 Whan the inwarde intrayles / tourneth contrary
1559 That nature can not / werke dyrectly
1560 Than doth phesyke / the partes interyall
1561 In ordre set / to theyr orygynall
1562 But yet physyke / can not be lyberall
1563 As the .vii. scyence / by good auctoryte
1564 Whiche ledeth the soule / the waye in specyall
1565 By good doctryne / to dame eternyte
1566 Onely of physyke / it is the propryete
1567 To ayde the body / in euery sekenes
1568 That is ryght frayle / and full of bryttylnes
1569 And bycause physyke / is apendant
1570 Vnto the body / by helpe of medycene
1571 And to the soule / nothynge apportenaunt
1572 To cause the body / for to enclyne
1573 In eternall helthe / so the soule to domyne
1574 For to the body / the scyence seuen
1575 Doth teche to lede / the soule to heuen
1576 And musyke selfe it is melodyous
1577 To reioyce the yeres / and confort the brayne
1578 Sharpynge the wyttes / with sounde solacyous
1579 Deuoydynge bad thoughtes / whiche dyde remayne
1580 It gladdeth the herte / also well certayue
1581 Lengthe the lyfe / with dulcet armony
1582 It is good recreacyon / after study
1583 She cōmaunded her mynstrelles / ryght anone to play
1584 Mamours the swete / and the gentyll daunce
1585 With la bell pucell / that was fayre and gaye
1586 She me recommaunded / with all pleasaunce
1587 To daunce true mesures / without varyaunce
1588 O lorde god / how glad than was I
1589 So for to daunce / with my swete lady
1590 By her propre hande / soft as ony sylke
1591 With due obeysaunce / I dyde her than take
1592 Her skynne was whyte / as whalles bone or mylke
1593 My thoughtes was rauysshed / I myght not aslake
1594 My brennynge hert / she the fyre dyde make
1595 These daunces truely / musyke hath me tought
1596 To lute or daunce / but it auayled nought
1597 For the fyre kyndled / and waxed more and more
1598 The dauncynge blewe it / with her beaute clere
1599 My hert sekened / and began waxe sore
1600 A mynute .vi. houres / and .vi. houres a yere
1601 I thought it was / so heuy was my chere
1602 But yet for to couer / my grete loue aryght
1603 The outwarde coūtenauce / I made gladde and lyght
1604 And for fere myne eyes / shoulde myne hert bewraye
1605 I toke my leue / and to a temple went
1606 And all alone / I to my selfe dyde saye
1607 Alas what fortune / hath me hyder sent
1608 To deuoyde my Ioye / and my hert tourment
1609 No man can tell / how grete a payne it is
1610 But yf he wyll fele it / as I do ywys
1611 Alas o lady / how cruell arte thou
1612 Of pytous doloure / for to buylde a nest
1613 In my true herte / as thou dost ryght now
1614 Yet of all ladyes / I must loue the best
1615 Thy beaute thereto / dyde me sure arest
1616 Alas with loue / whan that it doth the please
1617 Thou mayst cease my care / and my payne soon ease
1618 Alas how sore / maye I now bewayle
1619 The pyteous chaunce / whiche dyde me happe
1620 My ladyes lokes / dyde me so assayle
1621 That sodaynly / my herte was in a trappe
1622 By Venus caught / and with so sore a clappe
1623 That throughe / the grete stroke dyde perse
1624 Alas for wo / I coude not reuerse
1625 Farewe all Ioye / and all perfyte pleasure
1626 Fare well my lust / and my lykynge
1627 For wo is comen / with me to endure
1628 Now must I lede / my lyfe in mornynge
1629 I maye not lute / or yet daunce / or synge
1630 O la bell pucell / my lad gloryous
1631 You are the cause / that I am so dolorous
1632 Alas fayre lady / and myne owne swete herte
1633 With my seruyce / I yelde me to your wyll
1634 You haue me fettred / I maye not asterte
1635 At your pleasure / ye maye me saue or kyll
1636 Bycause I loue you / wyll you now me spyll
1637 Alas it were a pytous cace in dede
1638 That you with deth / shoulde rewarde my mede
1639 A / a / that I am ryght wo bygone
1640 For I of loue / dare not to you speke
1641 For fere of nay / that maye encrease my mone
1642 A naye of you myght / cause my herte to breke
1643 Alas I wretche / and yet vnhappy peke
1644 Into suche trouble / mysery and thought
1645 With syght of you / I am in to it brought
1646 And to my selfe / as I made complaynte
1647 I spyed a man / ryght nere me beforne
1648 Whiche ryght anone / dyde with me acquaynt
1649 Me thynke he sayde / that ye are nere forlorne
1650 With inwarde payne / that your hert hath borne
1651 Be not to pensyfe / call to mynde agayne
1652 How of one sorowe / ye do now make twayne
1653 Myne inwarde sorowe / ye begyn to double
1654 Go your waye quod I / for ye can not me ayde
1655 Tell me he sayde / the cause of my trouble
1656 And of me now / be nothynge afrayde
1657 Methynke that sorowe / hath you ouerlayde
1658 Dryue of no lenger / but tell me your mynde
1659 It maye me happe a remedy to fynde
