Time poems
/ page 782 of 792 /No Notice gave She, but a Change --
© Emily Dickinson
No Notice gave She, but a Change --
No Message, but a Sigh --
For Whom, the Time did not suffice
That She should specify.
My Soul -- accused me -- And I quailed --
© Emily Dickinson
My Soul -- accused me -- And I quailed --
As Tongue of Diamond had reviled
All else accused me -- and I smiled --
My Soul -- that Morning -- was My friend --
Musicians wrestle everywhere
© Emily Dickinson
Musicians wrestle everywhere --
All day -- among the crowded air
I hear the silver strife --
And -- walking -- long before the morn --
Such transport breaks upon the town
I think it that "New Life"!
In Winter in my Room
© Emily Dickinson
The very string with which
I tied him -- too
When he was mean and new
That string was there --
In Ebon Box, when years have flown
© Emily Dickinson
In Ebon Box, when years have flown
To reverently peer,
Wiping away the velvet dust
Summers have sprinkled there!
If ever the lid gets off my head
© Emily Dickinson
If ever the lid gets off my head
And lets the brain away
The fellow will go where he belonged --
Without a hint from me,
I'm sorry for the Dead -- Today --
© Emily Dickinson
I'm sorry for the Dead -- Today --
It's such congenial times
Old Neighbors have at fences --
It's time o' year for Hay.
I never felt at Home -- Below
© Emily Dickinson
I never felt at Home -- Below --
And in the Handsome Skies
I shall not feel at Home -- I know --
I don't like Paradise --
I many times thought Peace had come
© Emily Dickinson
I many times thought Peace had come
When Peace was far away --
As Wrecked Men -- deem they sight the Land --
At Centre of the Sea --
He who in Himself believes --
© Emily Dickinson
He who in Himself believes --
Fraud cannot presume --
Faith is Constancy's Result --
And assumes -- from Home --
Exhilaration is the Breeze
© Emily Dickinson
Exhilaration is the Breeze
That lifts us from the Ground
And leaves us in another place
Whose statement is not found --
A Thought went up my mind today --
© Emily Dickinson
A Thought went up my mind today --
That I have had before --
But did not finish -- some way back --
I could not fix the Year --
A little Snow was here and there
© Emily Dickinson
A little Snow was here and there
Disseminated in her Hair --
Since she and I had met and played
Decade had gathered to Decade --
"Arcturus" is his other name
© Emily Dickinson
"Arcturus" is his other name --
I'd rather call him "Star."
It's very mean of Science
To go and interfere!
You left me -- Sire -- two Legacies --
© Emily Dickinson
You left me -- Sire -- two Legacies --
A Legacy of Love
A Heavenly Father would suffice
Had He the offer of --
This was a Poet -- It is That
© Emily Dickinson
This was a Poet -- It is That
Distills amazing sense
From ordinary Meanings --
And Attar so immense
I'm ceded -- I've stopped being Theirs --
© Emily Dickinson
Baptized, before, without the choice,
But this time, consciously, of Grace --
Unto supremest name --
Called to my Full -- The Crescent dropped --
Existence's whole Arc, filled up,
With one small Diadem.
I felt my life with both my hands
© Emily Dickinson
I felt my life with both my hands
To see if it was there --
I held my spirit to the Glass,
To prove it possibler --
He fumbles at your Soul
© Emily Dickinson
He fumbles at your Soul
As Players at the Keys
Before they drop full Music on --
He stuns you by degrees --
I had a guinea golden
© Emily Dickinson
I had a crimson Robin --
Who sang full many a day
But when the woods were painted,
He, too, did fly away --