Respect poems
/ page 10 of 43 /Hudibras: Part 2 - Canto I
© Samuel Butler
Quoth she, I grant it is in vain.
For one that's basted to feel pain,
Because the pangs his bones endure
Contribute nothing to the cure:
Yet honor hurt, is wont to rage
With pain no med'cine can asswage.
© Robert Browning
Then did the Form expand, expand
I knew Him through the dread disguise,
As the whole God within his eyes
Embraced me.
Honours -- Part I
© Jean Ingelow
To strive-and fail. Yes, I did strive and fail;
I set mine eyes upon a certain night
To find a certain star-and could not hail
With them its deep-set light.
The Latest School
© Gilbert Keith Chesterton
See the flying French depart
Like the bees of Bonaparte,
Swarming up with a most venomous vitality.
Over Baden and Bavaria,
And Brighton and Bulgaria,
Thus violating Belgian neutrality.
Idyll XV. The Festival of Adonis
© Theocritus
Yes, Gorgo dear! At last!
That you're here now's a marvel! See to a chair,
A cushion, Eunoae!
The Ring And The Book - Chapter V - Count Guido Franceschini
© Robert Browning
That is a way, thou whisperest in my ear!
I doubt, I will decide, then act, said I
Then beckoned my companions: Time is come!
Elegy XVI. He Suggests the Advantage of Birth To a Person of Merit
© William Shenstone
When genius, graced with lineal splendour, glows,
When title shines, with ambient virtues crown'd,
Like some fair almond's flowery pomp it shows,
The pride, the perfume, of the regions round.
An Epistle To George William Curtis
© James Russell Lowell
Curtis, whose Wit, with Fancy arm in arm,
Masks half its muscle in its skill to charm,
The Angel In The House. Book I. Canto XI.
© Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
This learn'd I, watching where she danced,
Native to melody and light,
And now and then toward me glanced,
Pleased, as I hoped, to please my sight.
Who Ever Loved That Loved Not At First Sight?
© Christopher Marlowe
from Hero and Leander
It lies not in our power to love, or hate,
The Borough. Letter VIII: Trades
© George Crabbe
share -
'Tis small: we boast not these rich subjects here,
Who hazard thrice ten thousand pounds a-year;
We've no huge buildings, where incessant noise
Is made by springs and spindles, girls and boys;
Where, 'mid such thundering sounds, the maiden's
Don Juan: Canto The Sixteenth
© George Gordon Byron
The antique Persians taught three useful things,
To draw the bow, to ride, and speak the truth.
One Against the World
© William Schwenck Gilbert
When charms enthral
There's some excuse
For measures strong;
And after all
I'm but a goose,
And may be wrong!
Sonnet 33: I Might
© Sir Philip Sidney
I might!-unhappy word-O me, I might,
And then would not, or could not, see my bliss;
True Love
© Judith Viorst
It is true love because
I put on eyeliner and a concerto and make pungent observations about the great issues of the day
Tale III
© George Crabbe
In all that most confines them they confide,
Their slavery boast, and make their bonds their
The Cenci : A Tragedy In Five Acts
© Percy Bysshe Shelley
Scene I.
-An Apartment in the Cenci Palace.
Enter Count Cenci, and Cardinal Camillo.