1660 A a quod I / it vayleth not your speche
1661 I wyll with you / neuer haue medlynge
1662 Let me alone / the most vnhappy wretche
1663 Of all the wretches / that is yet lyuynge
1664 Suche is the chaunce / of my bewaylynge
1665 Go on your waye / you are nothynge the better
1666 To me to speke / to make the sorowe gretter
1667 Forsothe he sayde / remembre thynges thre
1668 The fyrste is / that ye maye sorowe longe
1669 Vnto yourselfe / or that ye ayeded be
1670 And secondly / in grete paynes stronge
1671 To muse alone / it myght tourne you to wronge
1672 The thyrde is it myght / you well ease truely
1673 To tell your mynde / to a frende ryght trusty
1674 It is a Iewell / of a frende of trust
1675 As at your nede / to tell the secretenes
1676 Of all your payne / and feruent lust
1677 His counseyle soone / maye helpe and redres
1678 Youre paynfull wo / and mortall heuynesse
1679 Alone is nought / for to thynke and muse
1680 Therfore good sone / do me not refuse
1681 And syth that you are / plunged all in thought
1682 Beware the pyt / of doloros dyspayre
1683 So to complayne / it vayleth you ryght nought
1684 It maye so fortune / ye loue a lady fayre
1685 Whiche to loue you / wyll nothynge repayre
1686 Or elles ye haue lost / grete londe or substaunce
1687 By fatall chaunge / of fortunes ordynaunce
1688 Tell me the cause / though that it be so
1689 In cause you loue / I knowe it by experyence
1690 It is a payne / engendrynge grete wo
1691 And harde it is / for to make resystence
1692 Agaynst suche loue / of feruent vyolence
1693 The loue is dredefull / but neuertheles
1694 There is no sore / nor yet no sykenes
1695 But there is a salue / and remedy therfore
1696 So for your payne / and your sorowe grete
1697 Councell is medycyne / whiche maye you restore
1698 Vnto your desyre / without ony let
1699 Yf ye wyll tell me / where your herte is sette
1700 In the chayre of sorowe / no grete doubte it is
1701 To fynde a remedy / for your payne ywys
1702 A physycyen truely / can lytell decerne
1703 Ony maner sekenes / without syght of vryne
1704 No more can I / by good counseyle you lerne
1705 All suche wofull trouble / for to determyne
1706 But yf you mekely / wyll to me enclyne
1707 To tell the cause / of your grete greuousnesse
1708 Of youre inwarde trouble / and wofull sadnes
1709 Than I began / with all my dylygence
1710 To here hym speke / so grounded on reason
1711 And in my mynde / dyde make aduertence
1712 How it was holsome / in trybulacyon
1713 To saue a good / and a true companyon
1714 For to knowe my sorowe / and wofull grefe
1715 It myght me confort / and ryght well relefe
1716 And of hym than / I asked this questyon
1717 What was his name / I prayde hym me tell
1718 Counseyle quod he / the whiche solucyon
1719 In my wofull mynde / I lyked ryght well
1720 And pryuely I dyde / his lesson spell
1721 Sayenge to hym / my chaunce and destyny
1722 Of all other / is the most vnhappy
1723 Why so quod he / thoughe fortune be straunge
1724 To you a whyle / tornynge of her face
1725 Her lourynge chere / she maye ryght soone chaunge
1726 And you accepte / and call vnto her grace
1727 Dyspayre you not / for in good tyme and space
1728 Nothynge there is / but wysdome maye it wynne
1729 To tell your mynde / I praye you to begynne
1730 Vnto you quod I / with all my hole assent
1731 I wyll tell you trouthe / and you wyll not bewraye
1732 Vnto none other / my mater and entent
1733 Nay naye quod he / you shall not se that daye
1734 your hole affyaunce / and trust ye well ye maye
1735 In to me put / for I shall not vary
1736 But kepe your counseyle / as a secretary
1737 And than to hym / in the maner folowynge
1738 I dyde complayne / with syghynge teres depe
1739 Alas quod I / you shall haue knowlegynge
1740 Of my heuy chaunce / that causeth me to wepe
1741 So wo I am / that I can neuer slepe
1742 But walowe and tumble / in the trappe of care
1743 My herte was caught / or that I was ware
1744 It happened so / that in a temple olde
1745 By the toure of musyke / at grete solemnyte
1746 La bell pucell / I dyde ryght well beholde
1747 Whose beaute clere / and grete humylyte
1748 To my herte dyde caste / the darte of amyte
1749 After whiche stroke / so harde and feruent
1750 To her excellence / I came incontynent
1751 Beholdynge her chere / and louely countenaunce
1752 Her garmentes ryche / aud her propre stature
1753 I regestered / well in my remembraunce
1754 That I neuer sawe / so fayre a creature
1755 So well fauourdly / create by nature
1756 That harde it is / for to wryte with ynke
1757 All her beaute / or ony hert to thynke
1758 Fayrer she was / than was quene Elyne
1759 Proserpyne / Cresyde / or yet ypolyte
