Money poems

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The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

© Edward Lear


The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea

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In A/C with Ghosts

© Kenneth Slessor

You can shuffle and scuffle and scold,

 You can rattle the knockers and knobs,

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© Sylvia Plath

Dragging their Jesus hair.
Did I escape, I wonder?
My mind winds to you
Old barnacled umbilicus, Atlantic cable,
Keeping itself, it seems, in a state of miraculous

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Spring Snow

© William Matthews

Here comes the powdered milk I drank
as a child, and the money it saved.
Here come the papers I delivered,
the spotted dog in heat that followed me home

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I Can't Stay In The Same Room With That Woman For Five Minutes

© Charles Bukowski

I went over the other day

to pick up my daughter.

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Failures in Infinitives

© Bernadette Mayer

why am i doing this? Failure

to keep my work in order so as

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Fragments - Lines 0183 - 0192

© Theognis of Megara

Among rams and asses and horses, Kyrnos, we look for those

 Of noble breeding, and a man wants them to mate

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A Discontented Sugar Broker

© William Schwenck Gilbert

A gentleman of City fame

Now claims your kind attention;

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Pharsalia - Book VI: The Fight Near Dyrhachium. Scaeva's Exploits. The Witch Of Thessalia.

© Marcus Annaeus Lucanus

Now that the chiefs with minds intent on fight

Had drawn their armies near upon the hills

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The Golden Legend: II. A Farm In The Odenwald

© Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  _Elsie._ Here are flowers for you,
But they are not all for you.
Some of them are for the Virgin
And for Saint Cecilia.

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Songs Of Seven (complete)

© Jean Ingelow

There’s no dew left on the daisies and clover,
  There’s no rain left in heaven:
I’ve said my “seven times” over and over,
  Seven times one are seven.

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I’m So Good That I Don’t Have To Brag

© Sheldon Allan Silverstein

Now I'm warnin' all you women don't stand too close to me cause you might catch fire

Now you're talkin' to a man in a whole other kind of bag

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Where's the Use?

© Robert Fuller Murray

Oh, where's the use of having gifts that can't be turned to money?
And where's the use of singing, when there's no one wants to hear?
It may be one or two will say your songs are sweet as honey,
But where's the use of honey, when the loaf of bread is dear?

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Spring Song II

© Edith Nesbit

Small joy the greenness and grace of spring
To grey hard lives like our own can bring.
A drowning man cares little to think
Of the lights on the waves where he soon must sink.

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The Baby's Vengeance

© William Schwenck Gilbert

Weary at heart and extremely ill
Was PALEY VOLLAIRE of Bromptonville,
In a dirty lodging, with fever down,
Close to the Polygon, Somers Town.

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The Men Who Stuck To Me

© Henry Lawson

Some I never met and never knew their great but vain endeavour,
For my sake! And some were old mates whom I never more may see;
Never heard me, some I talked with; never saw me, some I walked with;
Blind and deaf, and dumb and foreign were the men who stuck to me.

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Down-Hall. A Ballad.

© Matthew Prior

I sing not old Jason who travell'd through Greece
To kiss the fair maids and possess the rich fleece,
Nor sing I AEneas, who, led by his mother,
Got rid of one wife and went far for another.
Derry down, down, hey derry down.

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Salmacis and Hermaphroditus.

© Francis Beaumont

MY wanton lines doe treate of amorous loue,

Such as would bow the hearts of gods aboue:

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© John Skelton

What I say herke a worde.
Do away I say the deuylles torde.
Counterfet coun.

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LI SPIRITI IV (Ghosts 4)

© Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

Un mese, o ppoco ppiù, doppo er guadaggno
De la piastra, che ffece er zanto prete,
Venne la pasqua, e 'r gabbiano che ssapete
Cominciò a lavorà de scacciaraggno.