Power poems

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The Birth Of Love

© William Wordsworth

When Love was born of heavenly line,
 What dire intrigues disturbed Cythera's joy!
Till Venus cried, "A mother's heart is mine;
 None but myself shall nurse my boy,"

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To The Heroic Soul

© Duncan Campbell Scott

And when Grief comes thou shalt have suffered more
Than all the deepest woes of all the world;
Joy, dancing in, shall find thee nourished with mirth;
Wisdom shall find her Master at thy door;
And Love shall find thee crowned with love empearled;
And death shall touch thee not but a new birth.

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"The Morn That Breaks Its Heart Of Gold"

© Madison Julius Cawein

From an ode "In Commemoration of the Founding of the

Massachusetts Bay Colony."

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Hero And Leander. The Sixth Sestiad

© George Chapman

No longer could the Day nor Destinies

  Delay the Night, who now did frowning rise

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'The Aeneid of Virgil: Book 3

© Publius Vergilius Maro

“WHEN Heav’n had overturn’d the Trojan state  

And Priam’s throne, by too severe a fate;  

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The Brothers

© William Wordsworth

"THESE Tourists, heaven preserve us! needs must live

A profitable life: some glance along,

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© Jean Ingelow

England puts on her purple, and pale, pale
  With too much light, the primrose doth but wait
To meet the hyacinth; then bower and dale
  Shall lose her and each fairy woodland mate.
April forgets them, for their utmost sum
Of gift was silent, and the birds are come.

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The Harper’s Story

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

My pretty ladies, mid this Christmas cheer,

Loth though I am to wake a single tear

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The Freeborn

© Dora Sigerson Shorter

God made the man and bid him multiply,

Replenish the green earth, nor break the die

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Sonnett - XXIII

© James Russell Lowell


He stood upon the world's broad threshold; wide

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"The Old Homestead"

© Eugene Field

God bless ye, Denman Thomps'n, for the good y' do our hearts,
  With this music an' these memories o' youth--
God bless ye for the faculty that tops all human arts,
  The good ol' Yankee faculty of Truth!

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A Figurative Description Of The Procedure Of Divine Love

© William Cowper

'Twas my purpose, on a day,
To embark, and sail away.
As I climbed the vessel's side,
Love was sporting in the tide;
"Come," he said, "ascend—make haste,
Launch into the boundless waste."

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The Birds

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

TRIBES of the air! whose favored race
May wander through the realms of space,
 Free guests of earth and sky;
In form, in plumage, and in song,
What gifts of nature mark your throng
 With bright variety!

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The Monk

© Archibald Lampman


In Nino's chamber not a sound intrudes

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The Lord of the Isles: Canto II.

© Sir Walter Scott


Fill the bright goblet, spread the festive board!

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On The Pleasures Of College Life

© George Moses Horton

With tears I leave these academic bowers,
And cease to cull the scientific flowers;
With tears I hail the fair succeeding train,
And take my exit with a breast of pain.

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Sermon In A Churchyard

© Thomas Babbington Macaulay

Let pious Damon take his seat,

With mincing step and languid smile,

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Life Of The Blessed

© William Cullen Bryant

  Region of life and light!
Land of the good whose earthly toils are o'er!
  Nor frost nor heat may blight
  Thy vernal beauty, fertile shore,
Yielding thy blessed fruits for evermore!

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The Lodge-Room

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Don't bring into the lodge-room

Anger, and spite, and pride.

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An Armour of proofe, brought from The Tower of Dauid, to fight agaynst Spannyardes

© Roger Cotton

When God of hosts in eighty eight had brought,
 an host of men, our Countrey to annoy:
in that distresse the Lord by vs was sought,
 whereby our woes were turned then to ioy.
But yet full true to vs may this be sayde,
 in your distresse, you onely seeke my ayde.