1760 Medea / Dydo / or yonge Polexyne
1761 Alcumena / or quene Menelape
1762 Or yet dame rosamoūde / in certaynte
1763 None of all these / can haue the premynence
1764 To be compared / to her hyghe excellence
1765 Durynge the feest / I stode her nere by
1766 But than he beaute / encreased my payne
1767 I coude nothynge / resyste the contrary
1768 She wrapte my herte / in a brennynge chayne
1769 To the musycall toure / she went than agayne
1770 I wente after / I roude not be behynde
1771 The chayne she haled / whiche my hert dyde bynde
1772 Tyll that we came / in to a chambre gaye
1773 Where that musyke with all her mynstralsy
1774 Dyuers base daunces / moost swetely dyde playe
1775 That them to here / it was grete melody
1776 And dame musyke / commaunded curteysly
1777 La bell pucell / with me than to daunce
1778 Whome that I toke / with all my pleasaunce
1779 By her swete honde / begynnynge the trace
1780 And longe dyde daunce / tyll that I myght not hyde
1781 The paynfull loue / whiche dyde my herte embrace
1782 Bycause wherof / I toke my leue that tyde
1783 And to this temple / where I do abyde
1784 Forthe than I went / alone to bewayle
1785 My mortall sorowe / without ony fayle
1786 Now haue I tolde you / all the veraye trouthe
1787 Of my wofull chaunce / and grete vnhappynesse
1788 I praye you nothynge / with me to be wrothe
1789 Whiche am drowned / in carefull wretchednesse
1790 By fortune plunged / full of doublenes
1791 A a sayde counseyle / doubte ye neuer a dele
1792 But your dysease / I shall by wysdome hele
1793 Remembre you / that neuer yet was he
1794 That in this worlde / dyde lede all his lyfe
1795 In Ioye and pleasure / without aduersyte
1796 No worldly thynge / can be without stryfe
1797 For vnto pleasure / payne is affyrmatyfe
1798 Who wyll haue pleasure / phe must fyrste apply
1799 To take tge payne / with his cure besely
1800 To deserue the Ioye / whiche after deth ensue
1801 Rewardynge payne / for the grete besynesse
1802 No doubte your lady / wyll vpon you rue
1803 Seynge you apply / all your gentylnes
1804 To do her pleasure / and seruyse doubtles
1805 Harde is herte / that no loue hath felte
1806 Nor for no loue / wyll than enclyne and melte
1807 Remembre ye / that in olde antyquyte
1808 How worthy Troylus / the myghty champyon
1809 What payne he suffred / by grete extremyte
1810 Of feruent loue / by a grete longe season
1811 For his lady Cresyde / by grete trybulacyon
1812 After his sorowe / had not he grete Ioye
1813 Of his lady / the fayrest of all Troye
1814 And the famous knyghte / yclypped Ponthus
1815 Whiche loued Sydoyne / so moche entyerly
1816 What payne had he / and what care dolorous
1817 For his lady / with love so meruaylously
1818 Was not her hert / wounded ryght wofully
1819 After his payne / his lady dyde her cure
1820 To do hym Ioye / honoure and pleasure
1821 Who was with loue / more wofully arayde
1822 Than were these twayne / and many other mo
1823 The power of loue / hath them so asayde
1824 That and I lyste / I coude not reherse also
1825 To whome true loue / hath wrought mykell wo
1826 And at the ende / haue hadde theyr desyre
1827 Of all theyr sorowe / for to quenche the fyre
1828 Languysshe no more / but plucke vp thyne herte
1829 Exyle dyspayre / and lyue a whyle in hope
1830 And kepe your loue / all close and couerte
1831 It maye so fortune / that your lady grope
1832 Somwhat of loue / for to drynke a sope
1833 Thoughe outwardly / she dare not let you knowe
1834 But at the laste / as I beleue and trowe
1835 She can not kepe it / so preuy and close
1836 But that somwhat / it shall to you appere
1837 By countenaunce / how that her loue arose
1838 Yf that she loue you / the loue it is so dere
1839 Whan you come to her / she wyll make you chere
1840 With countenaunce / accordynge vnto loue
1841 Full pryuely for to come to her aboue
1842 Sendynge of loue / the messangere before
1843 Whiche is her eyes / with louely lokes swete
1844 For to beholde you / than euermore and more
1845 After the tyme / that you togyder mete
1846 With louynge wordes / she wyll you than grete
1847 Sorowe no more / for I thynge in my mynde
1848 That at the laste / she wyll be good and kynde
1849 Alas quod I / she is of hye degre
1850 Borne to grete londe / treasure and substaunce
1851 I fere to sore / I shall dysdayned be
1852 The whiche wyll trouble / all my greuaunce
1853 Her beaute is / the cause of my penaunce
1854 I haue no grete lande / treasure and ryches
1855 To wynne the fauoure / of her noblenesse
1856 What thoughe quod he / drawe you not abacke
1857 For she hath ynoughe / in her possessyon
1858 For you both / for you shall neuer lacke
1859 Yf that ye ordre it / by good reason
