Poems begining by J

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© James Whitcomb Riley

Queenly month of indolent repose!

  I drink thy breath in sips of rare perfume,

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Jack Frenchman’s Lamentation

© Jonathan Swift

Ye Commons and Peers,
  Pray lend me your ears,
I'll sing you a song, (if I can,)
  How Lewis le Grand
  Was put to a stand,
By the arms of our gracious Queen Anne.

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John Sutter

© Yvor Winters

I was the patriarch of the shining land,
Of the blond summer and metallic grain;
Men vanished at the motion of my hand,
And when I beckoned they would come again.

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John Everett Millais

© Alfred Austin

Now let no passing-bell be tolled,

Wail now no dirge of gloom;

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Jenny kiss'd Me

© James Henry Leigh Hunt

Jenny kiss'd me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!

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Jenny Kissed Me

© James Henry Leigh Hunt

Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!

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© Gilbert Keith Chesterton

If the stars fell; night's nameless dreams
  Of bliss and blasphemy came true,
If skies were green and snow were gold,
  And you loved me as I love you;

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Jerusalem Delivered - Book 04 - part 02

© Torquato Tasso


"Among the knights and worthies of their train,

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Juke Box Love Song

© Langston Hughes

I could take the Harlem night
and wrap around you,
Take the neon lights and make a crown,
Take the Lenox Avenue busses,

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© Langston Hughes

That Justice is a blind goddess
Is a thing to which we black are wise:
Her bandage hides two festering sores
That once perhaps were eyes.

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Job Interview

© William Matthews

Think you, if Laura had been Petrarch's wife
He would have written sonnets all his life?

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© William Strode

See how the Rainbow in the skie
Seems gaudy through the Suns bright eye;
Harke how an Eccho answere makes,
Feele how a board is smooth'd with waxe,

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© William Strode

I hold as fayth
What Rome's Church sayth
Where the King's head,
That flock's misled

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Juventus Mundi

© Charles Kingsley

List a tale a fairy sent us

Fresh from dear Mundi Juventus.

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Judith Of Bethulia

© John Crowe Ransom

Beautiful as the flying legend of some leopard
She had not chosen yet her captain, nor Prince
Depositary to her flesh, and our defense;
A wandering beauty is a blade out of its scabbard.
You know how dangerous, gentlemen of threescore?
May you know it yet ten more.

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© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Soon between us rise to sight
Valleys cool, with bushes light,
Streams and meadows; next appear

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Joan of Arc

© Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Where spirits go, what man may know?
Yet this may of man be said:—
That, when Time is o'er and all hath sufficed,
Shall the world's chief Christ-fire rise to Christ
From the ashes of Joan the Maid.

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Jupiter And Fortune.

© Mary Barber

Enough--the Thunderer reply'd;
But say, whom have you satisfy'd?
These boasted Gifts are thine, I own;
But know, Content is mine alone.

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Johanna Sebus.

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

[To the memory of an excellent and beautiful
girl of 17, belonging to the village of Brienen, who perished on
the 13th of January, 1809, whilst giving help on the occasion of
the breaking up of the ice on the Rhine, and the bursting of the
dam of Cleverham.]

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© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Joy from that in type we borrow,
Which in life gives only sorrow.JOY.A DRAGON-FLY with beauteous wing
Is hov'ring o'er a silv'ry spring;
I watch its motions with delight,--