List of poets born or died in 1956

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Luis Benitez

Luis Benitez poet from Argentina was born in 1956 has 69 years. Poems were written mainly in Spanish language.

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Percy MacKaye

Percy MacKaye poet from United States was born in 1897, had 59 years and died in 1956. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah

Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah poet from Bangladesh was born on October 16, 1956, had 35 years and died on June 21, 1992. Poems were written mainly in Bangla language.

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Syed Emdad Ali

Syed Emdad Ali poet from Bangladesh was born in 1880, had 76 years and died in 1956. Poems were written mainly in Bangla language.

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Walter de la Mare

Walter de la Mare poet from United Kingdom was born on April 25, 1873, had 83 years and died on June 22, 1956. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Winifred Coombe Tennant

Winifred Coombe Tennant poet from United Kingdom was born on November 1, 1874, had 81 years and died on August 31, 1956. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Yaas Yagana Changezi

Yaas Yagana Changezi poet from India was born in 1884, had 72 years and died in 1956. Poems were written mainly in Urdu language.