1860 And so in perfyte consyderacyon
1861 She wyll with loue / her grene flourynge age
1862 Passe forth in Ioye / pleasure and courage
1863 Youth is alwaye / of the course ryght lyght
1864 Hote and moyst / and full of lustynes
1865 Moost of the ayre / it is ruled by ryght
1866 And her complexyon / hath chefe intres
1867 Vpon sanguyn / the ayres holsomnes
1868 She is not yet / in all aboue .xviii. yere
1869 Of tendre age / to pleasure most dere
1870 Golde or syluer / in ony maner of wyse
1871 For sanguyne youthe / it is all contrary
1872 So for to coueyte / for it doth aryse
1873 Onely engendred / vpon the malencoly
1874 Whiche is drye colde / and also erthely
1875 In whiche the golde / is truely nutryfyde
1876 Ferre frome the ayre / so clerely puryfyde
1877 Thus couetyse / shall nothynge surmount
1878 Your yonge ladyes herte / but onely nature
1879 Shall in her mynde / make her to account
1880 The grete losse of youth / her specyall treasure
1881 She knoweth she is / a ryght fayre creature
1882 No doubte it is / but yet pryuely amonge
1883 So hye is nature / with his werkes stronge
1884 That she of force / the mannes company
1885 Muste well conueyte / for she maye not resyste
1886 Damne natures werke / whiche is so secretely
1887 Thoughe she be mayde / lette her saye what she lyst
1888 She wolde haue man / thoughe no man it wyst
1889 To make her Ioye / whan nature doth agre
1890 Her thought is hers / it is vnto her fre
1891 Who spareth to speke / he spareth to spede
1892 I shall prouyde for you conuenyente
1893 A gentyll tyme / for to attayne your mede
1894 That you shall go / to your lady excellent
1895 And ryght before take good aduysement
1896 Of all the mater / that ye wyll her shewe
1897 Vpon good reason / and in wordes fewe
1898 Thus past we tyme / in communycacyon
1899 The after none / with many a sentement
1900 And what for loue / was best conclusyon
1901 We demed oft / and gaue a Iugement
1902 Tyll that in the euen / was refulgent
1903 Fayre golden Mercury / with his beames bryght
1904 Aboute the ayre castynge / his pured lyght
1905 Them to a chambre / swete and precyous
1906 Councell me ledde / for to take my reste
1907 The nyght was wete / and also tenebrous
1908 But I my selfe / with sorowe opprest
1909 Dyde often muse / what was for me best
1910 Vnto my fayre lady / for to tell or saye
1911 And all my drede was / for fere of a naye
1912 Though that my bedde / was easy and softe
1913 Yet dyde I tomble / I myght not lye styll
1914 On euery syde / I tourned me full ofte
1915 Vpon the loue / I hadde so sette my wyll
1916 Longynge ryght sore / my mynde to fulfyll
1917 I called counseyle / and prayed hym to wake
1918 To gyue me counseyle / what were best to take
1919 Ha ha quod he / loue doth you so prycke
1920 That yet your herte / wyll nothynge be eased
1921 But euermore / be feble and syke
1922 Tyll that our lady / hath it well appesed
1923 Thoughe ye thynke longe / yet ye shall be pleased
1924 I wolde quod I / that it were as ye saye
1925 Fye fye quod he / dryue suche dyspayre awaye
1926 And lyue in hope / whiche shall do you good
1927 Ioye cometh after / whan the payne is paste
1928 Be ye pacyent / and sobre in mode
1929 To wepe and wayle / all is for you in wast
1930 Was neuer payne / but it hadde Ioye at laste
1931 In the fayre morowe / ryse and make you redy
1932 At .ix. at the clocke / the tyme is necessary
1933 For vs to walke / vnto youre lady gent
1934 The bodyes aboue / be than well domyfyde
1935 To helpe vs forwarde / without impedyment
1936 Loke what ye saye / loke it be deryfyde
1937 Frome perfyt reason / well exemplyfyde
1938 Forsake her not / thought that she saye naye
1939 A womans guyse / is euermore to delaye
1940 No castell can be / of so grete a strength
1941 Yf that there be / a sure syege to it layde
1942 It muste yelde vp / or elles me be wonne at lengt
1943 Thoughe that to fore / it bathe ben longe delayde
1944 So contynuaunce / maye you ryght well ayde
1945 Some womans herte / can not so harded be
1946 But besy labour / maye make it agre
1947 Labour and dylygence / is full meruaylous
1948 Whiche bryngeth a louer to his promocyon
1949 Nothynge to loue / is more desyrous
1950 Than instaunt labour / and delectacyon
1951 The harded hert / it gyueth occasyon
1952 For to consyder / how that her seruaunt
1953 To obtayne her loue / is so attendaunt
1954 Thus all in comynynge / we the nyght dyde passe
1955 Tyll in the ayre / with cloudes fayre and rede
1956 Rysyn was Phebus / shynynge in the glasse
1957 In the chambre / his golden rayes were sprede
1958 And dyane derlynynge / pale as ony lede
1959 Whan the lytell byrdes / swetely dyde synge
1960 With tunes musycall / in the fayre mornynge

