Poems begining by L

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Lucifer’s Deputy

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

A POET once, whose tuneful soul, perchance,
Too fondly leaned toward sin, and sin's romance,
On a long vanished eve, so calm and clear
None could have deemed an evil spirit near,

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© Benjamin Jonson

The decorously informative church
Guide to Sex suggested that any urge
could well be controlled by playing tennis:
and the game provided also "many
harmless opportunities for healthy
social intercourse between the sexes."

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Lord Of Unnumbered Hopes

© Govinda Krishna Chettur

Make grow our comprehension till we see
Through life's bewildering complexity
The touch by which inscrutably is wrought
Thy will: and shape each word, each act, each thought,
Until we learn to read Thy will aright
And pass from shadow to Eternal Light.

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La Muse Malade (The Sick Muse)

© Charles Baudelaire

Ma pauvre muse, hélas! qu'as-tu donc ce matin?
Tes yeux creux sont peuplés de visions nocturnes,
Et je vois tour à tour réfléchis sur ton teint
La folie et l'horreur, froides et taciturnes.

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La Piquante

© John Kenyon

  If when deeplier we would look
  Into that half-open book,
  Thou dost close it, Slyest Saint!
  More to tempt us by restraint;
  Is'nt this, Flavilla!—grant—
  Is'nt this to be piquant?

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© Ada Cambridge

Learn, learn, learn,-
Our beautiful world is not a field for sheep;
Not just a place wherein to laugh and weep,
To eat and drink, to dance and sigh and sleep.
And then to moulder into senseless dust.

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Lisetta's Reply

© Matthew Prior

Sure Cloe Just, and Cloe Fair

Deserves to be Your only Care:

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La Rueda Del Hambriento

© Cesar Vallejo

POR entre mis propios dientes salgo humeando,
dando voces, pujando,
bajándome los pantalones...
Váca mi estómago, váca mi yeyuno,
la miseria me saca por entre mis propios dientes,
cogido con un palito por el puño de la camisa.

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Lay a garland on my hearse

© Francis Beaumont

Lay a garland on my hearse,

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Let The Weary World Go Round

© Alfred Austin

Heart, heart! be thou content!
Accept thy banishment;
 Like other sorrows, life will end for thee.
Yet for a little while
Bear with this harsh exìle,
And Death will soften and will send for thee.

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La Dame Du Palais De La Reine

© Kenneth Slessor

SOPHIE, in shocks of scarlet lace,
Receives her usual embrace
Beneath a hedge, behind a curtain,
Or in the chambers of His Grace.

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Limerick: There was an Old Person of Dutton

© Edward Lear

There was an Old Person of Dutton,
Whose head was as small as a button,
So, to make it look big,
He purchased a wig,
And rapidly rushed about Dutton.

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Les Jardins

© André Marie de Chénier

Secrets observateurs, leur studieuse main

  En des vases d'argile et de verre et d'airain

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Life's Tests

© Edgar Albert Guest

If never a sorrow came to us,

  and never a care we knew;

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© Sappho

Set are the Pleiades; the  Moon is down
And midnight dark on high.
The hours, the hours, drift by,
And here I lie,

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L'Idole.. Sonnet Du Trou Du Cul

© Arthur Rimbaud

Obscur et froncé comme un oeillet violet
Il respire, humblement tapi parmi la mousse.
Humide encor d'amour qui suit la fuite douce
Des Fesses blanches jusqu'au coeur de son ourlet.

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Love is The Fire

© Thomas Bateson

Love is the fire that burns me,

The smokes are thoughts confused,

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L'heure verte

© Charles Cros

Comme bercée en un hamac,
La pensée oscille et tournoie,
A cette heure où tout estomac
Dans un flot d'absinthe se noie.

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Life and Death

© Paul Hamilton Hayne

I fear thee not, O Death! nay, oft I pine

To clasp thy passionless bosom to mine own,

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Lines Read at a Dairymaids' Social, 1887

© James McIntyre

And worthy of a poet's theme,
Sweet and smooth flows milk and cream,
For song or glee what is fitter
In this land of cheese and butter,
But no young man should be afraid
To court a pretty dairymaid.