Poems begining by N

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Never Again

© Stevie Smith

Never again will I weep
And wring my hands
And beat my head against the wall

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Next Time

© Mary Oliver

Next time what I'd do is look at
the earth before saying anything. I'd stop
just before going into a house
and be an emperor for a minute
and listen better to the wind
or to the air being still.

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New Year's Eve

© Henry Van Dyke

I The other night I had a dream, most clear
And comforting, complete
In every line, a crystal sphere,
And full of intimate and secret cheer.

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© John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

An Elven-maid there was of old,
A shining star by day.
Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,
Her shoes of silver-grey.

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© John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,
Yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron!
Yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier
Mi oromardi lissë-miruvóreva

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Nay, Lord, not thus! white lilies in the spring,

© Oscar Wilde

Seven stars in the still water,
And seven in the sky;
Seven sins on the King's daughter,
Deep in her soul to lie.

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Not Mine

© Czeslaw Milosz

All my life to pretend this world of theirs is mine
And to know such pretending is disgraceful.
But what can I do? Suppose I suddenly screamed
And started to prophesy. No one would hear me.

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Notes from the Other Side

© Jane Kenyon

I divested myself of despair
and fear when I came here.Now there is no more catching
one's own eye in the mirror,there are no bad books, no plastic,
no insurance premiums, and of courseno illness. Contrition

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Now Winter Nights Enlarge

© Thomas Campion

Now winter nights enlarge

  The number of their hours;

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Nick and the Candlestick

© Sylvia Plath

I am a miner. The light burns blue. 
Waxy stalactites
Drip and thicken, tears

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"Now Goeth Sun Under Wood"

© Pierre Reverdy

Now goth sonne under wod:
Me reweth, Marye, thy faire rode.
Now goth sonne under tree: 
Me reweth, Marye, thy sone and thee.

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Near Helikon

© Trumbull Stickney

By such an all-embalming summer day

As sweetens now among the mountain pines

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Nina's Blues

© Cornelius Eady

On the floors of the gigs
You turned your back on,
The balled-up fists of notes
Flung, angry from a keyboard.

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© Stephen Edgar

It's midnight now and sounds like midnight then,

The words like distant stars that faintly grace

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Nancy Jane

© Charles Simic

A dark little country store full of gravedigger’s 
 children buying candy.
(That’s how we looked that night.)

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North of Childhood

© Jonathan Galassi


Somewhere ahead I see you

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Nox Borealis

© Louis Zukofsky

If Socrates drank his portion of hemlock willingly,
if the Appalachians have endured unending ages of erosion,
if the wind can learn to read our minds
and moonlight moonlight as a master pickpocket,
surely we can contend with contentment as our commission.

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Neutrality Loathsome

© Robert Herrick

God will have all, or none; serve Him, or fall
Down before Baal, Bel, or Belial:
Either be hot, or cold: God doth despise,
Abhorre, and spew out all Neutralities.

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© Czeslaw Milosz

They had a saying then: “Even monsters
have their mates.” So perhaps they learned to tolerate their partners’
flaws, trusting that theirs would be forgiven in turn.

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© Jeffrey Harrison

It wasn’t until we got the Christmas tree
into the house and up on the stand
that our daughter discovered a small bird’s nest
tucked among its needled branches.