Movies poems

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© Williams Ian

the hero winsbecause that's what heros do when you spendthe money to buy the DVD of a movie you alreadyknow the ending to, not because you’ve seen it beforebut because you heard from a colleague in HRthat it would make you feel real good after,it was the best thing she’s seen lately, and that’swith her being married and every morning pushing spoonsinto the faces of her two children

so you watch itknowing the only thing that will make you feel goodthis evening is seeing a bare-chested man wail on anotherin a ring and another in a street and another in a ringin slow-mo and the dff dff sounds of the gloves strikingbodies in movies, which don’t sound like bodies for real,not that you’d admit to knowing that,

and the herodoesn’t even look like heroes in the real worldwhich are not the heroes in grade four essays eitherbut like (stay with me) this one time you dropped by a woman’s placeand you were sitting at her kitchen table and she asked youif you wanted anything to drink and she opened the fridgeand you saw through the crack between her bodyand the door only a pitcher of water on the wire shelfin the yellow light—

you want to call her a herobecause she’s surviving with her mouth shutor yourself because you’re so affected must meanyou’re noble

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© Shields Carol

This is the time of year when golden-agersare taken on buses to view the autumn foliageas though the sight and scent of yellowed treeswill stuff them with beautiful thoughtsand keep them from knowing --

as if there were still a trace of undamagedhunger -- for simple beauty, for colours,the sun falling frail on the fretwork of every leaf, the trumpeting surpriseof the earth turning, returning

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To Certain Friends

© Scott Francis Reginald

I see my friends now standing about me, bemused,Eyeing me dubiously as I pursue my course,Clutching their little less that is world's away.

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© McGimpsey David

What is my news? Well, since graduating,I've raked it in and I've tossed it off,I've plucked the green peach and sodded the pitch

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The Movies

© Frank Florence Kiper

She knows a cheap release From worry and from pain --The cowboys spur their horses Over the unending plain.

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© Mark Doty

The crested iris by the front gate wavesits blue flags three days, exactly,

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La Araucana - Canto II

© Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Pónese la discordia que entre los caciques de Arauco hubo sobre la eleción de capitán general, y el medio que se tomó por el consejo del cacique colocolo, con la entrada que por engaño los bárbaros hicieron en la casa fuerte de Tucapel y la batalla que con los españoles tuvieron

Muchos hay en el mundo que han llegado

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Remembrance of Christmas Past

© Judith Viorst

We rose at dawn to three boys singing Rudolph.
We listened numbly to their shouts of glee.
The kitten threw up tinsel on the carpet.
The fire truck collided with the tree, requiring

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If I Were In Charge of the World

© Judith Viorst

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel oatmeal,
Monday mornings,
Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg.

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© Gregory Corso

Ah, yet well I know that were a woman possible as I am possible
then marriage would be possible-
Like SHE in her lonely alien gaud waiting her Egyptian lover
so I wait-bereft of 2,000 years and the bath of life.

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Show It At The Beach

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Oh they won't let us show it at the beach no they won't let us show it at the beach
They think we're gonna grab it if it gets within our reach
And they won't let us show it at the beach

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I Am An Atheist Who Says His Prayers

© Karl Shapiro

I am an atheist who says his prayers.

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At the Movie: Virginia, 1956

© Ellen Bryant Voigt

This is how it was:

they had their own churches, their own schools, 

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The Waste Carpet

© William Matthews

O California, sportswear
and defense contracts, gasses that induce
deference, high school girls
with their own cars, we wanted
to love you without pain.

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Destitute Peru

© James Schuyler

For John Ashbery
We pullmaned to Peoria. Was
Gladys glad, Skippy missed
Sookie so. So Peru-ward, home.
“I’ll sew buttons on dresses yet.”

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The Breather

© Billy Collins

Just as in the horror movies
when someone discovers that the phone calls
are coming from inside the house

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House: Some Instructions

© Grace Paley

If you have a house
you must think about it all the time 
as you reside in the house so
it must be a home in your mind

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The Father of My Country

© Diane Wakoski

All fathers in Western civilization must have 

a military origin. The

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Tears, Oily Tears . . .

© James Schuyler

Crying is a habit with me.

You mustn’t mind: onions make me

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The Cowboy

© James Tate

  Someone had spread an elaborate rumor about me, that I was

in possession of an extraterrestrial being, and I thought I knew who