Of the dolorous / and lowly dyfputacyon bytwene la bell Pucell and graunde Amoure. Ca. xviii. 1961 Councell and I / than rose full quyckely
1962 And made vs redy / on our waye to walke
1963 In your clenly wede / apparayled proprely
1964 What I wolde saye / I dyde vnto hym talke
1965 Tyll on his boke / he began to calke
1966 How the sonne entred was in Gemyne
1967 And eke Dyane / full of mutabylyte
1968 Entred the Crabbe / her propre mancyon
1969 Than ryght amyddes / of the dragons heed
1970 And Venus / and she made coniuncyon
1971 Frome her combust waye / she hadde her so sped
1972 She had no let / that was to be dredde
1973 The assured ayre / was depaynted clere
1974 With golden beames / of fayre Phebus spere
1975 Than forth so went / good counceyll and I
1976 At .vi. at clocke / vnto a garden fayre
1977 By musykes toure / walled most goodly
1978 Where la bell pucell / vsed to repayre
1979 In the swete mornynge / for to take the ayre
1980 Amonge the floures / of aromatyke fume
1981 The maysty ayre / to exyle and consume
1982 And at the gate / we mette the portresse
1983 That was ryght gentyll / and called curteysy
1984 Whiche salued vs / with wordes of mekenesse
1985 And axed vs / the veraye cause and why
1986 Of our comynge / to the gardeyne sothely
1987 Truely sayde we / for nothynge but well
1988 A lytell to speke / with la bell pucell
1989 Truely quod she / in the garden grene
1990 Of many a swete / and soundry floure
1991 She maketh a garlonde / that is veraye shene
1992 With trueloues / wrought in many a coloure
1993 Replete with swetenes / and dulcet odoure
1994 And all alone / withouten company
1995 Amyddes an herber / she sytteth plesaunty
1996 Now stande you styll / for a lytell space
1997 I wyll lette her / of you haue knowlegynge
1998 A remedy swete lady / of my herte
1999 It is youre owne / it can nothynge asterte
2000 And ryght anone / she went to her grace
2000 Tellynge her than / how we were comynge
2000 To speke with her / gretely desyrynge
2001 Truely she sayde / I am ryght well contente
2002 Of thyer comynge / to knowe the hole entent
2003 Then good curteysy / without taryenge
2004 Came vnto vs / with all her dylygence
2005 Prayenge vs / to take our entrynge
2006 And come vnto the ladyes presence
2007 To tell your erande / to her excellence
2008 Than in we went / to the gardyn gloryous
2009 Lyke to a place / of pleasure moost solacyous
2010 With flora paynted / and wrought curyously
2011 In dyuers knottes / of meruaylons gretenes
2012 Rampande Lyons / stode vp wondersly
2013 Made all of herbes / with dulcet swetenes
2014 With many dragons / of meruaylous lykenes
2015 Of dyuers floures / made full craftely
2016 By flora couloured / with colours sundry
2017 Amyddes the garden / so moche delectably
2018 There was an herber / fayre and quadrante
2019 To paradyse / ryght well comparable
2020 Sette all aboute / with floures flagraunt
2021 And in the myddle / there was resplendysshaune
2022 A dulcet sprynge / and meruaylons fountayne
2023 Of golde and asure / made all certayne
2024 In wonderfull / and curyous symylytude
2025 There stode a dragon / of fyne golde so pure
2026 Vpon his tayle / of myghty fortytude
2027 Wrethed and skaled all with asure
2028 Hauynge thre hedes / dyuers ln fygure
2029 Whiche in a bath / of the syluer grette
2030 Spouted the water / that was so dulcette
2031 Besyde whiche fountayne / the most fayre lady
2032 La bell pucell / was gayly syttynge
2033 Of many floures / fayre and ryally
2034 A goodly chaplet / she was in makynge
2035 Her heer was downe / so clerely shynynge
2036 Lyke to the golde / late puryfyde with fyre
2037 Her heer was bryght / as the drawen wyre
2038 Lyke to a lady / for to be ryght trewe
2039 She ware a fayre / and goodly garment
2040 Of most fyue veluet / all of Indy blewe
2041 With armynes powdred / bordred at the vent
2042 On her fayre handes / as was conuenyent
2043 A payre of gloues / ryght sclender and soft
2044 In approchynge nere / I dyde beholde her oft
2045 And whan that I came / before her presence
2046 Vnto the grounde / I dyde knele adowne
2047 Sayenge O lady / moost fayre of excellence
2048 O sterre so clere / of vertuous renonwne
2049 Whose beaute fayre / in euery realme and towne
2050 Indued with grace / and also goodnes
2051 Dame fame the her selfe / dooth euermore expresse

