Poems begining by N
/ page 15 of 55 /Nora
© Dora Sigerson Shorter
Within an English village yesterday
I came upon a little child at play.
Naked Lonely Hand (Nagna Nirjan Hat)
© Jibanananda Das
Darkness once again thickens throughout the sky:
This darkness, like light's mysterious sister.
She who has loved me always,
Whose face I have yet to see,
Like that woman
Is this darkness, deepening, closing in upon a February sky.
Noonday Rest
© Mathilde Blind
THE willows whisper very, very low
Unto the listening breeze;
Sometimes they lose a leaf which, flickering slow,
Faints on the sunburnt leas.
November, 1806
© William Wordsworth
Another year!-another deadly blow!
Another mighty Empire overthrown!
© Catherine Pozzi
Évite l'avenir, Image poursuivie !
Je suis morte de vous, ô mes actes chéris
Ne sois pas défais toi dissipe toi délie
Dénonce le désir que je n'ai pas choisi.
Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile
© William Shakespeare
Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,
Hath not old customs make this life more sweet
Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods
More free from peril than the envious court!
Night In Arizona
© Sara Teasdale
The moon is a charring ember
Dying into the dark;
Off in the crouching mountains
Coyotes bark.
© John Hall Wheelock
Sleep on - I lie at heaven's high oriels,
Over the stars that murmur as they go
Natalias Resurrection: Sonnet XXX
© Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Thus was Natalia loved and lost and won.
Some say that Adrian, having gained the goal
Of his long hopes, and being of those who run
Too lightly for their constancy of soul,
No coward soul is mine
© Emily Jane Brontë
No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere :
"No Man Knoweth his Sepulchre"
© William Cullen Bryant
When he, who, from the scourge of wrong,
Aroused the Hebrew tribes to fly,
Saw the fair region, promised long,
And bowed him on the hills to die;
Nice Guy
© Charles Bukowski
there was a good crowd at the funeral.
his wife cried.
my friend Eddie consoled her,
then took her home and fucked
Now Spring Has Clad The Grove In Green
© Robert Burns
Now spring has clad the grove in green,
And strew'd the lea wi' flowers;
Naucratia; Or Naval Dominion. Part I
© Henry James Pye
By love of opulence and science led,
Now Commerce wide her peaceful empire spread,
And seas, obedient to the pilot's art,
But join'd the regions which they seem'd to part;
Free intercourse disarm'd the barbarous mind,
Tam'd savage hate, and humaniz'd mankind.
Night. To Lucasta
© Richard Lovelace
Night! loathed jaylor of the lock'd up sun,
And tyrant-turnkey on committed day,
Bright eyes lye fettered in thy dungeon,
And Heaven it self doth thy dark wards obey.