List of poets born or died in 1955

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Image of Ray Buttigieg is not available
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Ray Buttigieg

Ray Buttigieg poet from Malta was born on May 1, 1955 has 69 years. Poems were written mainly in Greek language.

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Rex Ingamells

Rex Ingamells poet from Australia was born in 1913, had 42 years and died in 1955. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Shahabuddin Nagari

Shahabuddin Nagari poet from Bangladesh was born on October 6, 1955 has 69 years. Poems were written mainly in Bangla language.

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Shreekumar Varma

Shreekumar Varma poet from India was born in 1955 has 70 years. Poems were written mainly in Hindi language.

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Stephen Kuusisto

Stephen Kuusisto poet from United States was born on March 1, 1955 has 70 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Terry Ehret

Terry Ehret poet from United States was born in 1955 has 70 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Wallace Stevens

Wallace Stevens poet from United States was born on October 2, 1879, had 75 years and died on August 2, 1955. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Weldon Kees

Weldon Kees poet from United States was born on February 24, 1914, had 41 years and died on July 18, 1955. Poems were written mainly in English language.