2052 Please it your grace / for to gyue audyence
2053 Vnto my wofull / and pytous complaynt
2054 How feruent loue / without resystence
2055 My carefull herte / hath made lowe and faynte
2056 And you therof / are the hole constraynt
2057 your beaute truely / hath me fettred faste
2058 Without youre helpe / my lyfe is nerehande past

2059 Stande vp quod she / I meruayle of this cace
2060 What sodayne loue / hath you so arayde
2061 With so grete payne / youre herte to enbrace
2062 And why for me / ye shoulde be so dysmayde
2063 As of your lyfe / ye nede not to be afrayde
2064 For ye of me / now haue no greter awe
2065 But whan ye lyste / ye maye your loue withdrawe

2066 Than stode I vp / and ryght so dyde she
2067 Alas I sayde than / my herte is so sette
2068 That it is youres / it maye none other be
2069 Yourselfe hath caught it in so sure a nette
2070 That yf that I maye not / your fauour gette
2071 No doubte it is / the grete payne of loue
2072 Maye not aswage / tyll deth it remoue

2073 Truely quod she / I am obedyent
2074 Vnto my frendes / whiche do me fo guyde
2075 They shall me rule / as is conuenyent
2076 In the snare of loue / I wyll nothynge slyde
2077 My chaunce or fortune / I wyll yet abyde
2078 I thanke you / for your loue ryght humbly
2079 But I your cause / can nothynge remedy

