Power poems

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Sonnet XXVII: Is Not Love Here

© Michael Drayton

Is not Love here as 'tis in other climes,
And differeth it, as do the several nations?
Or hath it lost the virtue with the times,
Or in this island altereth with the fashions?

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Ode to the Cambro-Britons and their Harp, His Ballad of Agi

© Michael Drayton

Fair stood the wind for France,
When we our sails advance;
Nor now to prove our chance
Longer will tarry;

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Mercury And Cupid

© Matthew Prior

In sullen Humour one Day Jove
Sent Hermes down to Ida's Grove,
Commanding Cupid to deliver
His Store of Darts, his total Quiver;
That Hermes shou'd the Weapons break,
Or throw 'em into Lethe's Lake.

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© Michael Drayton

FAIR stood the wind for France
When we our sails advance,
Nor now to prove our chance
Longer will tarry;

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Sonnet XXXIV: Marvel Not, Love

© Michael Drayton

To AdmirationMarvel not, Love, though I thy power admire,
Ravish'd a world beyond the farthest thought,
And knowing more than ever hath been taught,
That I am only starv'd in my desire.

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Wordsworth's Grave

© William Watson

The old rude church, with bare, bald tower, is here;
  Beneath its shadow high-born Rotha flows;
Rotha, remembering well who slumbers near,
  And with cool murmur lulling his repose

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Italy : 1. The Lake Of Geneva

© Samuel Rogers

Day glimmered in the east, and the white Moon

Hung like a vapour in the cloudless sky,

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© Sir Walter Scott

From a rude isle, his ruder lineage came.

  The spark, that, from a suburb hovel's hearth

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The City at the End of Things

© Archibald Lampman

   Beside the pounding cataracts 
   Of midnight streams unknown to us
   'Tis builded in the leafless tracts
   And valleys huge of Tartarus.

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The Battle Of Agincourt

© Michael Drayton

Fair stood the wind for France
When we our sails advance,
Nor now to prove our chance
Longer will tarry;

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Astrophel And Stella-Tenth Song

© Sir Philip Sidney

Oh dear life, when shall it be
That mine eyes thine eyes may see?
And in them thy mind discover,
Whether absence have had force
Thy remembrance to divorce
From the image of thy lover?

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Surprised By Joy

© William Wordsworth

Surprised by joy-impatient as the Wind

I turned to share the transport-Oh! with whom

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Sonnet XLIX: How Long

© Samuel Daniel

How long shall I in mine affliction mourn,

A burden to myself, distress'd in mind?

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On The Victory Obtained By Blake Over the Spaniards, In The Bay Of Scanctacruze, In The Island Of teneriff.1657

© Andrew Marvell

Now does Spains Fleet her spatious wings unfold,
Leaves the new World and hastens for the old:
But though the wind was fair, the slowly swoome
Frayted with acted Guilt, and Guilt to come:

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Peruvian Tales: Zilia, Tale III

© Helen Maria Williams

PIZARRO takes possession of Cuzco-The fanaticism of VALVERDA , a
Spanish priest-Its dreadful effects-A Peruvian priest put to the tor-
ture-His Daughter's distress-He is rescued by LAS CASAS , a Spa-
nish ecclesiastic-And led to a place of safety, where he dies-His
Daughter's narration of her sufferings-Her death.

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The Dryad

© Robert Laurence Binyon

What has the ilex heard,
What has the laurel seen,
That the pale edges of their leaves are stirred?
What spirit stole between?

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The Death of Cromwell

© Andrew Marvell

That Providence which had so long the care
Of Cromwell's head, and numbered every hair,
Now in itself (the glass where all appears)
Had seen the period of his golden years:
And thenceforh only did attend to trace
What death might least so fair a life deface.

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Soldier's Dream

© Wilfred Owen

I dreamed kind Jesus fouled the big-gun gears;
And caused a permanent stoppage in all bolts;
And buckled with a smile Mausers and Colts;
And rusted every bayonet with His tears.

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Cromwell's Return

© Andrew Marvell

An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return From IrelandThe forward youth that would appear
Must now forsake his muses dear,
Nor in the shadows sing,
His numbers languishing.

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The First Anniversary Of The Government Under O.C.

© Andrew Marvell

Like the vain Curlings of the Watry maze,
Which in smooth streams a sinking Weight does raise;
So Man, declining alwayes, disappears.
In the Weak Circles of increasing Years;