quotes from classic

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No one thinks of how much blood it costs.

more quotes from Dante Alighieri

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.

more quotes from Washington Allston

Never judge a work of art by its defects.

more quotes from Washington Allston

Yes, I think poker really isn't gambling.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

But in a tournament, you can be said in for all your money at any point so you can't make any mistakes so you have to, it's all about where you're sitting at the table.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I mean being a writer is like being a psychoanalyst, but you don't get any patients.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

Now, if, as I think, writing should be, it's a kind of risky trade.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

When you make a bet, you're saying something.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I absolutely don't believe in anything. Full stop. Including luck.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I think one of the interesting things about poker is that once you let your ego in, you're done for.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I'm good at reading people.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

The fact that we write about it doesn't mean we play better than ordinary players at all.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I could think of worse ways of going than at the poker table.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

I hate writing.

more quotes from Al Alvarez

My poems are political in the deeper sense of the word. Political means to live in your time, to be a man of your time.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai

I was a very religious child - I went to synagogue at least once, sometimes twice, a day. And I remember my religiousness as good - I think religion is good for children, especially educated children, because it allows for imagination, a whole imaginative world apart from the practical world.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai

There are two languages: one as things seem to us and the other of knowledge.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai

I've often said that all poetry is political. This is because real poems deal with a human response to reality and politics is part of reality, history in the making. Even if a poet writes about sitting in a glass house drinking tea, it reflects politics.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai

Every intelligent person, whether he's an artist or not - a mathematician, a doctor, a scientist - possesses a poetic way of seeing and describing the world.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai

I think the end is endless. It's either a big black hole or a big white light or both together. But it's totally meaningless, because even if someone would explain it, I wouldn't understand it.

more quotes from Yehuda Amichai