Power poems

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© Paul Hamilton Hayne

LOVE is no product of the obedient will,
It hath its root in those deep sympathies
Mere ties of blood are powerless to control;
I love thee not because around thy heart

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Abide With Me

© Henry Francis Lyte

  Abide with me! Fast falls the Eventide;
  The darkness thickens. Lord, with me abide
  When other helpers fail, and comforts flee,
  Help of the helpless, O abide with me!

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Alfred. Book II.

© Henry James Pye

  He ceased—but still the accents of his tongue
  Persuasive, on the attentive hearers hung:
  The monarch and his warlike thanes around
  Still listening sat, in silent wonder bound.

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The Kalevala - Rune V

© Elias Lönnrot


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© George Essex Evans

Earth's mightiest isle. She stands alone.
The wide seas wash around Her throne,
Crowned by the red sun as his own.
This is the last of all the lands
Where Freedom’s fray-torn banner stands,
Not wrested yet from freemen’s hands.

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© Allen Ginsberg

What do I want in these rooms papered with visions of money?

How much can I make by cutting my hair? If I put new heels on my shoes,

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The Two Lovers Of Heaven: Chrysanthus And Daria - Act I

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

Chrysanthus is seen seated near a writing table on which are several
books: he is reading a small volume with deep attention.

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The Turtle And Sparrow. An Elegiac Tale

© Matthew Prior

Stretch'd on the bier Columbo lies,
Pale are his cheeks, and closed his eyes;
Those eyes, where beauty smiling lay,
Those eyes, where Love was used to play;
Ah! cruel Fate, alas how soon
That beauty and those joys are flown!

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The Hill-Top

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The burly driver at my side,

We slowly climbed the hill,

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The Signs

© Henry Van Dyke

Dedicated to the Zodiac Club

Who knows how many thousand years ago

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© Jane Taylor

  It is not worth our while, but if it were,
We all could undertake to laugh at her ;
Since vulgar prejudice, the lowest kind,
Of course, has full possession of her mind ;
Here, therefore, let us leave her, and inquire
Wherein it differs as it rises higher.

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Madam Gabrina, Or the Ill-favourd Choice

© Henry King

Con mala Muger el remedio
Mucha Tierra por el medio.
I have oft wondred why thou didst elect
Thy Mistress of a stuff none could affect,

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The Bastard

© Richard Savage

Is chance a guilt? that my disastrous heart,
For mischief never meant; must ever smart?
Can self-defence be sin?-Ah, plead no more!
What though no purposed malice stained thee o'er?
Had Heaven befriended thy unhappy side,
Thou hadst not been provoked-or thou hadst died.

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© William Wilfred Campbell

ENGLAND, England, England,
  Girdled by ocean and skies,
And the power of a world, and the heart of a race,
  And a hope that never dies.

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The Beaks Of Eagles

© Robinson Jeffers

An eagle's nest on the head of an old redwood on one of the

precipice-footed ridges

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The Missionary - Canto Seventh

© William Lisle Bowles

The watchman on the tower his bugle blew,

  And swelling to the morn the streamers flew;

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Semper Eadem (Ever The Same)

© Charles Baudelaire

«D'où vous vient, disiez-vous, cette tristesse étrange,
Montant comme la mer sur le roc noir et nu?»
— Quand notre coeur a fait une fois sa vendange
Vivre est un mal. C'est un secret de tous connu,

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An Invitation To Edward Walpole, Esq.

© Mary Barber

The first Glass shall welcome you, Sir, to our Coast;
And dear Lady Conway shall be my next Toast.
With Mirth, and good Humour, I'll make up the Treat;
I know you're too wise, to love dining in State.

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The Harbinger

© John Donne

to the Progresse.