Power poems

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Psalm 135 part 2

© Isaac Watts

L. M.
The works of creation, providence, redemption of Israel, and destruction of enemies.

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Psalm 135

© Isaac Watts

Awake, ye saints; to praise your King,
Your sweetest passions raise,
Your pious pleasure, while you sing,
Increasing with the praise.

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Psalm 134

© Isaac Watts

Ye that obey th' immortal King,
Attend his holy place;
Bow to the glories of his power,
And bless his wondrous grace.

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Psalm 132

© Isaac Watts

L. M.
At the settlement of a church, or the ordination of a minister.

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Psalm 13

© Isaac Watts

How long, O Lord, shall I complain,
Like one that seeks his God in vain?
Canst thou thy face for ever hide,
And I still pray, and be denied?

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Psalm 121

© Isaac Watts

Up to the hills I lift mine eyes,
Th' eternal hills beyond the skies;
Thence all her help my soul derives;
There my Almighty refuge lives.

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Psalm 12

© Isaac Watts

Lord, if thou dost not soon appear,
Virtue and truth will fly away;
A faithful man amongst us here
Will scarce be found, if thou delay.

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Psalm 119 part 8

© Isaac Watts

Lord, I have made thy word my choice,
My lasting heritage;
There shall my noblest powers rejoice,
My warmest thoughts engage.

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Psalm 119 part 7

© Isaac Watts

Let all the heathen writers join
To form one perfect book;
Great God! if once compared with thine,
How mean their writings look!

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Psalm 119 part 4

© Isaac Watts

How shall the young secure their hearts,
And guard their lives from sin?
Thy word the choicest rules imparts
To keep the conscience clean.

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Psalm 119 part 16

© Isaac Watts

My soul lies cleaving to the dust;
Lord, give me life divine;
From vain desires and every lust
Turn off these eyes of mine.

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Psalm 116 part 1

© Isaac Watts

I love the Lord; he heard my cries,
And pitied every groan;
Long as I live, when troubles rise,
I'll hasten to his throne.

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Psalm 115

© Isaac Watts

Not to ourselves, who are but dust,
Not to ourselves is glory due,
Eternal God, thou only just,
Thou only gracious, wise, and true.

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Psalm 114

© Isaac Watts

When Isr'el, freed from Pharaoh's hand,
Left the proud tyrant and his land,
The tribes with cheerful homage own
Their King, and Judah was his throne.

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Psalm 113

© Isaac Watts

Ye that delight to serve the Lord,
The honors of his name record,
His sacred name for ever bless;
Where'er the circling sun displays
His rising beams, or setting rays,
Let lands and seas his power confess.

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Psalm 110 part 1

© Isaac Watts

Thus the eternal Father spake
To Christ the Son: "Ascend and sit
At my right hand, till I shall make
Thy foes submissive at thy feet.

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Psalm 110

© Isaac Watts

Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne,
And near the Father sit;
In Zion shall thy power be known,
And make thy foes submit.

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Psalm 107 part 3

© Isaac Watts

Vain man, on foolish pleasures bent,
Prepares for his own punishment;
What pains, what loathsome maladies,
From luxury and lust arise!

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Psalm 107 part 1

© Isaac Watts

Give thanks to God; he reigns above;
Kind are his thoughts, his name is Love;
His mercy ages past have known,
And ages long to come shall own.

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Psalm 106 part 2

© Isaac Watts

S. M.
Israel punished and pardoned; or, God's unchangeable love.