Wedding poems
/ page 10 of 28 /A Fantasy of War
© Henry Lawson
The Bells and the Child.
The gongs are in the templethe bells are in the tower;
The tom-tom in the jungle and the town clock tells the hour;
And all Thy feathered kind at morn have testified Thy power.
Caravaggio: Swirl & Vortex
© Larry Levis
In the Borghese, Caravaggio, painter of boy whores, street punk, exile & murderer,
Left behind his own face in the decapitated, swollen, leaden-eyed head of Goliath,
And left the eyelids slightly open, & left on the face of David a look of pity
Satire II
© John Donne
Sir; though (I thanke God for it) I do hate
Perfectly all this towne, yet there's one state
Hermann And Dorothea - IX. Urania
© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
O YE Muses, who gladly favour a love that is heartfelt,
Who on his way the excellent youth have hitherto guided,
Who have press'd the maid to his bosom before their betrothal,
Help still further to perfect the bonds of a couple so loving,
Drive away the clouds which over their happiness hover!
But begin by saying what now in the house has been passing.
Old Mates
© David McKee Wright
. I came up to-night to the station, the tramp had been longish and cold,
My swag ain't too heavy to carry, but then I begin to get old.
I came through this way to the diggings - how long will that be ago now?
Thirty years! how the country has altered, and miles of it under the plough,
And Jack was my mate on the journey - we both run away from the sea;
He's got on in the world and I haven't, and now he looks sideways on me.
© Jibanananda Das
Thousands of Bengali villages, silent and powerless, sink into
hopelessness and lightlessness.
When the sun sets, a certain lovely haired darkness
Comes to fix her hair in-a bun-but by whose hands?
Tale XI
© George Crabbe
And those of stronger minds should never speak
(In his opinion) what might hurt the weak:
A man may smile, but still he should attend
His hour at church, and be the Church's friend,
What there he thinks conceal, and what he hears
Keeping His First Wife Now
© Henry Lawson
ITS OH! for a rivet in marriage bonds,
And a splice in the knot untied
Oh terrible, beloved! A poet's loving
© Boris Pasternak
Oh terrible, beloved! A poet's loving
Is a restless god's passionate rage,
And chaos out into the world comes creeping,
As in the ancient fossil age.
Archduchess Anne
© George Meredith
In middle age an evil thing
Befell Archduchess Anne:
She looked outside her wedding-ring
Upon a princely man.
The Legend of La Brea
© Charles Kingsley
Down beside the loathly Pitch Lake,
In the stately Morichal,
Sat an ancient Spanish Indian,
Peering through the columns tall.
The Brus Book I
© John Barbour
Storys to rede ar delatibill
Suppos that thai be nocht bot fabill,
Than suld storys that suthfast wer
From Amorgos
© Nikos Gatsos
With their country tied to their sails and their oars hung on
the wind
The shipwrecked slept tamely like dead beasts on a bedding
Becs Birth-Day Nov. 8, 1726
© Jonathan Swift
This day, dear Bec, is thy nativity;
Had Fate a luckier one, she'd give it ye.
She chose a thread of greatest length,
And doubly twisted it for strength:
Maha-Bharata, The Epic Of Ancient India - Book VI - Go-Harana - (Cattle-Lifting)
© Romesh Chunder Dutt
The conditions of the banishment of the sons of Pandu were hard. They
must pass twelve years in exile, and then they must remain a year in
concealment. If they were discovered within this last year, they must
go into exile for another twelve years.
To My Husband on Our Wedding-Day
© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
I leave for thee, beloved one,
The home and friends of youth,
The Sensation Captain
© William Schwenck Gilbert
No nobler captain ever trod
So good - so wise - so brave, he!
But still, as all his friends would own,
He had one folly - one alone -
This Captain in the Navy.
The Quaker Widow
© James Bayard Taylor
THEE finds me in the garden, Hannah,come in! T is kind of thee
To wait until the Friends were gone, who came to comfort me.
The still and quiet company a peace may give, indeed,
But blessed is the single heart that comes to us at need.