Mom poems

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© Edith Nesbit

WHEN I am young again I'll hoard my bliss,

Nor deem that inexhaustible it is,

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The Princes' Quest - Part the First

© William Watson

There was a time, it passeth me to say

How long ago, but sure 'twas many a day

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The Brandy Glass

© Louis MacNeice

Only let it form within his hands once more -

The moment cradled like a brandy glass.

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Down By the Carib Sea

© James Weldon Johnson

Sol, Sol, mighty lord of the tropic zone,
Here I wait with the trembling stars
To see thee once more take thy throne.

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Country Letter

© John Clare

Dear brother robin this comes from us all

With our kind love and could Gip write and all

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© Ada Cambridge

Good-bye! - 'tis like a churchyard bell - good-bye!
Poor weeping eyes!  Poor head, bowed down with woe!
Kiss me again, dear love, before you go.
Ah, me, how fast the precious moments fly!
 Good-bye!  Good-bye!

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White Nassau

© Bliss William Carman

 She's ringed with surf and coral, she's crowned with sun and palm;
 She has the old-world leisure, the regal tropic calm;
 The trade winds fan her forehead; in everlasting June
 She reigns from deep verandas above her blue lagoon.

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Song of the Guitar.

© Bai Juyi

In the tenth year of Yuanhe I was banished and demoted to be assistant official in Jiujiang. In the summer of the next year I was seeing a friend leave Penpu and heard in the midnight from a neighbouring boat a guitar played in the manner of the capital. Upon inquiry, I found that the player had formerly been a dancing-girl there and in her maturity had been married to a merchant. I invited her to my boat to have her play for us. She told me her story, heyday and then unhappiness. Since my departure from the capital I had not felt sad; but that night, after I left her, I began to realize my banishment. And I wrote this long poem - six hundred and twelve characters.

I was bidding a guest farewell, at night on the Xunyang River,

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God's World

© Boris Pasternak

Thin as hair are the shadows of sunset
When they follow drawn-out every tree.
On the road through the forest the post-girl
Hands a parcel and letters to me.

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The Morning Song of the Jungle

© Rudyard Kipling

One moment past our bodies cast

 No shadow on the plain;

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Reflections Of King Hezekiah, In His Sickness

© Hannah More

"Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die." - Isaiah xxxviii.

What! and no more? - Is this, my soul, said I,

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Hounds In London

© William Henry Ogilvie

If they find you a fox in Mayfair, will you show them
a right pack running,
With scorn of a Hyde Park holloa or a hat held up
in the Strand ?

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Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey

© William Wordsworth

Five years have past; five summers, with the length

Of five long winters! and again I hear

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Aurora Leigh: Book Fourth

© Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  She, at that,
Looked blindly in his face, as when one looks
Through driving autumn-rains to find the sky.
He went on speaking.

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The Pierrot Of The Minute

© Ernest Christopher Dowson

_A glade in the Parc due Petit Trianon. In the centre a Doric temple with
steps coming down the stage. On the left a little Cupid on a pedestal.

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© Henry Kendall

Let me talk of years evanished, let me harp upon the time

When we trod these sands together, in our boyhood's golden prime;

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Orlando Furioso Canto 3

© Ludovico Ariosto


Restored to sense, the beauteous Bradamant

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The Task: Book V. -- The Winter Morning Walk

© William Cowper

‘Tis morning; and the sun, with ruddy orb

Ascending, fires the horizon; while the clouds,

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Ode, Written in a Visit to the Country in Autumn

© John Logan

'Tis past! no more the Summer blooms!

Ascending in the rear,