Morning poems

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Book Twelfth [Imagination And Taste, How Impaired And Restored ]

© William Wordsworth

  What wonder, then, if, to a mind so far
Perverted, even the visible Universe
Fell under the dominion of a taste 
Less spiritual, with microscopic view
Was scanned, as I had scanned the moral world?

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Morning On The Lievres

© Archibald Lampman

Far above us where a jay

Screams his matins to the day,

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The Vision Of The Maid Of Orleans - The Third Book

© Robert Southey

The Maiden, musing on the Warrior's words,

  Turn'd from the Hall of Glory. Now they reach'd

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Oft For Our Own

© Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

How many go forth in the morning
and never come home at night,
and hearts have broken
for harsh words spoken
That sorrow can never set right.

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Astraea: The Balance Of Illusions

© Oliver Wendell Holmes

Dear to his age were memories such as these,
Leaves of his June in life's autumnal breeze;
Such were the tales that won my boyish ear,
Told in low tones that evening loves to hear.

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Easter Eve

© Archibald Lampman

Hear me, Brother, gently met;

Just a little, turn, not yet,

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Ode Composed On A May Morning

© William Wordsworth

WHILE from the purpling east departs

  The star that led the dawn,

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© Emma Lazarus

Small, shapeless drifts of cloud
Sail slowly northward in the soft-hued sky,
With blur half-tints and rolling summits bright,
By the late sun caressed; slight hazes shroud
All things afar; shineth each leaf anigh
With its own warmth and light.

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On A Landscape Bt Rubens

© William Lisle Bowles

Nay, let us gaze, ev'n till the sense is full,

  Upon the rich creation, shadowed so

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The Empty Purse--A Sermon To Our Later Prodigal Son

© George Meredith

Thy knowledge of women might be surpassed:
As any sad dog's of sweet flesh when he quits
The wayside wandering bone!
No revilings of comrades as ingrates:  thee
The tempter, misleader, and criminal (screened
By laws yet barbarous) own.

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To ****

© Fitz-Greene Halleck

THE world is bright before thee,
Its summer flowers are thine,
Its calm blue sky is o'er thee,
Thy bosom Pleasure's shrine;

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Remembering Golden Bells

© Bai Juyi

Ruined and ill—a man of two score;

Pretty and guileless—a girl of three.

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Song.—Thou art gone

© Louisa Stuart Costello

Thou art gone, and the brilliant light that shone
  In the track of thy way is fled;
And thou leav'st the heart that loved thee alone,
  Silent, and cold, and dead!

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The Ancient Banner

© Anonymous

In boundless mercy, the Redeemer left,

The bosom of his Father, and assumed

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Dear Jack

© William Makepeace Thackeray

Dear Jack, this white mug that with Guinness I fill,
And drink to the health of sweet Nan of the Hill,
Was once Tommy Tosspot's, as jovial a sot
As e'er drew a spigot, or drain'd a full pot—
In drinking all round 'twas his joy to surpass,
And with all merry tipplers he swigg'd off his glass.

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Twenty-Four Hokku On A Modern Theme

© Amy Lowell

  Again the larkspur,
  Heavenly blue in my garden.
  They, at least, unchanged.

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Pictures From Appledore

© James Russell Lowell


A heap of bare and splintery crags