Poems begining by L
/ page 84 of 128 /Limerick: There was an Old Man of Cape Horn,
© Edward Lear
There was an Old Man of Cape Horn,
Who wished he had never been born;
So he sat on a chair,
Till he died of despair,
That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.
Libertad! Igualdad! Fraternidad!
© William Carlos Williams
You sullen pig of a man
you force me into the mud
with your stinking ash-cart!
Looks A-Knowd Avore
© William Barnes
While zome, a-gwaïn from pleäce to pleäce,
Do daily meet wi' zome new feäce,
Love And Death
© Giacomo Leopardi
Children of Fate, in the same breath
Created were they, Love and Death.
© Madison Julius Cawein
At the moon's down-going let it be
On the quarry hill with its one gnarled tree.
Love At Sea
© John Reed
Wind smothers the snarling of the great ships,
And the serene gulls are stronger than turbines;
Mile upon mile the hiss of a stumbling wave breaks unbroken
Yet stronger is the power of your lips for my lips.
© Walt Whitman
THERE are who teach only the sweet lessons of peace and safety;
But I teach lessons of war and death to those I love,
That they readily meet invasions, when they come.
Life Is Lovely All the Year
© William Schwenck Gilbert
When the buds are blossoming,
Smiling welcome to the spring,
Lovers choose a wedding day -
Life is love in merry May!
© Percy Bysshe Shelley
Why is it said thou canst not live
In a youthful breast and fair,
Since thou eternal life canst give,
Canst bloom for ever there?
Lady That Hast my Heart
© Shams al-Din Hafiz
And ever, since the time that Hafiz heard
His Lady's voice, as from a rocky hill
Reverberates the softly spoken word,
So echoes of desire his bosom fill.
Love Pure And Fervent
© William Cowper
Jealous, and with love o'erflowing,
God demands a fervent heart;
Grace and bounty still bestowing,
Calls us to a grateful part.
Light Of Love
© Dorothy Parker
Joy stayed with me a night -
Young and free and fair -
And in the morning light
He left me there.
Limerick: There was an Old Man of Moldavia
© Edward Lear
There was an Old Man of Moldavia,
Who had the most curious behaviour;
For while he was able,
He slept on a table.
That funny Old Man of Moldavia.
© Oliver Wendell Holmes
Slowly the mist o'er the meadow was creeping,
Bright on the dewy buds glistened the sun,
Limerick: There was an Old Man of Kamschatka
© Edward Lear
There was an Old Man of Kamschatka,
Who possessed a remarkable fat cur;
His gait and his waddle
Were held as a model
To all the fat dogs in Kamschatka.
Lullaby, Oh, Lullaby!
© Christina Georgina Rossetti
Lullaby, oh, lullaby!
Flowers are closed and lambs are sleeping;
London Types: 'Liza
© William Ernest Henley
'Liza's old man's perhaps a little shady,
'Liza's old woman's prone to booze and cring;
Life's Single Standard
© Edgar Albert Guest
There are a thousand ways to cheat and a thousand ways to sin;
There are ways uncounted to lose the game, but there's only one way to win;
And whether you live by the sweat of your brow or in luxury's garb you're
You shall stand at last, when your race is run, to be judged by the single
Le Tonneau de la Haine (The Cask of Hate)
© Charles Baudelaire
La Haine est le tonneau des pâles Danaïdes;
La Vengeance éperdue aux bras rouges et forts
À beau précipiter dans ses ténèbres vides
De grands seaux pleins du sang et des larmes des morts,