Money poems

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Sexsmith the Dentist

© Edgar Lee Masters

Do you think that odes and sermons,

And the ringing of church bells,

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Foreign Parts

© James Schuyler

the dirty photographs apostrophize mon-
soons. Swimming snakes shake the lake.

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The Bridge of Change

© John Logan

The bridge barely curved that connects the terrible with the tender.

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Seventh Street

© Jean Toomer

  Money burns the pocket, pocket hurts,
  Bootleggers in silken shirts,
  Ballooned, zooming Cadillacs,
  Whizzing, whizzing down the street-car tracks.

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Wild With All Regrets

© Wilfred Owen

Which I shan't manage now.  Unless it's yours.
I shall stay in you, friend, for some few hours.
You'll feel my heavy spirit chill your chest,
And climb your throat on sobs, until it's chased
On sighs, and wiped from off your lips by wind.

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© Edgar Albert Guest

We can be great by helping one another;
We can be loved for very simple deeds;
Who has the grateful mention of a brother
Has really all the honor that he needs.

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Golden State

© Frank Bidart

To see my father
lying in pink velvet, a rosary 
twined around his hands, rouged, 

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Old Men Complaining

© Padraic Colum

First Old Man

He threw his crutched stick down: there came

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Apparent Failure

© Robert Browning

"We shall soon lose a celebrated building."

  --_Paris Newspaper_.

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An Excelente Balade of Charitie

© Thomas Chatterton

In Virgynë the sweltrie sun gan sheene,

And hotte upon the mees did caste his raie;

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Empty Pitchforks

© Thomas Lux

“There was poverty before money.”
There was debtors’ prison before inmates, 
there was hunger prefossil,

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Magna Charta

© Marriott Edgar

I'll tell of the Magna Charter
As were signed at the Barons' command
On Runningmead Island in t' middle of t' Thames
By King John, as were known as "Lack Land."

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Banking Coal

© Jean Toomer

Whoever it was who brought the first wood and coal

To start the Fire, did his part well;

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© Ruth Stone

I wore a large brim hat
like the women in the ads.
How thin I was: such skin.
Yes. It was Indianapolis;
a taste of sin.

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Peanut Butter

© Eileen Myles

I am always hungry

& wanting to have

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The Song of a Prison

© Henry Lawson

’Tis a song of the weary warders, whom prisoners call “the screws”—
A class of men who I fancy would cleave to the “Evening News.”
They look after their treasures sadly. By the screw of their keys they are known,
And they screw them many times daily before they draw their own.

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Killing Him: A Radio Play

© John Wesley

JOE, a doctoral candidate in literature
RACHEL, his fiancée

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© Edgar Albert Guest

(Seing an attempt to write it as Tom Daly might do)

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Captain Von Muller

© Jessie Pope

A Skipper of mark was Von Muller,
The humorous naval leg-puller.
With ubiquitous ease
He raided the seas
And his bag became fuller and fuller.

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L'INNUSTRIA (Striving)

© Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli

Un giorno che arrestai propio a la fetta,
Senz'avé manco l'arma d'un quadrino,
Senti che cosa fo: curro ar camino
E roppo in quattro pezzi la paletta.