Good poems
/ page 53 of 545 /Sir Eldred Of The Bower : A Legendary Tale: In Two Parts
© Hannah More
There was a young and valiant Knight,
Sir Eldred was his name;
And never did a worthier wight
The rank of knighthood claim.
The Sparrow And The Hen
© Charles Lamb
A sparrow, when sparrows like parrots could speak,
Addressed an old hen who could talk like a jay:
Said he, "It's unjust that we sparrows must seek
Our food, when your family's fed every day.
Lamia. Part I
© John Keats
Upon a time, before the faery broods
Drove Nymph and Satyr from the prosperous woods,
A Christmas Eve Choral
© Bliss William Carman
What sound is this across the dark
While all the earth is sleeping? Hark!
Halleluja! Halleluja! Halleluja!
Epistle Of Condolence From A Slave-Lord To A Cotton-Lord
© Thomas Moore
Alas ! my dear friend, what a state of affairs !
How unjustly we both are despoil'd of our rights !
Not a pound of black flesh shall I leave to my heirs,
Nor must you any more work to death little whites.
In thankfull acknowledgment for the letters I received from my husband ovt of England.
© Anne Bradstreet
O thou that hear'st the Prayers of Thine,
And 'mongst them hast regarded Mine,
'The Seabolt's Volunteers'
© Henry Lawson
They towed the Seabolt down the stream,
And through the harbours mouth;
She spread her wings and sailed away
To seek the sunny South.
Little Mouse
© William Henry Drummond
An' it 's new cariole too, is come from St.
Jo-seph 's only buyin' it week before,
An' w'en he is passin' de road wit' hees trotter
Ev'ry body was stan' on de outside door.
For E. McC
© Ezra Pound
Gone as a gust of breath
Faith! no man tarrieth,
Se il cor ti manca, but it failed thee not!
'Non ti fidar, it is the sword that speaks
In me.
To My Good Master
© James Whitcomb Riley
In fancy, always, at thy desk, thrown wide,
Thy most betreasured books ranged neighborly--
© Ovid
But oh, I suppose she was ugly; she wasn't elegant;
I hadn't yearned for her often in my prayers.
Yet holding her I was limp, and nothing happened at all:
I just lay there, a disgraceful load for her bed.
At A Reading
© Thomas Bailey Aldrich
THE spare professor, grave and bald,
Began his paper. It was called,
I think, "A Brief Historic Glance
At Russia, Germany, and France."
The Drunken Father
© Robert Bloomfield
Poor Ellen married Andrew Hall,
Who dwells beside the moor,
Where yonder rose-tree shades the wall,
And woodbines grace the door.
Eclogue:--The Common A-Took In
© William Barnes
Good morn t'ye, John. How b'ye? how b'ye?
Zoo you be gwaïn to market, I do zee.
Why, you be quite a-lwoaded wi' your geese.
© Isabella Valancy Crawford
Shake, shake the earth with giant tread,
Thou red-maned Titian bold;
The Family Party
© Edgar Albert Guest
I SING the family party that once we used to know,
The old time family parties we gave so long ago,