Poems begining by N

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New Heaven

© Katharine Tynan

Paradise now has many a Knight,
  Many a lordkin, many lords,
Glimmer of armor, dinted and bright,
  The young Knights have put on new swords.

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© James Beattie

O how canst thou renounce the boundless store

Of charms which Nature to her votary yields!

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Night Hills

© Wang Wei

Rain gone. Hills are void.

 Night air. Autumn now.

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Night Watches

© James Russell Lowell

While the slow clock, as they were miser's gold,

Counts and recounts the mornward steps of Time,

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© Rubén Dario

I want to express my anguish in verses that speak
of my vanished youth, a time of dreams and roses,
and the bitter defloration of my life
by many small cares and one vast aching sorrow.

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Non, Je Ne L’Amime Plus

© André Marie de Chénier

  Sa table par mes mains sera prête et choisie; 
  L'eau pure, de ma main, lui sera l'ambroisie.
  Seul, c'est moi qui serai partout, à tout moment,
  Son esclave fidèle et son fidèle amant.'
  Tels étaient mes projets qu'insensés et volages
  Le vent a dissipés parmi de vains nuages! 

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Night Thoughts In Age

© John Hall Wheelock

Light, that out of the west looked back once more

Through lids of cloud, has closed a sleepy eye;

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Now Kind Now Coy Wth How Much Change

© Thomas Parnell

Now kind now coy wth how much change

You feed my fierce desire

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"Not Known"

© Denis Florence MacCarthy

On receiving through the Post-Office a Returned Letter from an old

residence, marked on the envelope, "Not Known."

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© Charles Churchill


  Contrarius evehor orbi.--OVID, Met. lib. ii.

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Nuances Of A Theme By Williams

© Wallace Stevens

Shine alone, shine nakedly, shine like bronze,
that reflects neither my face nor any inner part
of my being, shine like fire, that mirrors nothing.

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Noontide Retreat of Summer As a Haunt for Meditation

© James Thomson

Shook sudden from the bosom of the sky,
A thousand shapes, or glide athwart the dusk,
Or stalk majestic on. Deep-roused, I feel
A sacred terror, a severe delight,

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Never Mind

© Charles Harpur

My Country, though rude yet, and wild, be thy nature,
This alone our proud love should beget and command:
There's noon in thy broad breast for Manhood's full stature,
And honest Endeavour's a lord in the land.

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Natalia’s Resurrection: Sonnet VIII

© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

And so it was that, sitting ever thus
Dumb to all speech of those that knew her woe
And bare with her sole sorrow in the house,
And ever watching with sad eyes below

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Not A Sparrow Falleth But Its God Doth Know

© Louisa May Alcott

"Not a sparrow falleth but its God doth know,

  Just as when his mandate lays a monarch low;

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Nora: A Serenade

© Paul Laurence Dunbar

AH, Nora, my Nora, the light fades away,

While Night like a spirit steals up o'er the hills;

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November In Ireland

© Alice Guerin Crist

November days in Ireland
 The skies are dull and grey,
But Oh! The clear strong flame of love,
 That burns by night and day.
As swift and bright the whispered prayers fly to the Heavens O'erhead,
From faithful hearts in Ireland, remembering their dead.

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"Not iris in her pride"

© George Peele

NOT Iris in her pride and bravery

Adorns her arch with such variety;

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Never Bite A Married Woman On The Thigh

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Never bite a married woman on the thigh oh my
Cause she just can't rub it off no matter how she'll try
And when she gets home at night her man will ask her why
Then she'll say it's just a birthmark or some other silly lie

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Not Writing

© Jane Kenyon

A wasp rises to its papery
nest under the eaves
where it daubs