quotes from classic
/ page 537 of 1205 /I think that there are fiction writers for whom that works well. I could never do it. I feel as if, by the time I see that it's a poem, it's almost written in my head somewhere.
more quotes from Sharon Olds
Every poet I know - although there may be some I don't know who lead very different lives, who maybe live in the country and don't teach - tends to be just like the rest of us: just really busy, really overcommitted.
more quotes from Sharon Olds
I'm not sure that the benefit - as a writer and as a citizen - that I would get from reading at least the front page of the Times every day or every other day would outweigh the depression.
more quotes from Sharon Olds
If I wrote in a sonnet form, I would be distorting. Or if I had some great new idea for line breaks and I used it in a poem, but it's really not right for that poem, but I wanted it, that would be distorting.
more quotes from Sharon Olds
When the peace is a trade route, figures For the budget, reduction of population,...
more quotes from Allen Tate
The faceless head lay still. I could not run Or walk, but stood. Alone in the public clearing...
more quotes from Allen Tate
And even you will come to this foul shame, This ultimate infection,...
more quotes from Allen Tate
Death is untutored, with an ignorant frown For precious identities of breath.
more quotes from Allen Tate
The stage is about to be swept of corpses. You have no more chance than an infusorian Lodged in a hollow molar of an eohippus.
more quotes from Allen Tate
Buzzards float upon the sky Shrilling a metaphysic cry,...
more quotes from Allen Tate
I suck in smoke! I smile at grimy mirth, And laugh to think that you had parried death.
more quotes from Allen Tate
Not glad, lifeless tycoon, nor sorry feel For neither Bull nor Bear attends your way....
more quotes from Allen Tate
O God of our flesh, return us to Your wrath, Let us be evil could we enter in Your grace, and falter on the stony path!
more quotes from Allen Tate
The mission for the day is to encourage students to think beyond traditional career opportunities, prepare for future careers and entrance into the workplace.
more quotes from Allen Tate
I thought I heard the dark pounding its head On a rock, crying: Who are the dead?
more quotes from Allen Tate
What shall we say of the bones, unclean, Whose verdurous anonymity will grow?...
more quotes from Allen Tate
By the roadside a hideous carrion, quivering On a clean bed of pebbly clay,...
more quotes from Allen Tate
A poem may be an instance of morality, of social conditions, of psychological history; it may instance all its qualities, but never one of them alone, nor any two or three; never less than all.
more quotes from Allen Tate
Landor, not that I doubt your word, That you had strove with none...
more quotes from Allen Tate
For laughter frames the lips of death— Death frames the Singer and the Song.
more quotes from Allen Tate