Poems begining by L
/ page 103 of 128 /Little Oliver
© William Schwenck Gilbert
EARL JOYCE he was a kind old party
Whom nothing ever could put out,
Though eighty-two, he still was hearty,
Excepting as regarded gout.
Lebarans Eve at Pondok Indah
© Sukasah Syahdan
when did mercy cease to be
and where did it flee?
beggars surround
poverty flaunts
Last Nights Encounter
© Sukasah Syahdan
last night's encounter
gave the little rat and me
a terrible blow
Lyric of Action
© Paul Hamilton Hayne
'Tis the part of a coward to brood
O'er the past that is withered and dead:
© Sukasah Syahdan
I have longed to hit the quill
and hear the faithful tick-tock
of a perishing machine
© Forrest Hamer
It was 1963 or 4, summer,
and my father was driving our family
from Ft. Hood to North Carolina in our 56 Buick.
We'd been hearing about Klan attacks, and we knew
Lovers on Aran
© Seamus Justin Heaney
The timeless waves, bright, sifting, broken glass,
Came dazzling around, into the rocks,
Came glinting, sifting from the Americas
© Seamus Justin Heaney
Fishermen at Ballyshannon
Netted an infant last night
Along with the salmon.
An illegitimate spawning,
Last Load
© Ted Hughes
Baled hay out in a field
Five miles from home. Barometer falling.
A muffler of still cloud padding the stillness.
The day after day of blue scorch up to yesterday,
The heavens of dazzling iron, that seemed unalterable,
Hard now to remember.
Limerick: There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
© Edward Lear
There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
Who bought a large bonnet for walking;
But its colour and size,
So bedazzled her eyes,
That she very soon went back to Dorking.
Lawstudent And Coach
© Lesbia Harford
Each day I sit in an ill-lighted room
To teach a boy;
For one hour by the clock great words and dreams
Are our employ.
Love stopped before it began
© Ivan Donn Carswell
It would have been love, I am sure of it,
and I held her hand torn between concern and pride
whilst she cried and cried on her first day at school.
Lethargy of leaden wings
© Ivan Donn Carswell
Sure, I sip my lemon tea with spoon of amber honey,
trying to decide which things to do, things I didnt need
to think about before this day, praying for the strength
to ride these doldrums out, to see them to their squalid end.
Lake Otamangakau
© Ivan Donn Carswell
II Awake, aware in tented night,
a flax bush shuffled glissé tread
of frond on frond and seed-pod prattle
marching on the fractious wind
surrounds the tent, and lake, and night.
© Paul Laurence Dunbar
EF you's only got de powah fe' to blow a little whistle,
Keep ermong de people wid de whistles.
La Vierge Au Donateur
© Edith Wharton
Here by the ample rivers argent sweep,
Bosomed in tilth and vintage to her walls,