List of poets born or died in 1942

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Akiko Yosano

Akiko Yosano poet from Japan was born on December 7, 1878, had 63 years and died on May 29, 1942. Poems were written mainly in Japan language.

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Alice Duer Miller

Alice Duer Miller poet from United States was born on July 28, 1874, had 68 years and died on August 22, 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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André Bellessort

André Bellessort poet from France was born in 1866, had 76 years and died in 1942. Poems were written mainly in French language.

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B H Fairchild

B H Fairchild poet from United States was born in 1942 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Barry Tebb

Barry Tebb poet from United Kingdom was born in 1942 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Carolyn Wells

Carolyn Wells poet from United States was born in 1869, had 73 years and died in 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Cohan George M.

Cohan George M. poet from United States was born on July 3, 1878, had 64 years and died on November 5, 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Craig Thomas

Craig Thomas poet from United States was born on November 24, 1942, had 68 years and died on April 4, 2011. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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D. C. Berry

D. C. Berry poet from United States was born on July 23, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Daniil Ivanovich Kharms

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms poet from Russian Federation was born on December 30, 1905, had 36 years and died on February 2, 1942. Poems were written mainly in Russian language.

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David Harsent

David Harsent poet from United Kingdom was born on December 9, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Douglas Dunn

Douglas Dunn poet from United Kingdom was born on October 23, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Emanuel Carnevali

Emanuel Carnevali poet from Italy was born on December 4, 1897, had 44 years and died on January 11, 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Erica Jong

Erica Jong poet from United States was born on March 26, 1942 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Faik Konica

Faik Konica poet from Albania was born on March 15, 1875, had 67 years and died on December 5, 1942. Poems were written mainly in Albanian language.

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Frank Wilmot

Frank Wilmot poet from Australia was born on April 6, 1881, had 60 years and died on February 22, 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Furnley Maurice

Furnley Maurice poet from Australia was born on April 6, 1881, had 60 years and died on February 22, 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Gertrude Bartlett

Gertrude Bartlett poet from Canada was born in 1876, had 66 years and died in 1942. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Hayat Saif

Hayat Saif poet from Bangladesh was born on December 16, 1942 has 82 years. Poems were written mainly in Bangla language.

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Hugo Williams

Hugo Williams poet from United Kingdom was born in 1942 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.