Poems begining by I
/ page 133 of 145 /In thy long Paradise of Light
© Emily Dickinson
In thy long Paradise of Light
No moment will there be
When I shall long for Earthly Play
And mortal Company --
In many and reportless places
© Emily Dickinson
In many and reportless places
We feel a Joy --
Reportless, also, but sincere as Nature
Or Deity --
In lands I never saw -- they say
© Emily Dickinson
In lands I never saw -- they say
Immortal Alps look down --
Whose Bonnets touch the firmament --
Whose Sandals touch the town --
In falling Timbers buried --
© Emily Dickinson
In falling Timbers buried --
There breathed a Man --
Outside -- the spades -- were plying --
The Lungs -- within --
Impossibility, like Wine
© Emily Dickinson
Impossibility, like Wine
Exhilarates the Man
Who tastes it; Possibility
Is flavorless -- Combine
Immured in Heaven!
© Emily Dickinson
Immured in Heaven!
What a Cell!
Let every Bondage be,
Thou sweetest of the Universe,
Like that which ravished thee!
Immortal is an ample word
© Emily Dickinson
Immortal is an ample word
When what we need is by
But when it leaves us for a time
'Tis a necessity.
Image of Light, Adieu --
© Emily Dickinson
Image of Light, Adieu --
Thanks for the interview --
So long -- so short --
Preceptor of the whole --
Coeval Cardinal --
Impart -- Depart --
If wrecked upon the Shoal of Thought
© Emily Dickinson
If wrecked upon the Shoal of Thought
How is it with the Sea?
The only Vessel that is shunned
Is safe -- Simplicity --
If What we could -- were what we would
© Emily Dickinson
If What we could -- were what we would --
Criterion -- be small --
It is the Ultimate of Talk --
The Impotence to Tell --
If the foolish, call them "flowers"
© Emily Dickinson
If the foolish, call them "flowers" --
Need the wiser, tell?
If the Savants "Classify" them
It is just as well!
If she had been the Mistletoe
© Emily Dickinson
If she had been the Mistletoe
And I had been the Rose --
How gay upon your table
My velvet life to close --
If my Bark sink
© Emily Dickinson
If my Bark sink
'Tis to another sea --
Mortality's Ground Floor
Is Immortality --
If it had no pencil
© Emily Dickinson
If it had no pencil
Would it try mine --
Worn -- now -- and dull -- sweet,
Writing much to thee.
If I'm lost -- now
© Emily Dickinson
If I'm lost -- now
That I was found --
Shall still my transport be --
That once -- on me -- those Jasper Gates
Blazed open -- suddenly --
If I may have it, when it's dead,
© Emily Dickinson
If I may have it, when it's dead,
I'll be contented -- so --
If just as soon as Breath is out
It shall belong to me --
If I could tell how glad I was
© Emily Dickinson
If I could tell how glad I was
I should not be so glad --
But when I cannot make the Force,
Nor mould it into Word,
If He were living -- dare I ask --
© Emily Dickinson
If He were living -- dare I ask --
And how if He be dead --
And so around the Words I went --
Of meeting them -- afraid --
If He dissolve -- then
© Emily Dickinson
If He dissolve -- then --
there is nothing -- more --
Eclipse -- at Midnight --
It was dark -- before --
If Blame be my side -- forfeit Me --
© Emily Dickinson
If Blame be my side -- forfeit Me --
But doom me not to forfeit Thee --
To forfeit Thee? The very name
Is sentence from Belief -- and House --