Power poems

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The Stranger

© Rudyard Kipling

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk--
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

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The Domestic Affections

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

Favor'd of Heav'n! O Genius! are they thine,
When round thy brow the wreaths of glory shine;
While rapture gazes on thy radiant way,
'Midst the bright realms of clear and mental day?

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The Songs of the Lathes

© Rudyard Kipling

1918Being the Words of the Tune Hummed at Her Lathe by Mrs. L. Embsay, Widow
The fans and the beltings they roar round me.
The power is shaking the floor round me
Till the lathes pick up their duty and the midnight-shift takes over.
It is good for me to be here!

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Song of the Red War-Boat

© Rudyard Kipling

For we hold that in all disaster
Of shipwreck, storm, or sword,
A Man must stand by his Master
When once he has pledged his word.

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Song of the Fifth River

© Rudyard Kipling

"The Treasure and the Low"--Puck of Pook's Hills.
Where first by Eden Tree
The Four Great Rivers ran,
To each was appointed a Man
Her Prince and Ruler to be.

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Song of Diego Valdez

© Rudyard Kipling

The God of Fair Beginnings
Hath prospered here my hand --
The cargoes of my lading,
And the keels of my command.

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The Song of the Dead

© Rudyard Kipling

Hear now the Song of the Dead -- in the North by the torn berg-edges --
They that look still to the Pole, asleep by their hide-stripped sledges.
Song of the Dead in the South -- in the sun by their skeleton horses,
Where the warrigal whimpers and bays through the dust of the sere river-courses.

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The Song of the Cities

© Rudyard Kipling


Royal and Dower-royal, I the Queen
Fronting thy richest sea with richer hands --

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A Song In Storm

© Rudyard Kipling

Be well assured that on our side
The abiding oceans fight,
Though headlong wind and heaping tide
Make us their sport to-night.

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Sir Richard's Song

© Rudyard Kipling

(A. D. 1066)
I followed my Duke ere I was a lover,
To take from England fief and fee;
But now this game is the other way over--
But now England hath taken me!

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Seven Watchmen

© Rudyard Kipling

SEVEN Watchmen sitting in a tower,
Watching what had come upon mankind,
Showed the Man the Glory and the Power,

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The Servant When He Reigneth

© Rudyard Kipling

Three things make earth unquiet
And four she cannot brook
The godly Agur counted them
And put them in a book --

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The Secret of the Machines

© Rudyard Kipling

We can pull and haul and push and lift and drive,
We can print and plough and weave and heat and light,
We can run and race and swim and fly and dive,
We can see and hear and count and read and write!

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Russia To The Pacifists

© Rudyard Kipling

God rest you, peaceful gentlemen, let nothing you dismay,
But--leave your sports a little while--the dead are borne
this way!

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Romulus and Remus

© Rudyard Kipling

Oh, little did the Wolf-Child care--
When first he planned his home,
What City should arise and bear
The weight and state of Rome.

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Road-Song of the Bandar-Log

© Rudyard Kipling

Then join our leaping lines that scumfish through the pines,
That rocket by where, light and high, the wild-grape swings,
By the rubbish in our wake, and the noble noise we make,
Be sure, be sure, we're going to do some splendid things!

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The Return of the Children

© Rudyard Kipling

"They" -- Traffics and Discoveries
Neither the harps nor the crowns amused, nor the cherubs' dove-winged races--
Holding hands forlornly the Children wandered beneath the Dome,
Plucking the splendid robes of the passers-by, and with pitiful! faces
Begging what Princes and Powers refused:--"Ah, please will you let us go home?"

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The Kalevala - Rune XXXVII

© Elias Lönnrot


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The Rabbi's Song

© Rudyard Kipling

"The House Surgeon"--Actions and Reactions 2 Samuel XIV. 14.
If Thought can reach to Heaven,
On Heaven let it dwell,
For fear the Thought be given

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One With Nature

© George MacDonald

I have a fellowship with every shade

Of changing nature: with the tempest hour