Power poems

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On Hearing A Yellow Hammer Sing Near Dunedin

© Alexander Bathgate

List! to that pretty little bird,
Singing on yonder bush of thorn;
Its plaintive notes I have not heard,
Save in the land where I was born.

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Genesis BK I

© Caedmon

(ll. 78-81) Then was there calm as formerly in heaven, the kindly
ways of peace.  The Lord was dear to all, a Prince among His
thanes, and glory was renewed of angel legions knowing
blessedness with God.

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Stanzas to Cynthio

© Amelia Opie

As o'er the sands the youthful Cynthio strayed,
Moist from the wave he saw a pebble shine,
While, with its borrowed lustre charmed, he said
"Henceforth this sparkling treasure shall be mine."

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The Vision Of Piers Plowman - Part 20

© William Langland

Thanne as I wente by the way, whan I was thus awaked,

Hevy chered I yede, and elenge in herte;

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The Bridal of Pennacook

© John Greenleaf Whittier

No bridge arched thy waters save that where the trees
Stretched their long arms above thee and kissed in the breeze:
No sound save the lapse of the waves on thy shores,
The plunging of otters, the light dip of oars.

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The Invective of Achilles--V. 225

© George Meredith

"Bibber besotted, with scowl of a cur, having heart of a deer, thou!

Never to join to thy warriors armed for the press of the conflict,

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ElegyXI: The Bracelet

© John Donne

NOT that in colour it was like thy hair,

For armlets of that thou mayst let me wear ;

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The Angel Of Patience

© John Greenleaf Whittier

To weary hearts, to mourning homes,
God's meekest Angel gently comes
No power has he to banish pain,
Or give us back our lost again;
And yet in tenderest love, our dear
And Heavenly Father sends him here.

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Sweet Fern

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The subtle power in perfume found
Nor priest nor sibyl vainly learned;
On Grecian shrine or Aztec mound
No censer idly burned.

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At School-Close

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The end has come, as come it must
To all things; in these sweet June days
The teacher and the scholar trust
Their parting feet to separate ways.

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The World’s Convention Of The Friends Of Emancipation, Held In London In 1840

© John Greenleaf Whittier

YES, let them gather! Summon forth
The pledged philanthropy of Earth.
From every land, whose hills have heard
The bugle blast of Freedom waking;

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The Gift Of Play

© Edgar Albert Guest

Some have the gift of song and some possess the gift of silver speech,

Some have the gift of leadership and some the ways of life can teach.

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The Golden Age

© Alfred Austin

Nor this the worst! When ripened Shame would hide
Fruits of that hour when Passion conquered Pride,
There are not wanting in this Christian land
The breast remorseless and the Thuggish hand,
 To advertise the dens where Death is sold,
And quench the breath of baby-life for gold!

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Lines Written As A School Exercise At Hawkshead, Anno Aetatis 14

© William Wordsworth

"AND has the Sun his flaming chariot driven
Two hundred times around the ring of heaven,
Since Science first, with all her sacred train,
Beneath yon roof began her heavenly reign?

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Arabian Night's Entertainments

© William Ernest Henley

Once on a time

There was a little boy:  a master-mage

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Psalm II.

© John Milton

Why do the Gentiles tumult, and the Nations
Muse a vain thing, the Kings of th'earth upstand
With power, and Princes in their Congregations
Lay deep their plots together through each Land,

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Gotham - Book I

© Charles Churchill

Far off (no matter whether east or west,

A real country, or one made in jest,

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Night Rhapsody

© Robert Nichols

  How beautiful it is to wake at night,

  When over all there reigns the ultimate spell

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© Henry Kendall

AH, to be by Mooni now!  

Where the great dark hills of wonder,  

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The Children

© Edgar Albert Guest

The children bring us laughter, and the children bring us tears;
They string our joys, like jewels bright, upon the thread of years;
They bring the bitterest cares we know, their mothers' sharpest pain,
Then smile our world to loveliness, like sunshine after rain.