Poems begining by L

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Lak of Stedfastnesse

© Geoffrey Chaucer

Somtyme the world was so stedfast and stable

That mannes word was obligacioun,

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La Bouquetiere

© Isabella Valancy Crawford

Buy my roses, citizens,--

  Here are roses golden white,

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Limerick: There Was an Old Lady Whose Folly

© Edward Lear

There was an Old Lady whose folly
Induced her to sit in a holly:
Whereupon by a thorn
Her dress being torn,
She quickly became melancholy.

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La Paloma in London

© Claude McKay

About Soho we went before the light;
We went, unresting six, craving new fun,
New scenes, new raptures, for the fevered night
Of rollicking laughter, drink and song, was done.

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Lines Written On Hearing The News Of The Death Of Napoleon

© Percy Bysshe Shelley

What! alive and so bold, O Earth?
Art thou not overbold?
What! leapest thou forth as of old
In the light of thy morning mirth,

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© Samuel Taylor Coleridge

With many a pause and oft reverted eye
I climb the Coomb's ascent: sweet songsters near
Warble in shade their wild-wood melody:
Far off the unvarying Cuckoo soothes my ear.

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Lily-Bell and Thistledown Song I

© Louisa May Alcott

Awake! Awake! for the earliest gleam

Of golden sunlight shines

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Let such pure hate still underprop

© Henry David Thoreau

Let such pure hate still underprop
Our love, that we may be
Each other's conscience,
And have our sympathy
Mainly from thence.

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Low-Anchored Cloud

© Henry David Thoreau

Low-anchored cloud,
Newfoundland air,
Fountain-head and source of rivers,
Dew-cloth, dream-drapery,

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Lines Written In Early Spring

© William Wordsworth

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

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Life In The World

© Mirabai

Life in the world is short,

Why shoulder an unnecessary load

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© William Schwenck Gilbert

First you're born - and I'll be bound you

Find a dozen strangers round you.

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Los Tres Reyes Magos (With English Translation)

© Rubén Dario

-O soy Gaspar. Aquí traigo el incienso.
Vengo a decir: La vida es pura y bella.
Existe Dios. El amor es inmenso.
Todo lo sé por la divina Estrella!

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Love In Autumn

© Sara Teasdale

I sought among the drifting leaves,
The golden leaves that once were green,
To see if Love were hiding there
And peeping out between.

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Let The Memorial Hill Remember

© Yehuda Amichai

Let the memorial hill remember instead of me,

that's what it's here for. Let the par in-memory-of remember,

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Love And War

© Arthur Patchett Martin

THE CHANCELLOR mused as he nibbled his pen 

  (Sure no Minister ever looked wiser), 

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Lyell’s Hypothesis Again

© Kenneth Rexroth

The mountain road ends here,

Broken away in the chasm where

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© Francis Bret Harte

Wot's that you're readin'?--a novel?  A novel!--well, darn my skin!
You a man grown and bearded and histin' such stuff ez that in--
Stuff about gals and their sweethearts!  No wonder you're thin ez a
Look at me--clar two hundred--and never read one in my life!

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Like Some Wild Sleeper

© Mathilde Blind

Like some wild sleeper who alone at night
Walks with unseeing eyes along a height,
 With death below and only stars above;
I, in broad daylight, walk as if in sleep,
Along the edges of life's perilous steep,
 The lost somnambulist of love.

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Lord Robert

© Sydney Thompson Dobell

Tall and young and light of tongue,

Gallantly riding by wood and lea,