Poems begining by O

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On Mrs. Little, In Redcliff Church, Bristol.

© Hannah More

O could this verse her fair example spread,

And teach the living while it prais'd the dead!

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Once More.

© James Brunton Stephens


I HAD not thought again to be

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Olney Hymn 31: On The Death Of A Minister

© William Cowper

His master taken from his head,
Elisha saw him go;
And in desponding accents said,
"Ah, what must Israel do?"

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On A Very Old Glass At Market-Hill

© Jonathan Swift

Frail glass! thou mortal art as well as I;
  Though none can tell which of us first shall die.

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Out Of Nazareth

© James Whitcomb Riley

"Who can rob thee an thou hast
More than this that thou hast cast
At my feet-- this dust of gold?
Simply this and that, all told!
Hast thou not a treasure of
Such a thing as men call love?"

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O Never Say That I Was False of Heart

© William Shakespeare

O never say that I was false of heart,
Though absence seem'd my flame to qualify:
As easy might I from myself depart
As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie;

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On The Aphorism

© Charlotte Turner Smith

"L'Amitié est l'Amour sans ailes."

FRIENDSHIP, as some sage poet sings,

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© George Chapman

There is no truth of any good

To be discerned on earth ; and, by conversion,

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On A Good Legg And Foot

© William Strode

If Hercules tall stature might bee guest

But by his thumbe, wherby to make the rest

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On Spion Kop

© Sir Henry Newbolt

Foremost of all on battle's fiery steep
  Here VERTUE fell, and here he sleeps his sleep.
A fairer name no Roman ever gave
  To stand sole monument on Valour's grave.

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Only Serpents

© Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev

Only serpents let their skin be fallen
And a soul - all grown up and old.
We, alas, change an eternal soul,
Leaving body in eternal hold.

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Out From Behind His Mask

© Walt Whitman

As on the road, or at some crevice door, by chance, or open'd window,
Pausing, inclining, baring my head, You specially I greet,
To draw and clench your Soul, for once, inseparably with mine,
Then travel, travel on.

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O Thou Breeze of Spring!

© Felicia Dorothea Hemans

O thou breeze of spring!

Gladdening sea and shore,

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"O Earth, Art Not Thou Weary?"

© Julia Caroline (Ripley) Dorr

O Earth! art thou not weary of thy graves?

Dear, patient Mother Earth, upon thy breast

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Old Man Whiskery-Whee-Kum-Wheeze

© James Whitcomb Riley

Old Man Whiskery-Whee-Kum-Wheeze

  Lives 'way up in the leaves o' trees.

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Opening The Window

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

THUS I lift the sash, so long
Shut against the flight of song;
All too late for vain excuse,--
Lo, my captive rhymes are loose.

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O Love, How Strangely Sweet

© John Marston

O LOVE, how strangely sweet

  Are thy weak passions,

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Omen Of Emptiness

© Spike Milligan

The clock has turned enough
to reach a planet
Life is endless night
I hear wings beating in
the dark of my room
A giant Raven is waiting –

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Official Piety

© John Greenleaf Whittier

A PIOUS magistrate! sound his praise throughout
The wondering churches. Who shall henceforth doubt
That the long-wished millennium draweth nigh?
Sin in high places has become devout,