Poets from United States

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Connie Wanek

Connie Wanek poet from United States was born in 1952 has 73 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is naturalism.

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Conrad Aiken

Conrad Aiken poet from United States was born on August 5, 1889, had 84 years and died on August 17, 1973. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is symbolism.

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Cor van den Heuvel

Cor van den Heuvel poet from United States was born on March 6, 1931 has 94 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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Cornelius Eady

Cornelius Eady poet from United States was born in 1954 has 71 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Cotton Mather

Cotton Mather poet from United States was born on February 12, 1663, had 65 years and died on February 13, 1728. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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Countee Cullen

Countee Cullen poet from United States was born in 1903, had 43 years and died in 1946. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is harlem renaissance.

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Cox Ida

Cox Ida poet from United States was born on February 25, 1896, had 71 years and died on November 10, 1967. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is theology.

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Craig Erick Chaffin

Craig Erick Chaffin poet from United States was born in 1954 has 71 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Craig Thomas

Craig Thomas poet from United States was born on November 24, 1942, had 68 years and died on April 4, 2011. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Crosby Ernest Howard

Crosby Ernest Howard poet from United States was born on November 4, 1856, had 50 years and died on January 3, 1907. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Cyrus Cassells

Cyrus Cassells poet from United States was born in 1957 has 68 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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D. C. Berry

D. C. Berry poet from United States was born on July 23, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Daisy Fried

Daisy Fried poet from United States was born in 1967 has 58 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in Dutch language. Dominant movement is other.

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Dan Gerber

Dan Gerber poet from United States was born in 1940 has 85 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Dana Gioia

Dana Gioia poet from United States was born on December 24, 1950 has 74 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is new formalism.

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Dana Richard Henry

Dana Richard Henry poet from United States was born on November 15, 1787, had 91 years and died on February 2, 1879. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Daniel Berrigan

Daniel Berrigan poet from United States was born on May 9, 1921, date of death is unknown. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Daniel Decatur Emmett

Daniel Decatur Emmett poet from United States was born on October 29, 1815, had 88 years and died on June 28, 1904. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Daniel Nester

Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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David Bates

David Bates poet from United States was born on March 6, 1809, had 60 years and died on January 25, 1870. Poems were written in Victorian age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.