Time poems

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Now as at all times

© William Butler Yeats

Now as at all times I can see in the mind's eye,

In their stiff, painted clothes, the pale unsatisfied ones

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The Mouse That Gnawed The Oak-Tree Down

© Vachel Lindsay

The mouse that gnawed the oak-tree down
Began his task in early life.
He kept so busy with his teeth
He had no time to take a wife.

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© James Lionel Michael

A change! no, surely, not a change,
  The change must be before we die;
Death may confer a wider range,
  From pole to pole, from sea to sky,
It cannot make me new or strange
  To mine own Personality!

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Father Of A Boy Named Sue

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

(Okay now years ago I wrote a song called A Boy Named Sue and that was okay
And everything except then I started to think about it and I thought
It is unfair I am looking at the whole thing from the poor kid's point of view
And as I get more older and more fatherly
I begin to look at things from an old man's point of view
So I decided to give the old man equal time okay here we go)

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Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast

© Charles Wesley

Come, sinners, to the gospel feast,
Let every soul be Jesu's guest;
Ye need not one be left behind,
For God hath bidden all mankind.

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The Brave Old Ship, the Orient

© Robert Traill Spence Lowell

Woe for the brave ship Orient!
Woe for the old ship Orient!
For in broad, broad light, and with land in sight,
Where the waters bubbled white,
One great sharp shriek! One shudder of affright!—  
And—down went the brave old ship, the Orient!

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The Chipmunk

© Madison Julius Cawein


He makes a roadway of the crumbling fence,

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On A Music Box

© Frances Anne Kemble

Poor little sprite! in that dark, narrow cell

  Caged by the law of man's resistless might!

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Bayonet Song

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

For till you show me the Sacred Word
I'm for Peter and his good sword,
Only I hope if we'd drilled him here
He'd not have missed the head for the ear.

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A Bear Family

© James Whitcomb Riley

  Nen--when the Bear got 'way on top
  The mountain, he heerd somepin' flop
  Its wings--an' somepin' else he heerd
  A-rattlin'-like.--An' he wuz _skeerd_,
  An' looked 'way up, an'--_Mercy sake!_--

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Paradise Lost : Book VI.

© John Milton

All night the dreadless Angel, unpursued,

Through Heaven's wide champain held his way; till Morn,

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Empire in Winter

© Judson Jerome

Love equals people times the square of the speed

of light.

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Maymie's Story Of Red Riding Hood

© James Whitcomb Riley

  Nen her old Dran'ma
She think it _is_ little Red Riding Hood,
An' so she say: "Well, come in nen an' make
You'se'f at home," she says, "'cause I'm down sick
In bed, and got the 'ralgia, so's I can't
Dit up an' let ye in."

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Names Upon a Stone: (Inscribed to G. L. Fagan, Esq.)

© Henry Kendall

ACROSS bleak widths of broken sea

  A fierce north-easter breaks,

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The Glance

© George Herbert

  When first thy sweet and gracious eye

Vouchsaf'd ev'n in the midst of youth and night

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© Jones Very

Soon the waves so lightly bounding
All forget the tempest blast;
Soon the pines so sadly sounding
Cease to mourn the storm that's past.

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Grandmother Tenterden

© Francis Bret Harte

  I mind it was but yesterday:
The sun was dim, the air was chill;
Below the town, below the hill,
The sails of my son's ship did fill,--
  My Jacob, who was cast away.

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To The Committee Of The Cayley Portrait Fund

© James Clerk Maxwell

O wretched race of men, to space confined!
What honour can ye pay to him, whose mind
To that which lies beyond hath penetrated?
The symbols he bath formed shall sound his praise,
And lead him on through unimagined ways
To conquests new, in worlds not yet created.

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Thoughts on Predestination and Reprobation : Part III.

© John Byrom

Whereas, this Reprobation Doctrine, here,

Not only Sense and Reason would cashier;

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Her Going

© Eleanor Agnes Lee

The Wife
Child, why do you linger beside her portal?
None shall hear you now if you knock or clamor*
All is dark, hidden in heaviest leafage.
None shall behold you.