Poems begining by U
/ page 27 of 27 /Unto a broken heart
© Emily Dickinson
Unto a broken heart
No other one may go
Without the high prerogative
Itself hath suffered too.
Uncertain lease -- develops lustre
© Emily Dickinson
Uncertain lease -- develops lustre
On Time
Uncertain Grasp, appreciation
Of Sum --
Unable are the Loved to die
© Emily Dickinson
Unable are the Loved to die
For Love is Immortality,
Nay, it is Deity --
Unto Us...
© Spike Milligan
Somewhere at some time
They committed themselves to me
And so, I was!
Small, but I WAS!
© Constantine Cavafy
In the dissolute life of my youth
the desires of my poetry were being formed,
the scope of my art was being plotted.
Uncle Ananias
© Edwin Arlington Robinson
His words were magic and his heart was true,
And everywhere he wandered he was blessed.
Out of all ancient men my childhood knew
I choose him and I mark him for the best.
Of all authoritative liars, too,
I crown him loveliest.