Music poems

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Coming Home

© Augusta Davies Webster

I've poetry and music too to-day
in the very clatter: it goes "Home, home, home."

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The Angel In The House. Book II. Canto I.

© Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore

V Perspective
  What seems to us for us is true.
  The planet has no proper light,
  And yet, when Venus is in view,
  No primal star is half so bright.

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The Mistletoe

© George MacDonald

Kiss me: there now, little Neddy,

Do you see her staring steady?

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In Egypt

© Virna Sheard

All day the wife of Pharaoh had paced the palace hall
  Or the long white pillared court that was open to the sky;
A passion of wild restlessness ensnared her in its thrall
  While she fought a fear within her--a thing that would not die.

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Trumpets Of The Mind

© Victor Marie Hugo

Sound, sound forever, clarions of thought!

When Joshua 'gainst the high-walled city fought,

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The Rift Within The Lute

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

A TINY rift within the lute
May sometimes make the music mute!
By slow degrees, the rift grows wide,
By slow degrees, the tender tide--

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Pelleas And Ettarre

© Alfred Tennyson

King Arthur made new knights to fill the gap
Left by the Holy Quest; and as he sat
In hall at old Caerleon, the high doors
Were softly sundered, and through these a youth,
Pelleas, and the sweet smell of the fields
Past, and the sunshine came along with him.

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Cecilia's Dream

© Carlo Goldoni

I dreamed that in a garden I reposed,

Beside a fount fed by a mountain stream

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Lines To W. L. While He Sang A Song To Purcell's Music

© Samuel Taylor Coleridge

While my young cheek retains its healthful hues,
  And I have many friends who hold me dear;
  L----! methinks, I would not often hear
Such melodies as thine, lest I should lose

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Book Eighth: Retrospect--Love Of Nature Leading To Love Of Man

© William Wordsworth

WHAT sounds are those, Helvellyn, that are heard

Up to thy summit, through the depth of air

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© Kenneth Slessor

MUSIC, on the air's edge, rides alone,
Plumed like empastured Caesars of the sky
With a god's helmet; now, in the gold dye

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The Bees and Flies

© Rudyard Kipling

The egregious rustic put to death
A bull by stopping of its breath,
Disposed the carcass in a shed
With fragrant herbs and branches spread,
And, having well performed the charm,
Sat down to wait the promised swarm.

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© Algernon Charles Swinburne

O Earth, lie heavily upon her eyes;

Seal her sweet eyes weary of watching, Earth;

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An Epistle To George William Curtis

© James Russell Lowell

Curtis, whose Wit, with Fancy arm in arm,

Masks half its muscle in its skill to charm,

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Book First [Introduction-Childhood and School Time]

© William Wordsworth

OH there is blessing in this gentle breeze,

A visitant that while it fans my cheek

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Adam: A Sacred Drama. Act 1.

© William Cowper

Adam, arise, since I do thee impart
A spirit warm from my benignant breath:
Arise, arise, first man,
And joyous let the world
Embrace its living miniature in thee!

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The Secret Key

© George Essex Evans

There is a magic kingdom of strange powers,

Thought-hidden, lit by other stars than ours;

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Lake Winnipiseogee

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

ONE day the River of Life flowed o'er
The verge of heaven's enchanted shore,
And falling without lapse or break.
Its waters formed this wondrous lake.

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Twenty Years

© Francis Bret Harte

Beg your pardon, old fellow!  I think
I was dreaming just now when you spoke.
The fact is, the musical clink
Of the ice on your wine-goblet's brink
A chord of my memory woke.

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Olympia XI

© Pindar