List of poets born or died in 1655

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Jean Loret

Jean Loret poet from France was born in 1600, had 55 years and died in 1655. Poems were written mainly in French language.

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John Chalkhill

John Chalkhill poet from United Kingdom was born in 1590, had 65 years and died in 1655. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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L'Hermite François Tristan

L'Hermite François Tristan poet from France was born in 1601, had 54 years and died on September 7, 1655. Poems were written mainly in French language.

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Nalan Xingde

Nalan Xingde poet from China was born in 1655, had 30 years and died in 1685. Poems were written mainly in Chinese language.

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Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac

Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac poet from France was born on March 6, 1619, had 36 years and died on July 28, 1655. Poems were written mainly in French language.