2080 Alas madame / yf I haue enterprysed
2081 A thynge to hye truely / for my degre
2082 All that causes / whiche I haue commysed
2083 Hath ben on fortunes gentyll vnyte
2084 Trustynge truely / that she wolde fauour me
2085 In this case / wherfore now excuse
2086 Youre humble seruaunte / and not me refuse

2087 Ha ha / what vayleth all your flatery
2088 Your fayned wordes / shall not me appese
2089 To make myne herte / to enclyne inwardly
2090 For I myselfe / now do nothynge suppose
2091 But for to proue me / you flater and glose
2092 You shall not dye / as longe as you speke
2093 There is no loue / can cause your herte to breke

2094 I wolde madame / ye hadde prrrogatyue
2095 To knewe the preuyte / of my perfyte mynde
2096 How all in payne / I lede my wofull lyue
2097 Than as I trowe / ye wolde not be vnkynde
2098 But that some grace / I myght in you fynde
2099 To cause myne herte / whiche you fetred sure
2100 With brennynge cheynes / suche wo to endure

2101 By veraye reason / I maye gyue Iugement
2102 That it is guyse / of you euerychone
2103 To fayne you seke / with subtyll argumente
2104 Whan to youre lady / ye lyst to make youre mone
2105 But of you true / is there fewe or none
2106 For all your payne / and wordes eloquent
2107 With dame repentaunce / I wyll not be shent

2108 O swete madame / now all my desteny
2109 Vnhap and happy / vpon you doth growe
2110 Yf that you call me vnto your mercy
2111 Of all happy the most happy I trowe
2112 Than shall I be / of hye degre or lowe
2113 And yf ye lyste / so me than to forsake
2114 Of all vnhappy / none shall be my make

2115 Your fortune on me / is not more applyed
2116 Than vpon other / for my mynde is fre
2117 I haue your purpose / oft ynoughe denyed
2118 You knowe your answere / now certaynte
2119 What nede your wordes / of curyosyte
2120 Wowe here nomore / for you shall not spede
2121 Go loue an other / where ye maye haue mede

2122 That shall I not / thoughe that I contynewe
2123 All my lyfe / in payne and heuynes
2124 I shall not chaunge you / for none other newe
2125 You are my lady / you are my maysteres
2126 Whome I shall serue / with all my gentylnes
2127 Exyle hym neuer / frome your herte so dere
2128 Whiche vnto his / hath sette you most nere

2129 The mynde of men / chaungeth as the mone
2130 Yf you mete one / whiche is fayre and bryght
2131 Ye loue her best / tyll he se ryght soone
2132 An other fayrer / vnto your owne syght
2133 Vnto her than / youre mynde is tourned ryght
2134 Truely your loue / thoughe ye make it straunge
2135 I knowe full well / ye wyll it often chaunge

2136 Alas madame / now the bryght lodes sterre
2137 Of my true herte / where euer I go or ryde
2138 Thoughe that my body / be frome you aferr
2139 Yet my herte onely / shall with you abyde
2140 Whan than you lyste / ye maye for me prouyde

2143 Naye truly / it can nothynge be myne
2144 For I therof / take no possessyon
2145 Your hert is your / by substancyall lyne
2146 It is not in my domynacyon
2147 Loue where ye lyst / at euery season
2148 Your hert is fre / I do not it accepte
2149 It is your owne / I haue it neuer kepte

2150 Alas madame / ye maye saye as ye lyste
2151 With your beaute / ye toke myne herte in snare
2152 Youre louely lokes / I coude not resyst
2153 Your vertuous maner / encreaseth my care
2154 That of all Ioye / I am deuoyde and bare
2155 I fe you ryght often / as I am a slepe
2156 And whan I wake / do sygh with teres depe

