Poems begining by L

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© Celia Thaxter

"Tell us a story of these Isles," they said,
  The daughters of the West, whose eyes had seen
For the first time the circling sea, instead
  Of the blown prairie's waves of grassy green:

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"Lollyby, Lolly, Lollyby"

© Eugene Field

Last night, whiles that the curfew bell ben ringing,
I heard a moder to her dearie singing
  "Lollyby, lolly, lollyby."
And presently that chylde did cease hys weeping,
And on his moder's breast did fall a-sleeping,
  To "lolly, lolly, lollyby."

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Limerick: There was an Old Person of Basing

© Edward Lear

There was an Old Person of Basing,
Whose presence of mind was amazing;
He purchased a steed,
Which he rode at full speed,
And escaped from the people of Basing.

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La Nymphe L’Apercoit

© André Marie de Chénier

La nymphe l'aperçoit, et l'arrête, et soupire.

  Vers un banc de gazon, tremblante, elle l'attire;

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Limerick:There was a Young Lady of Troy,

© Edward Lear

There was a Young Lady of Troy,
Whom several large flies did annoy;
Some she killed with a thump,
Some she drowned at the pump,
And some she took with her to Troy.

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Little Henry

© Julia A Moore

 God has took their little treasure,
 And his name I'll tell you now,
 He has gone from earth forever,
 Their little Charles Henry House.

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"Last night, in a dream, I felt the peculiar anguish"

© Lesbia Harford

Last night, in a dream, I felt the peculiar anguish
Known to me of old;
And there passed me, not much changed, my earliest lover,
Smiling, suffering, cold.

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"Look up, desponding hearts! See, Morning sallies"

© Alfred Austin

Look up, desponding hearts! See, Morning sallies

From out her tents behind the screening hill,

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Lines On The Death Of Sir William Russel

© William Cowper

Doomed, as I am, in solitude to waste

The present moments, and regret the past,

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Limerick:There was an Old Person of Ewell

© Edward Lear

There was an Old Person of Ewell,
Who chiefly subsisted on gruel;
But to make it more nice
He inserted some mice,
Which refreshed that Old Person of Ewell.

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© Christopher Pearse Cranch

Across the sea the swift sad message darts
And beats with sudden pang against our hearts.
Under the elm-trees in his homestead old
The Laureate of our land lies dead and cold;

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© Frederic Manning

A frail and tenuous mist lingers on baffled and intricate branches;
Little gilt leaves are still, for quietness holds every bough;
Pools in the muddy road slumber, reflecting indifferent stars;
Steeped in the loveliness of moonlight is earth, and the valleys,
Brimmed up with quiet shadow, with a mist of sleep.

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Let Them Go

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Let the dream go. Are there not other dreams
In vastness of clouds hid from thy sight
That yet shall gild with beautiful gold gleams,
And shoot the shadows through and through with light?
What matters one lost vision of the night?
Let the dream go!!

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Love Songs

© Sara Teasdale

But all remembered beauty is no more
Than a vague prelude to the thought of you -
You are the rarest soul I ever knew,
Lover of beauty, knightliest and best;
My thoughts seek you as waves that seek the shore,
And when I think of you, I am at rest.

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Life And Death

© Sri Aurobindo

Life, death, - death, life; the words have led for ages
Our thought and consciousness and firmly seemed
Two opposites; but now long-hidden pages
Are opened, liberating truths undreamed.
Life only is, or death is life disguised, -
Life a short death until by Life we are surprised.

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© Edward Thomas

The last light has gone out of the world, except

This moonlight lying on the grass like frost

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Letter From The Town Mouse To The Country Mouse

© Horace Smith


Oh for a field, my friend; oh for a field!

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Late Loved--Well Loved

© Isabella Valancy Crawford

He stood beside her in the dawn

  (And she his Dawn and she his Spring),

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La Araucana - Canto III

© Alonso de Ercilla y Zuniga

Valdivia con pocos españoles y algunos indios amigos camina a la casa de Tucapel, para hacer el castigo. Mátanle los araucanos, los corredores en el camino en un paso estrecho y danle después la batalla, en la cual fue muerto él y toda su gente por el gran esfuerzo y valentía de Lautaro

¡Oh incurable mal! ¡oh gran fatiga,

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© Swami Vivekananda

I look behind and after
And find that all is right,
In my deepest sorrows
There is a soul of light.