List of poets born or died in 1941

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Image of Grégoire Le Roy is not available
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Grégoire Le Roy

Grégoire Le Roy poet from Belgium was born in 1862, had 79 years and died in 1941. Poems were written mainly in German language.

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Gwendolyn MacEwen

Gwendolyn MacEwen poet from Canada was born on September 1, 1941, had 46 years and died on November 29, 1987. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Jaan Kaplinski

Jaan Kaplinski poet from Estonia was born on January 22, 1941 has 84 years. Poems were written mainly in Russian language.

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James Joyce

James Joyce poet from Ireland was born on February 2, 1882, had 58 years and died on January 13, 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Jessie Pope

Jessie Pope poet from United Kingdom was born on March 18, 1868, had 73 years and died on December 14, 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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John Gillespie Magee

John Gillespie Magee poet from United States was born on June 9, 1922, had 19 years and died on December 11, 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Ken Brewer

Ken Brewer poet from United States was born on November 28, 1941, had 64 years and died on March 15, 2006. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Lola Ridge

Lola Ridge poet from United Kingdom was born in 1873, had 68 years and died in 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Mahmoud Darwish

Mahmoud Darwish poet from Israel was born in 1941 has 84 years. Poems were written mainly in Arabic language.

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Marina Tsvetaeva

Marina Tsvetaeva poet from Russian Federation was born on October 8, 1892, had 48 years and died on August 31, 1941. Poems were written mainly in Russian language.

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Mary Thacher Higginson

Mary Thacher Higginson poet from United States was born in 1844, had 97 years and died in 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Max Plowman

Max Plowman poet from United Kingdom was born in 1883, had 58 years and died in 1941. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Ortiz Simon Joseph

Ortiz Simon Joseph poet from United States was born on May 27, 1941 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore poet from India was born on May 6, 1861, had 80 years and died on August 7, 1941. Poems were written mainly in Hindi language.

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Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi

Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi poet from India was born on November 25, 1941 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in Urdu language.

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Robert Hass

Robert Hass poet from United States was born on March 1, 1941 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Royston Ellis

Royston Ellis poet from United Kingdom was born on February 10, 1941 has 84 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Stephen Dobyns

Stephen Dobyns poet from United States was born on February 19, 1941 has 84 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Sutardji Calzoum Bachri

Sutardji Calzoum Bachri poet from Indonesia was born on June 24, 1941 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Toi Derricotte

Toi Derricotte poet from United States was born on April 12, 1941 has 83 years. Poems were written mainly in English language.