2157 So grete deceyte / amonge men there is
2158 That harde it is / to fynde one full stable
2159 Ye are so subtyll / and so false ywys
2160 Youre grete deceyte / is nothynge commendable
2161 In storyes olde / it is well probable
2162 How many ladyes / hath ben ryght falsely
2163 With men deceyued / yll and subtylly

2164 O good madame / though that they abused
2165 Them to theyr ladyes / in theyr grete deceyte
2166 Yet am I true / let me not be refused
2167 Ye haue me taken / with so fayre a bayte
2168 That ye shall neuer / out of my conceyte
2169 I can not wrynche / by no wyle nor Croke
2170 My herte is fast / vpon so sure a hoke

2171 Ye so sayde they / tyll that they hadde theyr wyll
2172 Theyr wyll accomplysshed / they dyde fle at large
2173 For men saye well / but they thynke full yll
2174 Though outwarde swetenes / your tōge doth enlarge
2175 Yet of your hert / I neuer can haue charge
2176 For men do loue / as I am ryght sure
2177 Now one now other / after theyr pleasure

2178 All that madame / I knewe ryght perfytely
2179 Some men there be / of that condycyon
2180 That them delyte / often in nouelry
2181 And many also / loue perfeccyon
2182 I cast all suche / nouelles in abieccyon
2183 My loue is sette / vpon a perfyte grounde
2184 No falsed in me / truely shall be founde

2185 Ye saye full well / yf ye meane the same
2186 But I in you / can haue no confydence
2187 I thynke ryght well / that it is no game
2188 To loue vnloued / with percynge influence
2189 You shall in me fynde / no suche neclygence
2190 To graunt you loue / for ye are vnthryfty
2191 As two or thre / to me doth specyfy

2192 Was neuer louer / without enmyes thre
2193 As enuy malyce / and perturbaunce
2194 Theyr tonges are poyson / vnto amyte
2195 What man on lyue / can vse suche gouernaunce
2196 To attayne the fauoure / withouten varyaunce
2197 Of euery persone / but ryght pryuely
2198 Behynd his backe / some sayth vnhappely

2199 Trouthe it is / but yet in this cace
2200 Your loue and myne / is full ferre asondre
2201 But thoughe that I do / your herte so race
2202 Yf I drede you / it is therof no wondre
2203 With my frendes / I am so sore kepte vnder
2204 I dare not loue / but as they accorde
2205 They thynke to wedde me / to a myghtylorde

2206 I knowe madame / that your frendes all
2207 Vnto me sure / wyll be contraryous
2208 But what for that / your selfe in specyall
2209 Remembre there is / no loue so Ioyous
2210 As is youre owne to you most precyous
2211 Wyll you gyue your youthe / and your flourynge aege
2212 To them / agaynst your mynde in maryage

2213 Agaynst my mynde / of that were I lothe
2214 To wed for fere / as them to obey
2215 Yet had I leuer / they were somwhat wrothe
2216 For I my selfe / do bere the locke and kaye
2217 Yet of my mynde / and wyll do many adaye
2218 Myne owne I am / what that I lyste to do
2219 I stande vntyed / there is no Ioye therto

2220 O swete lady / the good perfyte sterre
2221 O my true herte / take ye now pyte
2222 Thynke on my payne / whiche am tofore you here
2223 With youre swete eyes / beholde you and se
2224 How thought and wo / by grete extremyte
2225 Hath chaunged my hue / in to pale and wanne
2226 It was not so / whan I to loue began

2227 So me thynke / it doth ryght well appere
2228 By your colour / that loue hath done you wo
2229 Your heuy countenaunce / and your dolefull chere
2230 Hath loue suche myght / for to araye you so
2231 In so short a space / I meruayle moche also
2232 That ye wolde loue me / so sure in certayne
2233 Before ye knewe / that I wolde loue agayne

2234 My good dere herte / it is no meruayle why
2235 Your beaute clere / and louely lokes swete
2236 My hert dyde perce / with loue so sodaynly
2237 At the fyrste tyme / that I dyde you mete
2238 In the olde temple / whan I dyde you grete
2239 Youre beaute my herte / so surely assayde
2240 That syth that tyme / it hath to you obayde

© Stephen Hawes