Poets from United States

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Laura Mullen

Laura Mullen poet from United States was born in 1958 has 67 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Laura Riding Jackson

Laura Riding Jackson poet from United States was born on January 16, 1901, had 90 years and died on September 2, 1991. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is modernism, realism.

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Laura Sewell

Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Laura Ulewicz

Laura Ulewicz poet from United States was born on May 18, 1930, had 77 years and died on October 5, 2007. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Laurence Overmire

Laurence Overmire poet from United States was born on August 17, 1957 has 67 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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Laurie Duesing

Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence Ferlinghetti poet from United States was born on March 24, 1919, date of death is unknown. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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Lee Gurga

Lee Gurga poet from United States was born on July 28, 1949 has 75 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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Leo Yankevich

Leo Yankevich poet from United States was born on October 30, 1961 has 63 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Léonie Adams

Léonie Adams poet from United States was born on December 9, 1899, had 88 years and died on June 27, 1988. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Leslie Scalapino

Leslie Scalapino poet from United States was born on July 25, 1944, had 65 years and died on May 28, 2010. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Lew Welch

Lew Welch poet from United States was born on August 16, 1926, had 44 years and died on May 23, 1971. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll poet from United States was born on January 27, 1832, had 66 years and died on January 14, 1898. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is didactical.

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Lewisohn Lugwig

Lewisohn Lugwig poet from United States was born on May 30, 1882, had 73 years and died on December 31, 1955. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Li-Young Lee

Li-Young Lee poet from United States was born on August 19, 1957 has 67 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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Linda Gregerson

Linda Gregerson poet from United States was born on August 5, 1950 has 74 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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Linda Gregg

Linda Gregg poet from United States was born on September 9, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Linda Pastan

Linda Pastan poet from United States was born on May 27, 1932 has 92 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is naturalism.

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Lisa Zaran

Lisa Zaran poet from United States was born in 1969 has 56 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Lisel Mueller

Lisel Mueller poet from United States was born on February 8, 1924, date of death is unknown. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.