Poets from United States

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Jim Carroll

Jim Carroll poet from United States was born in 1950 has 75 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Jim Harrison

Jim Harrison poet from United States was born on December 11, 1937 has 87 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is naturalism.

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Jim Kacian

Jim Kacian poet from United States was born on July 26, 1953 has 71 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison poet from United States was born on December 8, 1943, had 27 years and died on July 3, 1971. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Jimmy Santiago Baca

Jimmy Santiago Baca poet from United States was born on January 2, 1952 has 73 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is modernism, realism.

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Joan Murray

Joan Murray poet from United States was born on August 6, 1945 has 79 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Joanne Kyger

Joanne Kyger poet from United States was born on November 19, 1934 has 90 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is modernism, realism.

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Joaquin Miller

Joaquin Miller poet from United States was born in 1841, had 72 years and died in 1913. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Job Durfee

Job Durfee poet from United States was born on September 20, 1790, had 56 years and died on July 26, 1847. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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Joe Dolce

Joe Dolce poet from United States was born in 1947 has 78 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is theology.

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Joe Wenderoth

Joe Wenderoth poet from United States was born on June 29, 1966 has 58 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Joel Barlow

Joel Barlow poet from United States was born in 1754, had 58 years and died in 1812. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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Joel Chandler Harris

Joel Chandler Harris poet from United States was born on December 9, 1848, had 59 years and died on July 3, 1908. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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John Adams

John Adams poet from United States was born on April 30, 1735, had 91 years and died on July 4, 1826. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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John Ashbery

John Ashbery poet from United States was born in 1927 has 98 years. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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John Balaban

John Balaban poet from United States was born on December 2, 1943 has 81 years. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.

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John Berryman

John Berryman poet from United States was born on October 25, 1914, had 57 years and died on January 7, 1972. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is prevalent form.

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John Brooks Wheelwright

John Brooks Wheelwright poet from United States was born on September 9, 1897, had 43 years and died on September 13, 1940. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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John Burroughs

John Burroughs poet from United States was born on April 3, 1837, had 84 years and died on March 29, 1921. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in English language. Dominant movement is political.

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John Ciardi

John Ciardi poet from United States was born in 1916, date of death is unknown. Poems were written mainly in English language. Dominant movement is other.