Poets from Spain

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Alfonso Vallejo

Alfonso Vallejo poet from Spain was born in 1943 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Alfonso X El Sabio

Alfonso X El Sabio poet from Spain was born in 1221, had 63 years and died in 1284. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga poet from Spain was born in 1533, had 61 years and died in 1594. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Andres Bello

Andres Bello poet from Spain was born on November 29, 1781, had 83 years and died on October 15, 1865. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is political.

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Antônio Gonçalves Dias

Antônio Gonçalves Dias poet from Spain was born on August 10, 1823, had 41 years and died on November 3, 1864. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Antonio Machado

Antonio Machado poet from Spain was born in 1875, had 64 years and died in 1939. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Aurora de Albornoz

Aurora de Albornoz poet from Spain was born on January 22, 1926, had 64 years and died on June 6, 1990. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Baltasar del Alcázar

Baltasar del Alcázar poet from Spain was born in 1530, had 76 years and died in 1606. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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Basilio Ponce de Leon

Basilio Ponce de Leon poet from Spain was born in 1560, had 69 years and died on August 28, 1629. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is theology.

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Damaso Alonso

Damaso Alonso poet from Spain was born on October 22, 1898, had 91 years and died on January 25, 1990. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is generation of 27.

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Federico Garcia Lorca

Federico Garcia Lorca poet from Spain was born on June 5, 1898, had 38 years and died on August 18, 1936. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is generation of 27.

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George Santayana

George Santayana poet from Spain was born on December 16, 1863, had 88 years and died on September 26, 1952. Poems were written in Modern age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is theology.

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Gustavo Adolfo Becquer

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer poet from Spain was born on February 17, 1836, had 34 years and died on December 22, 1870. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is romanticism.

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Ibn Jakh

Ibn Jakh poet from Spain was born in 1000, had 50 years and died in 1050. Poems were written mainly in Arabic language. Dominant movement is other.

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Íñigo López de Mendoza

Íñigo López de Mendoza poet from Spain was born on August 19, 1398, had 59 years and died on March 25, 1458. Poems were written in Middle English mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is political.

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Jacint Verdaguer

Jacint Verdaguer poet from Spain was born on May 17, 1845, had 57 years and died on June 10, 1902. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is romanticism.

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Joan Brossa

Joan Brossa poet from Spain was born in 1919, had 79 years and died in 1998. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is other.

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John of the Cross

John of the Cross poet from Spain was born in 1542, had 49 years and died on December 14, 1591. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is theology.

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Jorge Isaacs

Jorge Isaacs poet from Spain was born on January 4, 1837, date of death is unknown. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is romanticism.

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Joseph Blanco White

Joseph Blanco White poet from Spain was born on July 11, 1775, had 65 years and died on May 20, 1841. Poems were written in Romantic age mainly in Spanish language. Dominant movement is theology.