List of poets born or died in 1547

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Henry Howard

Henry Howard poet from United Kingdom was born in 1517, had 30 years and died on January 19, 1547. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Henry VIII Tudor

Henry VIII Tudor poet from United Kingdom was born in 1491, had 56 years and died in 1547. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Henry VIII, King of England

Henry VIII, King of England poet from United Kingdom was born on June 28, 1491, had 55 years and died on January 28, 1547. Poems were written mainly in English language.

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Poonthanam poet from India was born in 1547, had 93 years and died in 1640. Poems were written mainly in Hindi language.

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Roemer Visscher

Roemer Visscher poet from Netherlands was born in 1547, had 73 years and died on February 19, 1620. Poems were written mainly in Dutch language.