Money poems

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The Helmet

© Philip Levine

All the way
on the road to Gary
he could see
where the sky shone

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The Dead

© Philip Levine

A good man is seized by the police
and spirited away. Months later
someone brags that he shot him once
through the back of the head

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My Fathers, The Baltic

© Philip Levine

Along the strand stones,
busted shells, wood scraps,
bottle tops, dimpled
and stainless beer cans.

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All In a Family Way

© Thomas Moore

My banks are all furnished with rags,
So thick, even Freddy can't thin 'em;
I've torn up my old money-bags,
Having little or nought to put in 'em.

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The Quip

© George Herbert

The merry world did on a day
With his train-bands and mates agree
To meet together where I lay,
And all in sport to jeer at me.

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Clemente's Images

© Robert Creeley

by animal's hand and stuck
upon a vacant corpse

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I Rose Up at the Dawn of Day

© William Blake

I rose up at the dawn of day--
`Get thee away! get thee away!
Pray'st thou for riches? Away! away!
This is the Throne of Mammon grey.'

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The Runcorn Ferry

© Marriott Edgar

On the banks of the Mersey, o'er on Cheshire side,
Lies Runcorn that's best known to fame
By Transporter Bridge as takes folks over t'stream,
Or else brings them back across same.

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The Return of Albert

© Marriott Edgar

You've 'eard 'ow young Albert Ramsbottom,
In the Zoo up at Blackpool one year,
With a stick and 'orse's 'ead 'andle,
Gave a lion a poke in the ear.

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The Jubilee Sov'reign

© Marriott Edgar

On Jubilee Day the Ramsbottoms
Invited relations to tea,
Including young Albert's grandmother-
An awkward old . . party, was she.

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Sam's Racehorse

© Marriott Edgar

When Sam Small retired from the Army
He'd a pension of ninepence a day,
And seven pounds fourteen and twopence
He'd saved from his rations and pay.

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Magna Carta

© Marriott Edgar

I'll tell of the Magna Charter
As were signed at the Barons' command
On Runningmead Island in t' middle of t' Thames
By King John, as were known as "Lack Land."

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Canute the Great

© Marriott Edgar

I'll tell of Canute, King of England,
A native of Denmark was he,
His hobbies was roving and raiding
And paddling his feet in the sea.

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© Marriott Edgar

Mr. Ramsbottom went to the races,
A thing as he'd ne'er done before,
And as luck always follers beginners,
Won five pounds, no-less and no-more.

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Albert's Return

© Marriott Edgar

You've `eard `ow young Albert Ramsbottom
At the zoo up at Blackpool one year
With a stick with an `orse's `ead `andle
Gave a lion a poke in the ear?

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Albert Down Under

© Marriott Edgar

Albert were what you'd call “thwarted”.
He had long had an ambition, which...
Were to save up and go to Australia,
The saving up that were the hitch.

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Albert and His Savings

© Marriott Edgar

One day, little Albert Ramsbottom
To see 'ow much money 'e'd got
Stuck a knife in 'is money-box slot 'ole
And fiddled and fished out the lot.

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Modern Love XXXV: It Is No Vulgar Nature

© George Meredith

It is no vulgar nature I have wived.
Secretive, sensitive, she takes a wound
Deep to her soul, as if the sense had swooned,
And not a thought of vengeance had survived.

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The Four Farrellys

© William Percy French

In a small hotel in London I was sitting down to dine.

When the waiter brought the register and asked me if I'd sign.

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There Is No God, the Wicked Sayeth

© Arthur Hugh Clough

"There is no God," the wicked saith,
"And truly it's a blessing,
For what He might have done with us
It's better only guessing."