Health poems

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The Captains

© Henry Lawson

The Captains sailed in rotten ships, with often rotten crews,
Because their lands were ignorant and meaner than the ooze;
With money furnished them by Greed, or by ambition mean,
When they had crawled to some pig-faced, pig-hearted king or queen.

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Reflections Of King Hezekiah, In His Sickness

© Hannah More

"Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die." - Isaiah xxxviii.

What! and no more? - Is this, my soul, said I,

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© John Greenleaf Whittier

At morn I prayed, "I fain would see
How Three are One, and One is Three;
Read the dark riddle unto me."

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Song. "I am wearing away"

© Amelia Opie

I am wearing away like the snow in the sun,
I am wearing away from the pain in my heart;
But ne'er shall he know, who my peace has undone,
How bitter, how lasting, how deep is my smart.

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The Task: Book V. -- The Winter Morning Walk

© William Cowper

‘Tis morning; and the sun, with ruddy orb

Ascending, fires the horizon; while the clouds,

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The Suicide's Argument

© Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ere the birth of my life, if I wished it or no
No question was asked me--it could not be so!
If the life was the question, a thing sent to try
And to live on be YES; what can NO be? to die.

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God of Mercy, God of Grace

© Henry Francis Lyte

God of mercy, God of grace,
  Show the brightness of Thy face:
  Shine upon us, Saviour, shine,
  Fill Thy church with light Divine;
  And Thy saving health extend,
  Unto earth's remotest end.

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Mother Carey (As told Me by the Bo'sun)

© John Masefield

Mother Carey? She's the mother o' the witches

'N' all them sort o' rips;

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The Farmer's Ingle (english version)

© Robert Fergusson

Whan gloming grey out o'er the welkin keeks,

Whan Batie ca's his owsen to the byre,

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Sordello: Book the Second

© Robert Browning

  What next? The curtains see
Dividing! She is there; and presently
He will be there-the proper You, at length-
In your own cherished dress of grace and strength:
Most like, the very Boniface!

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The Wrist Watch Man

© Edgar Albert Guest

He is marching dusty highways and he's riding bitter trails,
His eyes are clear and shining and his muscles hard as nails.
He is wearing Yankee khaki and a healthy coat of tan,
And the chap that we are backing is the Wrist Watch Man.

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The Meeting

© John Greenleaf Whittier

The elder folks shook hands at last,

Down seat by seat the signal passed.

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Fragments Of An Unfinished Poem

© James Russell Lowell

I am a man of forty, sirs, a native of East Haddam,

And have some reason to surmise that I descend from Adam;

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Verses:Intended To Go With A Posset Dish To My Dear Little Goddaughter

© James Russell Lowell

In good old times, which means, you know,

The time men wasted long ago,

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To Marc Chagall

© Paul Eluard

Donkey or cow, cockerel or horse
On to the skin of a violin
A singing man a single bird
An agile dancer with his wife

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The Second Hymn Of Callimachus. To Apollo

© Matthew Prior

Hah! how the laurel, great Apollo's tree,

And all the cavern shakes! Far off, far off,

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Time's Defeat

© Wilcox Ella Wheeler

Time has made conquest of so many things
That once were mine. Swift-footed, eager youth
That ran to meet the years; bold brigand health,
That broke all laws of reason unafraid,
And laughed at talk of punishment. Close ties

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The Wrongs Of Africa: Part The Second

© William Roscoe

FAIR is this fertile spot, which God assign'd

As man's terrestrial home; where every charm

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He Struck Me!

© Edgar Albert Guest

HE struck me!

A man I scarce knew, 'though he had

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Ode to Health, 1730

© William Shenstone

O Health! capricious maid!
Why dost thou shun my peaceful bower,
Where I had hope to share thy power,
And bless thy lasting aid?