Men poems

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The Castle Of Indolence

© James Thomson

The castle hight of Indolence,
And its false luxury;
Where for a little time, alas!
We lived right jollily.

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Metamorphoses: Book The Eighth

© Ovid

 The End of the Eighth Book.

 Translated into English verse under the direction of
 Sir Samuel Garth by John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison,
 William Congreve and other eminent hands

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The Choice Of Sweet Shy Clare

© Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

Fair as a wreath of fresh spring flowers, a band of maidens lay
On the velvet sward—enjoying the golden summer day;
And many a ringing silv’ry laugh on the calm air clearly fell,
With fancies sweet, which their rosy lips, half unwilling, seemed to tell.

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a Shaft Of Bees

© Victor Marie Hugo

Amber as a tale, more amber than landlord
Everlasting as an auto-da-fe, more everlasting than raft
Travelled as an air, more travelled than breeze
Dateless as a wing, more dateless than cup

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© Sidney Lanier

I have waked, I have come, my beloved!  I might not abide:
I have come ere the dawn, O beloved, my live-oaks, to hide
  In your gospelling glooms, -- to be
As a lover in heaven, the marsh my marsh and the sea my sea.

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Vision (original French)

© Joachim du Bellay

Une louve je vis sous l'antre d'un rocher
Allaitant deux bessons : je vis à sa mamelle
Mignardement jouer cette couple jumelle,
Et d'un col allongé la louve les lécher.

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But Here's An Object More Of Dread

© Abraham Lincoln

  But here's an object more of dread
  Than aught the grave contains--
  A human form with reason fled,
  While wretched life remains.

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The Progress of Error

© William Cowper

Sing, muse (if such a theme, so dark, so long

May find a muse to grace it with a song),

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Sentence And Torment Of The Condemned

© Michael Wigglesworth

Where tender love mens hearts did move unto a sympathy,
And bearing part of others smart in their anxiety;
Now such compassion is out of fashion, and wholly laid aside:
No Friends so near, but Saints to hear their Sentence can abide.

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© Edward Thomas

Unless it was that day I never knew

Ambition. After a night of frost, before

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Bagpipe Music

© Louis MacNeice

It's no go the merrygoround, it's no go the rickshaw,
  All we want is a limousine and a ticket for the peepshow.
  Their knickers are made of crepe-de-chine, their shoes are made of python,
  Their halls are lined with tiger rugs and their walls with head of bison.

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The Future Of Australia

© Mary Hannay Foott

The fireside carols and battle rhymes,
  And romaunt of the knightly ring;
And the chant with hint of cathedral chimes,—
  Of him “made blind to sing.”

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Hero And Leander. The Fourth Sestiad

© George Chapman

Now from Leander's place she rose, and found

  Her hair and rent robe scatter'd on the ground;

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The Drunkard

© Charles Harpur

Disease was lurking in the cup!

Disastrous folly mantling there!

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To Songs At the Marriage Of The Lord Fauconberg And The Lad

© Andrew Marvell

Cynthia, O Cynthia, turn thine Ear,
nor scorn Endymions plaints to hear.
As we our Flocks, so you command
The fleecy Clouds with silver wand.

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© Ramon Lopez Velarde

os debo mis virtudes católicas y humanas,
porque en el otro siglo, en vuestro hogar,
en los ceremoniosos estrados me eduqué,
velándome de amor, con las frentes
se velaban debajo del tupé.

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An Hymne In Honour Of Beautie

© Edmund Spenser

Ah! whither, Love! wilt thou now carry mee?
What wontlesse fury dost thou now inspire
Into my feeble breast, too full of thee?
Whylest seeking to aslake thy raging fyre,

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The Armada

© Thomas Babbington Macaulay

Attend, all ye who list to hear our noble England's praise; 

I tell of the thrice famous deeds she wrought in ancient days, 

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Nemzeti Dal (Rise Up, Magnar)

© Sandor Petofi

  Talpra magyar, hí a haza!

  Itt az idõ, most vagy soha!

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England My Mother

© William Watson

England my mother,
Wardress of waters.
Builder of peoples,
 Maker of men,-