List of poets born or died in 1667
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Abraham Cowley
Abraham Cowley poet from United Kingdom was born in 1618, had 49 years and died on July 28, 1667. Poems were written mainly in English language.

George Wither
George Wither poet from United Kingdom was born on June 11, 1588, had 78 years and died on May 2, 1667. Poems were written mainly in English language.

Georges de Scudéry
Georges de Scudéry poet from France was born on August 22, 1601, had 65 years and died on May 14, 1667. Poems were written mainly in French language.

Jeremy Taylor
Jeremy Taylor poet from United Kingdom was born on August 15, 1613, had 54 years and died on August 13, 1667. Poems were written mainly in English language.

John Arbuthnot
John Arbuthnot poet from United Kingdom was born on April 29, 1667, had 67 years and died on February 27, 1735. Poems were written mainly in English language.

Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift poet from Ireland was born on November 30, 1667, had 77 years and died on October 19, 1745. Poems were written mainly in English language.

Wali Mohammed Wali
Wali Mohammed Wali poet from India was born in 1667, had 40 years and died in 1707. Poems were written mainly in Urdu language.